Personal Details of Charles William Walter Sired


Buried:  26/06/1937

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Charles William Walter Sired.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Charles William Walter Sired, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Charles William Walter Sired.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Charles William Walter Sired.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Charles William Walter Sired
Age at Death 50
Burial Date 26 June 1937
Abode 1 Highfield Road
Official at Burial D Dyson
Burial Register Index
Book 1917
Page Number 205
Reccord Number 11236
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Charles William Walter Sired
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  Kerbstone South Side: ILMO Charles SIRED who died June 22nd 1937 aged 50. / North side: Also his beloved wife Gladys May SIRED who died 24th April 1964 aged 70 years. / West side: Peace perfect peace.
Name on Memorial Charles Sired
Date of death 22/06/1937
Age 50
Gender Male
Memorial Type Kerbstones and flower pot
Construction Material Sandstone
Condition of memorial Reasonable, lead lettering
Pattison Location Code NCH (K)30
Others named on memorial
Gladys May Sired

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Charles William Walter Sired.

Charles William Walter Sired

Charles William Walter Sred

Gladys May Sired


Born 02/05/1893 St John Paddington.  Died 28/04/1964 41 Sidestrand Road Newbury.

Mother Adela Ellen Woon formerly Hack 31 South Street Paddington.  No father is mentioned on the birth certificate.

Adela Ellen Hack married Robert Woon (Butcher) 29/03/1891 10 Affleck Street Pentonville – Fathers Allen Henry Hack, Steward and John Woon (dec.) Coachman.

Allen Henry Hack b. 1838, Seaman Merchant Service, mother Jane Hack formerly Black (seamstress) married 21/10/1860 Shoreham Sussex.

Census 1891 shows Robert Woon (Butcher) and Adela Woon living in Clerkenwell London.  No children listed.  

Census 1901 shows Robert Woon born Jersey (Poulterer) living 1 Field View Cottages Hornsey Middx.  New wife Sarah plus three children.

Census 1911 shows Adela Woon living in Streatham occupation cook.

First Husband

Reginald George Horace Maynard b. 20/12/1893.  Married Gladys May 20/04/1915.  Mother Alice Hopkins and Father Reginald EA Maynard, newspaper reporter 10 Garrard Street Reading.  On marriage certificate it stated Father of Gladys as James North Butcher Odiham and Gladys as adopted daughter thus giving Gladys May North. This was later changed to Gladys May Davis Woon as no proof of adoption could be found.

Reginald died 04/11/1952 Chef at Reading hospital.

Son Douglas (my father) was born 20/10/1914 and registered as Douglas Maynard Woon.  No father shown on birth certificate.  Mother drapers’ assistant of Cemetery Hill Odiham.

Son Kenneth born 08/03/1920.

Second Husband

Charles William Walter Sired married on 27/04/1930, bachelor, telephone linesman.   Father Alfred James Sired , House decorator.  Charles address given as 49B Westgate Chichester, Gladys as Cemetery Hill, Odiham.  Charles died 26/06/1937.

Had one daughter Anne born 27/11/1930 who is still living and lives in West Sussex.




Author: Cristine Boston
© Christine Boston

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