Personal information about John William Randall

Below is all the information we have about John William Randall. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  John William RANDALL
  Pedestal and kerbs
  Limestone with engraved letters
  East face of pedestal: In Affectionate Memory of/ John William Randall/ who fell asleep/ ?/?/1863/ aged 56. "May the Lord ... Unreadable... Everlasting light." North face of pedestal: Also of Harriet, his wife/ who fell asleep ?/?/ 1888/ aged 79 years. (Quote unreadable) Sarah Elizabeth Randall/ daughter of the late John William and Harriet Randall/ died March 28th. 1917/ aged 78./ South face of pedestal: Alfred Judd/ died 13th. Feb. 1885/ aged 56.
  Poor, broken base and eroded script
    Script unreadable but taken from Mrs Pattison's record.
  17 May 2013
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

Harriet  RANDALL
Sarah Elizabeth RANDALL
Alfred JUDD

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

John William Randall
24 November 1863
Consecrated - Family Vault
Rev'd. J.L. Randall



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

John William Randall
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    07 March 1863
Copyright:    © Reading Mercury



NEWBURY. Celebration of the Prince of Wales' Marriage.—The Celebration Committee, with the Mayor at its head, have met almost daily during the past week, and have succeeded in nearly completing the arrangements for the dinner, &c. It is expected that the guests will number about 3,000, including adults and children.

The Procession will move in the following order at 11 a.m. in the London-road:

Superintendent of Police, and other police officers ; large banner; band; Schools, headed by their respective teachers —Free Grammar School, Newbury National School, Congregational Sunday School, Wesleyan School, Baptist Sunday School, Primitive Methodist Sunday School, Presbyterian Sunday School, Kendrick's, Kimber's, and Cowslad's Schools; large banner;the Jack of Newbury and Briton's Pride Lodges of Oddfellows; band, and member's bearing flags and insignia of offices; recruiting staff stationed at Newbury, with pensioners, soldiers on furlough, &c, &c. ; rural sports committee ;

Serjeants of mace ; his Worship the Mayor, J. W. Randall, Esq., magistrates, coroner, aldermen, councillors; town clerk, clerk of the peace, clerk to magistrates, auditors, assessors, and treasurer of the borough; the Ancient Order of Foresters ; band, and members bearing flags and insignia of offices ; the committee of management; drum and fife band; sons of burgesses, each with flag and rosette ; inhabitants of Newbury and Speenhamland, and benefit clubs.

The children will assemble at their respective schools at 10 o'clock, and go thence to the London-road, and form themselves into ranks, four deep, two small children being placed between two larger. The Odd Fellows and others forming part of the procession will meet in the Marsh, and fall in, in the regular order. When the Rural Sports Committee reach Mr. Bentall's shop (the commencement of the borough), the Mayor and magistrates, &c, will join and proceed Northbrook-street, over the Bridge into Bartholomew-street, over the Greenham Railway Bridge down St. Mary's Hill, into Cheap-street and the Market-place. When the Mayor, &c, &c, reach the Mansion-house, the Procession will disperse.

The children will again meet at their respective School-rooms, and the adults at the Corn Exchange, Mansion-house, &c.., where substantial Dinner will be provided for them at one o'clock precisely, after which parties can adjourn to the Marsh to witness the Rural Sports and Amusements.

lt is requested that all parties joining the Procession will appear with a Rosette of Coventry Ribbon, and the Mayor advises the general adoption of the practice on that day.

A grand display of Fireworks (if obtainable) will take place the Market-place, to commence at nine o'clock. A promenade concert will take place in the evening, the Corn Exchange.—We arc requested to state that both the banks in the town will be closed on Tuesday next. The inhabitants of Speenhamland have, like their neighbours in Newbury, raised liberal subscription, and intend dining their poor and the school children, numbering nearly 600, and will join in the procession with Newbury, accompanied by a first-rate band.

