Personal information about Henry Flint
Below is all the information we have about Henry Flint. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.
Burial Information
Name on burial register: |
Henry Flint |
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge |
Age at death: |
71 |
Date of burial: |
31 January 1879 |
Abode at death:
(according to burial register) |
Newbury |
Burial register information: |
Book number: |
1868 |
Page number: |
190 |
Record number: |
3916 |
Official at burial: |
George Howe. |
Source of information: |
Burial Register |
* This entry is awaiting verification. |
Memorial Details
Henry FLINT |
25 January 1879 |
71 |
Chest Tomb with Iron railings |
Sandstone with engraved letters |
East face of chest: In Loving Remembrance of/ Henry Flint/ who died Jany 25th. 1879/ aged 71 years. "He giveth His beloved sleep". / North face of chest, middle panel: In Remembrance of Edith/ fourth daughter of John and Grace Flint/ died Decr. 26th 1881/ aged 10 years. North face of chest, right hand panel: In Remembrance of Annie Paxton/ eldest daughter of/ John & Grace Flint/ died Aug. 6th.1883/ aged 16 years. North face of chest, left hand panel: *Henry Flint/ Died Feb 10th 1875/ aged 2 months./ South face of chest, left hand panel: In Loving Remembrance of/ Henry Flint/ second son of the late Alderman Flint/ died Nov. 2nd 1909 aged 61 years. South face of chest, middle panel: In Loving Remembrance of/ Muriel Gordon/ infant daughter of John & Grace Flint/ died March 25th 1885 aged 2 months. South face of chest, right hand panel: In Loving Remembrance of Mary Ann Flint/ widow of the late/ Henry Flint/of St. Mary's Hill, Newbury/ who died Jan. 19th. 1886/ aged 76 years./ North face of top coping stone: In Loving Memory of/ John Lee Flint/ who died March 14th 1927 aged 54/ Also of Mary Flint who died May 26th. 1927 aged 56/ Son and daughter of John & Grace Flint./ In Loving Memory of/ Grace Flint/ beloved wife of/ John Flint, J.P. who died Oct 13th. 1936/ aged 92. South face of top coping stone: In Loving Memory of / William Henry Flint/ who died Sept. 19th. 1947 aged 71/ In Loving memory of/ Grace Darling Flint/ second daughter of John & Grace Flint/ who passed away May 1st. 1921./ "Underneath are the Everlasting Arms". / East face of coping stone: In Loving Remembrance of John Flint/ who passed away July 7th. 1920/ aged 77 years./ "Peace perfect peace".
Fair, some faces eroded |
W95 |
* Name of Henry Flint who died Feb 1875, aged 2 months, derived from burial records due to excessive erosion on tomb.
02 April 2013 |
DL |
Click here for more information on this memorial. |
Other people list on this memorial
Muriel Gordon Flint
Mary Ann FLINT
John Lee FLINT
William Henry FLINT
Grace Darling FLINT
Obituaries and Newspaper announcements
Henry Flint |
Article source: |
Newbury Weekly News 30 January and 6 February 1879 |
Date of source: |
30 January 1879 |
Copyright: |
© Newbury Weekly News |
THE LATE MR HENRY FLINT, J.P. On Friday last the remains of Mr. Henry Flint were conveyed to the Newbury Cemetery, and there deposited in the presence of many sorrowing friends. The day was bitterly cold,, but this did not prevent a large gathering which assembled in St. Mary's Hill to witness the placing of the coffin, which was polished oak with brass furniture, in the hearse. This was followed by several mourning carriages, and preceded by a number of tradesmen and others, including the Mayor, Borough Magistrates, Town Clerk, Trustees of the Municipal and Pearce's Charities, the Head Master of the Grammar School, and Members of the Corporation.
