Burial List


All the burials, memorials, transcriptions and images are available for any individual buried in the cemetery are listed here.

We have transcribed the available burial registers. Three books are held by the Berkshire Records office on behalf of Newbury Town Council, but the whereabouts of the remaining two are unknown and presumed lost.

We recently uncovered the Newbury Cemetery Company accounts, also held at the Berkshire Records Office, and are currently in the process of transcribing these with emphasis on the 'Missing years' from the burial registers.

Where is my relative buried?

Unfortunately, there are no existing records that tell us where everyone is buried. We only know the location of those people who have a headstone. We believe that the plot records were lost in a fire (probably at the same time as the missing ledgers).

The database of burials we have online is searchable by name or date, so feel free to search the database and view the information available and any biographies, pictures and other documents we have for an individual.

Help required

If you have any information about a person that is buried in the cemetery (or about the cemetery itself) we would be very pleased to hear from you. Credit is always given to the researcher and any photos or documents provided will be acknowledged.

Burials by Surname:
Monuments by Surname:
Monuments by Pattison Code:

List of people buried in the year 1937

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Date of Burial  
Sarah Alice Foss HARDING 01 January 1937  
Fanny COOK 02 January 1937  
George John SPICER 04 January 1937  
Ernest Henry HILL 11 January 1937  
Edith Annie FERRY 22 January 1937  
Mary Sophia MORTON 22 January 1937  
Martha Clara MOORE 30 January 1937  
Julia Caroline BRODIE 02 February 1937  
Clare LEWIS 06 February 1937  
George William LOVE 09 February 1937  
Jane CHURCH 10 February 1937  
Dorothy PETERS 10 February 1937  
Hannah DOWLING 16 February 1937  
Fanny TILLETT 17 February 1937  
John KNIGHT 23 February 1937  
James WICKENS 24 February 1937  
Jane HILL 26 February 1937  
Thomas COOK 01 March 1937  
Walter BAILEY 05 March 1937  
Charles Henry STRADLING 10 March 1937  
John SMART 19 March 1937  
William Charles HOLLISTER 02 April 1937  
Patrick HEANEY 03 April 1937  
Thomas NASH 08 April 1937  
Mary FRENCH 08 April 1937  
Rueben FREEMAN 13 April 1937  
Derek Beverley COCKELL 15 April 1937  
Mary Jane COOK 16 April 1937  
Kate BUTLER 24 April 1937  
Robert MARTIN 28 April 1937  
Vernon Cheesman KNIGHT 03 May 1937  
Blanche GERRARD 04 May 1937  
Mary WHITE 08 May 1937  
Harry HESTER 10 May 1937  
Emily BATT 01 June 1937  
Sidney HIEATT 07 June 1937  
Charlotte MARCHMENT 07 June 1937  
(Stillborn) MILLS 10 June 1937  
Emily LEADER 10 June 1937  
Eliza GREEN 11 June 1937  
Elizabeth Hannah LOVELOCK 21 June 1937  
Frederick PENN 23 June 1937  
Charles William Walter SIRED 26 June 1937  
(Stillborn) ASH 12 July 1937  
Annie Elizabeth CROCKER 12 July 1937  
Hugh Algernon BULLER 04 August 1937  
(Stillborn) TAYLOR 13 August 1937  
Ada Margaret WYNTER 25 August 1937  
Alfred PEARSON 31 August 1937  
Amy Frances DORRINGTON 03 September 1937  
Victor Charles William COOK 07 September 1937  
Sarah Emeline STILLMAN 07 September 1937 10 September 1937  
Caleb Henry MOTH 15 September 1937  
Lilley Jane CHANDLER 22 September 1937  
Sarah GARDNER 29 September 1937  
Ellen JENKINS 01 October 1937  
Mary Florence MANNING 04 October 1937  
John Henry DAVIS 12 October 1937  
Annie Elizabeth CHURCH 27 October 1937  
Donald James SNEATH 15 November 1937  
Mary Jane SEWARD 15 November 1937  
George David GREEN 21 November 1937  
Walter PARKER 01 December 1937  
Rosa Mary WINKWORTH 14 December 1937  
Emily NEW 14 December 1937  
Frederick George BUTCHER 24 December 1937  
William Thomas NOYES 29 December 1937  

© 2010-2023. Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery, unless otherwise stated.

Web site designed by Paul Thompson

The Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery is a not-for-profit organisation that works in association with Newbury Town Council to look after and maintain Newtown Road Cemetery for the benefit of the people of Newbury.

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