Removal of the Russian Gun.—This trophy of the Russian war after a sojourn of about four years tho t;oods (?) station, where lay greatly neglected, and exposed to all weathers, was actually removed on Friday afternoon amid acclamations of joy from the public, preceded by a drum and fife band, to Newbury Marsh, where it will announce its presence on the royal wedding day, and will discharge salutes every hour, in honour of the auspicious event.


This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
John William Randall
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    14 November 1863
Copyright:    © Reading Mercury



NEWBURY TOWN COUNCIL. ELECTION OF MAYOR. A meeting of the Newbury Town Council was held on Monday, when there were present—Aldermen Mason and Turner; and Councillors Cave, Deller, Fidler, Jackson, Keens, Lucas, Plenty, Ryott, Wilson, and Westcombe. The minutes of the last quarterly meeting having been read by the Town Clerk, Councillor Wilson said that before they proceeded with the business of the day, he wished to address to them a few marks, and felt convinced that the members would feel with him much regret at the circumstances which called for what wasabout to observe.

He had been requested his Worship the Mayor (who, he was sorry to say, was not so well that morning), to thank the members of the Council for the manner in which they had assisted him during his year of office, and he felt doubly grateful to the Magistrates for their co-operation with him on the Bench. His Worship made two or three attempts to write a letter expressing those sentiments, but he felt himself too ill to pen anything, and he (Councillor Wilson) feared the Mayor was sinking fast. He assured Council that it grieved him exceedingly to have to make that statement, because believed Mr. Randall to be most worthy man (hear, hear), and he entertained the hope, sometime since, that he would be spared, but now there was scarcely any prospect of his recovery.

Councillor Lucas said was sure there would be only one feeling experienced by the members, and that was of sympathy with the present Mayor, who had been for some time incapacitated by illness from business duties, and he (Councillor Lucas) was very sorry to hear that his Worship was still worse. The Mayor had always been very attentive and firm in the discharge of his duties, and the least the Council could do would be to pass an unanimous vote of thanks to him for the impartiality he displayed during his two years of office, and he would therefore move the following resolution: — "That a cordial vote of thanks be communicated to J. W. Randall, Esq., the Mayor, for the attention and firmness displayed by him in the discharge of the duties of his office during the past two years, and that the Town Clerk be instructed to convey the sympathy of the Corporation his present severe illness." (Hear, hear.)

Ald. Turner (who presided in the absence of the Mayor), fully agreed with Councillor Lucas's observations, and seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed to.

Election of mayor. ' Councillor Fidler inquired if it was now in order to proceed with the nomination of Mayor? Ald. Turner.—It was. Councillor Fidler.—Then he should beg to propose that the senior Councilman, Mr. Lucas, be elected Mayor of that Borough for the ensuing year. He did not wish it to be understood that it was simply on the ground of seniority that he proposed Mr. Lucas, or that every one, in regular order, should be elected as Mayor, because there were certain qualifications, absolutely necessary to fit a man for that office. It was necessary there should be an unblemished reputation, and he also thought that every person should bring into that office proper business qualifications for the right discharge of its duties. Now he believed they would all agree with him in saying that Mr. Lucas had been exceedingly attentive to his duties, and whoever was absent from the meetings Mr. Lucas was sure to be present, and as far he (Councillor Fidler) could judge, Mr. Lucas had made himself thoroughly acquainted with the various Corporate matters, and possessed those business qualities which were so desirable a person filling the office of Mayor. They knew that last year there was a difference of opinion about one or two questions, but he hoped that bygones would be bygones, and that the members would come to something like an unanimous vote in electing Mr. Lucas.

Councillor Westcombe seconded the motion on the ground of seniority, and they ought not to ignore that principle. He thought that, Councillor Fidler had remarked, bygones should be bygones. He had no idea of visiting sins in perpetuity, and hoped that whatever faults Councillor Lucas had been guilty of would be overlooked, and that he would be unanimously elected.

