Personal information about Arthur George Wyllie

Please note that this person is not acutally buried in Newtown Road Cemetery, but is remembered here on a Family grave or memorial.

Below is all the information we have about Arthur George Wyllie. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

War Memorial

Arthur George Wyllie is not buried in Newtown Road Cemetery.
However a war memorial was erected by family members so that they could honour the memory of their loved one who was killed overseas in the service of their country.

Arthur George Wyllie
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Memorial Details

  Arthur George Wyllie
  23 June 1917
  Four kerbstones
  Limestone with inlaid letters
  South kerbstone: In Loving Memory of Georgina Wyllie who died Nov. 20th. 1900 aged 32 years./ Also her son Arthur George, killed in action June 23rd. 1917 aged 21, buried at Rouen./ North kerbstone: Also R. Gill Wyllie, M.B.C.M. Died May 12th. 1943 aged 78./ "Peace perfect peace."
    Includes memorial to Arthur George Wyllie, killed in action, who is buried in Rouen.
  14 March 2013
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

Georgina WYLLIE



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    28 June 1917
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News



Last week was recorded the sad news that Corpl Arthur Wyllie, the second son of Dr R.G.Wyllie was in hospital at Rouen. Unfortunately on Monday morning a wire was received from Rouen saying that he had died from his wounds. He was a bomber attached to the Worcestershire Regiment and took part in the recent successful advance. He was badly wounded with a broken leg and a severe wound on his thigh. On June 15 he was well enough to write a cheery letter to his family at home, but on June 21 a letter was received from the Matron of the Hospital saying he was dangerously ill, and the wound in his thigh would not heal up. On Monday morning a wire was received in Newbury to say he had died from his wounds. A letter written on Friday, afterwards arrived stating that the wound was very much worse, and that the leg was amputated above the knee. Those are all the details received by his friends of the wound and subsequent death. His brother, Wilfred, who is in the Red Cross Service at Boulogne was going to see him on Saturday, and it was hoped that he was able to arrive in time. Arthur Wyllie was 21 last March, and his death is a great blow to his father and sisters. Before the war he was employed by Messrs Day and Porter. He was educated at the Newbury Grammar School, and was generally liked, being a quiet unobtrusive youth, who was a great favourite with his friends. He joined up at the beginning of the war in the Berks Yeomanry, and specialised in bombing. He went abroad last year, and gained his stripes for meritorious service.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

No documents available at this time.

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