Personal Details of William Walter (Waller?) Kimber


Buried:  21/05/1938

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on William Walter (Waller?) Kimber.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on William Walter (Waller?) Kimber, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of William Walter (Waller?) Kimber.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of William Walter (Waller?) Kimber.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death William Waller Kimber
Age at Death 84
Burial Date 21 May 1938
Abode 13 Enborne Road
Official at Burial W L Cooper
Comments Mrs p page 116 LN(D)1
Burial Register Index
Book 1917
Page Number 211
Reccord Number 11286
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for William Walter (Waller?) Kimber
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  Headstone: ILMO / William Waller KIMBER / who died Jan. 6th 1898 / aged 75 years. / Also of Betsey KIMBER / wife of the above / who died July 8th 1900 / aged 75 years. / Rest in Peace. / Also of Sarah Elizabeth KIMBER / who fell asleep 19th Jan. 1938 / aged 84 years. / Also of William Waller KIMBER / beloved husband of the above / who fell asleep 16th May 1938 / aged 84 years. / "Passing in Faith to a happy reunion". / With all our love.
Name on Memorial William Waller KIMBER
Date of death 16/05/1938
Age 84
Gender Male
Memorial Type Large H/stone + 4x Cornerstone + stone vase
Construction Material Stone
Condition of memorial Very good condition. Engraved
Pattison Location Code LN(D) 1
Others named on memorial
William Waller KIMBER
Sarah Elizabeth KIMBER

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

William Walter Kimber
Source: Newbury Weekly News and BMD
Article date: 26/05/1938
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News




One of the oldest members of the Weaver’s Company, Mr William Walter Kimber, of Enborne Road, Newbury, was laid to rest on Saturday in the Newtown Road cemetery

Mr Kimber was never a weaver, having been employed as a storekeeper at Messrs.Elliotts’ Moulding Works.  Afterwards he was taken on for light work by Newbury Corporation, but by being able to claim a weaver amongst his ancestor

rs he has been a member of the Weavers’ Company for 63 years.

He held the office of beadle and his father, who died just over 40 years ago, held the same office for many years.  He was employed for a long period by Mr.Farrow of the Bridge,and was an occupant of one of the old Pearce’s and Weaver’s Almhouses in West Mills.

When the new houses were erected in the Enborne Road, he moved there and his son lived in the same house.  The funeral took place on Saturday, the first part of the service being at Newbury Parish Church.  The Rector (Canon W.L.Cooper) officiated.


Newbury Weekly News 26 May 1938 (repeated 23 May 2013)


Births June Q 1855 Newbury 2c 313 as William Walter

Death aged 84 June Q 1938 Newbury 2c 1938 as William Waller

Marriage June Q 1878 Newbury 2c 425 to Sarah Elizabeth Dennis (born Hungerford Dec Q 1853) as William Waller Kimber she died and buried 22 Jan 1938

Lived 13 Enborne Road, Newbury


  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about William Walter (Waller?) Kimber.

William Wailer Kimber (1855-1938)

William Wailer Kimber (1855-1938)


He was born in 1855, the eldest son of William Wailer Kimber and Betsy (nee Whale). By the 1871 census, aged 16 years, he was serving his apprenticeship in carpentry. He married Sarah Elizabeth Dennis in 1878 in Newbury. In the 1881 census he is recorded living at Northcroft Lane and working as a Grocer's Assistant, possibly helping out at the time of his father's retirement. Their first born son William Wailer Kimber was born in 1881 and died a few months later. By 1891 he has returned to carpentry and they now have three children; Frederick (born 1883), Ellen (born 1886) and Ernest 10 months old. James Elliott, a Machinist, aged 22 years, was boarding with them. They continued to live in Northcroft Lane and their daughter Bertha was born in 1893. By 1911 they had moved to 7 Carnarvon Terrace, West Street, and he was still working as a works' Joiner. Ernest Edward and Bertha were working and living with them and a niece, Edith Burningham, was visiting.
He died aged 84 years on 16 May 1938 and was buried on 21 May 1938 alongside his wife Sara Elizabeth and his parents William Waller and Betsy Kimber.
Sources: Birth Index 2Q 1855; Marriage Index 20 1878; 1881 to 1911 Census; Death Index June 1938.
Mrs. P. Code LA(D) 1 Page 116
Note: The middle name Wailer is sometimes recorded as Walter. However research has come across a number of references to William Kimber (b. 1675 Newbury) who married in 1704 Sarah Waller (b.1674 Newbury) which may well explain that Waller is a family name.

Author: D Duff

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