Alderman Mason proposed, as an amendment, that Councillor Plenty be elected Mayor for the year ensuing. The views he (Alderman Mason) held on this subject were so fully stated last year, that it was unnecessary to recall them to show why he adopted this course, and he would content himself by simply nominating Councillor Plenty. Councillor Jackson seconded the nomination, and remarked that Councillor Plenty brought into the Council amount of practical knowledge which had been very useful, and he had no doubt it would prove so in the future.

Alderman Turner said, he could not allow the present election to pass over without offering a word or two, because he thought that what took place last year called for some explanation. It would be in the recollection of the members that last year a great deal of feeling, and he might say angry feeling, was manifested, and much was said on that occasion detrimental to Councillor Lucas's interest. He felt it his duty to act as he did on that occasion, but he agreed they ought not to visit sins in perpetuity; and, having witnessed Councillor Lucas's conduct since that period, he now felt confidence him, and was disposed to support him for one thing, because he was the senior member. He had always been favour of that principle, although there were perhaps some occasions when they ought to depart from that rule. Still, he should give Councillor Lucas cordial vote.

In reply to a remark of Councillor Ryott, Ald. Mason said he would not withdraw his opposition. There was a principle involved in the matter, and to that principle he would stick, right or wrong.

The votes being taken, there appeared—For Councillor Lucas: Ald. Turner, and Councillors Cave, Deller, Fidler, Keens, and Westcombe. For Councillor Plenty: Alderman Mason and Councillors Jackson and Wilson. There being a question as to whether it was not necessary there should be a majority of the members present, Councillor Lucas recorded his vote in his own favour. Mr. Plenty did not vote, and Mr. Ryott left the room without voting. Councillor Lucas begged most sincerely to thank them for their kind consideration that day, and for the high compliment they had paid him. He assured them that his constant endeavour since he had been a member of the Council was to act impartially, uprightly, honestly, and sincerely, and at all times, to the best of his ability and judgment, he had done what he considered would promote the interests of the borough; and he should still consider it his duty to follow that course. (Hear, hear.) It could not be expected that in a Council composed of sixteen members, there would always be unanimity; but he could candidly say, he had never given factious vote. He was aware that the duties of the office to which they had elected him were onerous and very responsible, but he should endeavour to give satisfaction to the Council and credit to himself. He was not native of Newbury, still he yielded to one in desiring the welfare of the borough, and he trusted that, with the blessing of the Almighty, and the support of the members of the Corporation and Magistrates he should so fulfil his duties that, at the end of the term of office, he might leave the post unsullied and untainted by any act of his. He again thanked the Council for the confidence they had reposed in him. (Applause.)

The quarterly meetings were fixed to be held in the evening, on the second Tuesdays in January, April, July, and October.

Retirement of Alderman Mason. Alderman Mason said that when twelve months ago they elected him to fill the office of alderman it was with considerable amount of repugnance on his part. He hoped, however, if possible, to have fulfilled the duties; but since that period circumstances in connection with business matters had so increased upon him that he now felt compelled to tender his resignation. After being connected with the Corporation for about fourteen years was not without some painful feelings that his connection with the Council would be severed: but he felt that, for his own comfort's sake, and on account of the demands of business on his time, it was necessary to adopt the present course.

Alderman Turner said Alderman Mason's announcement came upon him quite by surprise, and he could only say for himself that he greatly regretted the decision Alderman Mason had arrived at. (Hear, hear.) The whole of the members would, too, he was certain, feel that in losing Alderman Mason they were sustaining a heavy loss. He would not suggest to Alderman Mason that he should reconsider the matter, because he believed he was not the person to alter determination he had deliberately come to; but he could assure Alderman Mason they all felt much regret at the announcement made.