On reaching the Cemetery gates the procession divided and stood bareheaded while the body was carried between their ranks, followed by the mourners. The chapel was too small to accommodate all who were in attendance. Portions of scripture were read by the Rev. G. Howe, pastor of the Newbury Baptist Church, who also prayed, after which a short addressed was delivered by the Rev. Joseph Drew of Margate, and formerly of Newbury. Mr Drew said they were told by the wise man that there was a time to be born and a time to die. The individual had no control over the time of his birth, and it was possible that with our death we had as little control in fixing its time and place. In the course of further remarks Mr. Drew observed that he was not there to extol the dead, but as far as their friend followed his Saviour he asked them to imitate him.
The coffin was then borne from the chapel and, together with two beautiful wreaths, placed in a brick grave, under the west wall of the Cemetery, prayer being offered being offered by Mr. Drew and the benediction given by Mr. Howe; after which many passed to take a parting farewell of all that was mortal of an old familiar, loved and respected friend. This was scarcely over when the workmen proceeded to brick up the vault. No hat bands were worn; the funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. Joseph Hopson, Mr Wintle being the undertaker.
An Account Of The Sermon Given At The Baptist Chapel By The Rev. J. Drew The Following Sunday Then Follows.
At The End Of The Newspaper Account, Referring To The Sentiments Of The Sermon W. F. Writes
W.F. Everybody will corroborate your able and truthful remarks on the character, public and private, of the good man just deceased; but you omitted to mention that the late Mr. Henry Flint, for some of his early years manhood repaired every Sunday afternoon in his father's horse and gig to North Hants, and took a prominent part in conducting religious services among the local Baptist Communities. Gentle and intelligent, he was always of a serious turn of mind; but he ever practised what he preached; indeed his whole life was marked by a high and pure morality. And he testified how Christianity had conserved and directed his every duty as an enlightened citizen, husband, parent, friend. |
Henry Flint |
Article source: |
Newbury Weekly News |
Date of source: |
30 January 1879 |
Copyright: |
© Newbury Weekly News |
The late Mr. Henry Flint, J.P. We have to record with sincere regret the death of Mr. Henry Flint, J.P., which took place on Saturday evening, about half-past ten, at his residence in St Mary's-hill, in his seventy-second year. The health of Mr. Flint had been failing for some time past, but the illness which led to a fatal termination was of less than a week's duration. Mr. Flint having attended divine worship at the Baptist Chapel only on the Sunday morning previously.
Mr. Flint had been identified with the borough during the whole period of a lengthened lifetime. He successfully conducted the business of coal merchant, in which he is succeeded by his eldest son, who for some time has been in partnership with his father. The deceased, too, was for many years a member of the Town Council, and was elected Mayor in 1859, and subsequently Alderman, which office he resigned about four years since from advancing age and declining health. Mr. Flint was also a borough magistrate, and continued to sit on the Bench to within a few weeks of his death. He was, moreover, a Trustee of the Municipal Charities, also of Coxedd's and Pearce's Charities, for many years treasurer of the Boys' British School, trustee of the Building Society from its commencement, and vice-president of the Literary Institution.
Brought thus in a public capacity into contact with a large number of people, he exercised considerable influence which was always used in the interest of philanthropy and religion, and for the welfare of his neighbours, by whom he was held in the highest respect. In his magisterial duties, his administration of the law was ever marked with equity and forbearance, combined with firm and well-timed reproof where necessary. His great aim was to be useful, and many will recall the many acts of kindness shown on their behalf.
In his character he was courteous, benevolent, and genial, and though holding decided political and religious convictions as a Liberal and Nonconformist, these were never suffered to interfere with that amiability of disposition which secured for him universal respect, including those holding entirely opposite opinions. By his family, as well as the Baptist Church in Newbury, of which he had been a member 53 years, and a deacon over 40 years, his loss will be especially felt.
The funeral will take place at the Cemetery to-morrow (Friday), to leave the house at two o'clock. The Trustees of the Municipal Charities, as well as the Borough Magistrates, have intimated their intention of following the deceased, and will no doubt be joined by many of the inhabitants to whom he had been intimately known. The funeral sermon will be preached at the Baptist Chapel on Sunday evening.
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Pictures and photographs
Henry Flint
Mayor of Newbury 1859 and 1860
©Picture kindly supplied by Newbury Town Council.
Henry Flint
Biographies & History
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