Personal information about Henry  Flint

Below is all the information we have about Henry  Flint. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Henry  Flint
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge
Age at death:
Date of burial:
   08 November 1909
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   11 Northbrook Street, Newbury
Burial register information:
Book number: 1899
Page number: 178
Record number: 8618
Official at burial:
   F W Clarke
Source of information:
  Burial Register
* This entry is awaiting verification.

Memorial Details

  Henry FLINT
  02 November 1909
  Chest Tomb with Iron railings
  Sandstone with engraved letters
  East face of chest: In Loving Remembrance of/ Henry Flint/ who died Jany 25th. 1879/ aged 71 years. "He giveth His beloved sleep". / North face of chest, middle panel: In Remembrance of Edith/ fourth daughter of John and Grace Flint/ died Decr. 26th 1881/ aged 10 years. North face of chest, right hand panel: In Remembrance of Annie Paxton/ eldest daughter of/ John & Grace Flint/ died Aug. 6th.1883/ aged 16 years. North face of chest, left hand panel: *Henry Flint/ Died Feb 10th 1875/ aged 2 months./ South face of chest, left hand panel: In Loving Remembrance of/ Henry Flint/ second son of the late Alderman Flint/ died Nov. 2nd 1909 aged 61 years. South face of chest, middle panel: In Loving Remembrance of/ Muriel Gordon/ infant daughter of John & Grace Flint/ died March 25th 1885 aged 2 months. South face of chest, right hand panel: In Loving Remembrance of Mary Ann Flint/ widow of the late/ Henry Flint/of St. Mary's Hill, Newbury/ who died Jan. 19th. 1886/ aged 76 years./ North face of top coping stone: In Loving Memory of/ John Lee Flint/ who died March 14th 1927 aged 54/ Also of Mary Flint who died May 26th. 1927 aged 56/ Son and daughter of John & Grace Flint./ In Loving Memory of/ Grace Flint/ beloved wife of/ John Flint, J.P. who died Oct 13th. 1936/ aged 92. South face of top coping stone: In Loving Memory of / William Henry Flint/ who died Sept. 19th. 1947 aged 71/ In Loving memory of/ Grace Darling Flint/ second daughter of John & Grace Flint/ who passed away May 1st. 1921./ "Underneath are the Everlasting Arms". / East face of coping stone: In Loving Remembrance of John Flint/ who passed away July 7th. 1920/ aged 77 years./ "Peace perfect peace".
  Fair, some faces eroded
    * Name of Henry Flint who died Feb 1875, aged 2 months, derived from burial records due to excessive erosion on tomb.
  02 April 2013
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

Muriel Gordon Flint
Mary Ann FLINT
John Lee FLINT
William Henry FLINT
Grace Darling FLINT



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Henry Flint
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and Mrs Pattison
Date of source:    11 November 1909
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News







The decease of Mr. Henry Flint took place on Nov. 2, at 10, Northbrook-street, the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. George Wintle. The deceased was the younger son of the late Alderman H. Flint, J.P. who was Mayor of the borough in 1859-60.


Trained as an architect, Mr. Flint practised in Newbury, but for many years he has been an invalid.


The funeral took place on Friday at the Cemetery, in the family vault. The coffin was of polished oak with brass fittings, the plate being inscribed:



Died Tuesday, November 2, 1909

Aged 61 years.


The Rev. F.W. Clarke officiated, and the mourners were Mr. and Mrs. John Flint, Mr. Henry Flint, Mr. G. Wintle, Mr. G. Wintle, junior.


There follows a list of those who sent wreaths.


Newbury Weekly News 11 November 1909


Mrs. P. p. 18 W95 also gives names of others of family.

Buried 8 November 1909 Bk 1899 p.178 No. 8618

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

No documents available at this time.

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*The FNRC believe that the certificates published on this page have been added in compliance with the rules laid down by the General Register Office (GRO).Click here for more information.
If you believe that we may have inadvertently breached the privacy of a living person by publishing any document, pleasecontact usso we can immediately remove the certificate and investigate further.
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Website designed and maintained by Paul Thompson on behalf of the Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery.

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