Councillor Fidler observed that it was frequently found that those who had much to do were just the persons who could manage a little more, and he hoped Alderman Mason would reconsider the matter. Alderman Mason said he had not come to this determination without a considerable amount of anxious thought and attention. He hoped at one time that he should be enabled to meet the claims of the office he held, and also those of business; but he found such impossible, and he was therefore quite compelled to resign the post of alderman. Councillor Cave inquired what was the penalty for retiring ? Alderman Mason.—As Councillor Cave had mentioned the subject of penalty, he would state that he was prepared to pay whatever penalty the Corporation might think fit to impose upon him, after 12 or 14 years' service. [Alderman Mason then vacated his seat and left the council chamber. ] Councillor Cave then proposed that Alderman Mason's resignation be accepted, and that in consideration of his services the penalty should be remitted, if the Town Clerk was satisfied they could forego it. The Mayor-Elect said he had great pleasure in seconding the motion, which was unanimously carried.

After transacting a few matters connected with the Board of Health, the members separated.

John William Randall
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    21 November 1863
Copyright:    © Reading Mercury



Death of the Late Mayor, J. W. Randall, Esq.—lt is with feelings of the deepest regret that we announce this week death of the above esteemed gentleman at the age of 56. melancholy event took place on Wednesday morning last, at his residence, Northbrook-street. He had been suffering for a long time under a serious indisposition, but had attended to his various duties till very lately. The malady with which he was afflicted grew stronger, and for some weeks previous to his death he was not able to leave his home.

The deceased was first elected a member of the Town Council Nov. 1,1854, and chosen Mayor for two successive years. During the first year of his Mayoralty two important events took place which associate Mr. Randall's name with the prosperity of Newbury, viz., the opening the new Corn Exchange and the Railway Extension to Devizes. It was not the Council Board only that he was useful to his fellow townsmen, for he was a man of highly liberal views, and all parties received his ready assistance; his remarks when presiding at public meetings were always listened to with the greatest attention. Mr. Randall was a trustee of the municipal charities and proctor of St. Bartholomew's Charity. A widow and family of four children are deprived of their guardian and dearest friend.

Newbury Town Council. Last evening (Friday), special meeting was held. There were present: J. H. Lucas, Esq., Mayor; Aldermen Flint, Hickman, and Turner; and Councillors Cave, Deller, Dolton, Fidler, Jackson, Keens, Plenty, Wilson, and Westcombe.—The Mayor reported Mr. Mason's resignation as alderman.—Alderman Hickman proposed, and the Mayor seconded the motion, that the thanks of the Council be tendered to him for his valuable services as member of the Board. It was carried unanimously.—Mr. Deller said, as the senior Councillor, he had much pleasure in proposing Mr. Jackson to fill the vacant seat.—Mr. Cave seconded the motion, and it was unanimously adopted.—Mr. Jackson thanked the Council for appointing him, and said he feared he should not be able to fill Mr. Mason's place so ably as he had done; but he hoped they would find that their confidence had not been misplaced.

Alderman Hickman stated that the funeral of the late Mayor would take place on Tuesday next, and the Town Council might join the procession, opposite the New Church, and accompany the corpse to the cemetery.

The two vacancies In the Council, occasioned by the death of the late Mayor, and Mr. Jackson's appointment as Alderman, are to be filled up on Tuesday week.

John William Randall
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    28 November 1863
Copyright:    © Reading Mercury



Funeral of the late J. W. Randall, Esq. —The mortal remains of the above named gentleman were conveyed to their final resting-place, on Tuesday last. As the mournful cortege passed the Mansion-house, it was joined by the Mayor and Town Council, the Town Clerk, also other gentlemen holding official positions, and headed by the mace bearers, carrying the mace draped with mourning, proceeded to the Cemetery. The corpse was then met at the entrance of the Chapel by the Rector, who commenced reading the Burial Service: " am the Resurrection and the Life," saith the Lord, " he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." The service was read in a most impressive manner.

As mark of respect to the deceased, nearly the whole of the shops were partially closed whilst the solemn funeral rites were being performed.

The Town Council. —The two vacancies in the Town Council severally caused by the appointment of Mr. Jackson as Alderman, and the death of Mr. Randall, will be filled up by the elections of Mr. Samuel Flint and Mr. Thos. Simmons, on Tuesday next, without opposition.


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