Personal Details of Tom Harry Walker


Born:  1878
Died:  14/10/1900

Please note that this person is not acutally buried in Newtown Road Cemetery, but is remembered here on a family grave or memorial.

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Tom Harry Walker.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Tom Harry Walker, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Tom Harry Walker.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Tom Harry Walker.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register

There is no burial register information available for Tom Harry Walker.
Only three of the five burial register books still exist as far as we know and these are held at the Berkshire Record Office.
Stillborn children were not recorded in the burial register, only in the cemetery accounts.

Memorial Details
  Headstone: In loving memory / of / Annie / wife of Henry Walker / who died at Oxford May 23rd 1899 / aged 52 years / Peace perfect peace / Also of the following children / who died at Leamington / Edgar Percy aged 16 months / Hannah Elizabeth 6 months / Ernest 1 month / Jesus called a little child unto Him / Also of Tom Harry 3rd son of above / who died at Middleburg, South Africa while serving as a Volunteer Royal Berks. Regt. / Oct 14th 1900 aged 22 years / He fought the good fight he kept the faith . Thy will be done / Also of Lucy Meadows / sister of the above and widow of / Martin Meadows of Holbeach Lincs / who died May 14th 1933 / aged 84 years / In death united. Footstone unreadable.
Name on Memorial Tom Harry Walker
Date of death 14/10/1900
Age 22
Gender Male
Memorial Type Large Headstone and Footstone
Construction Material Marble
Condition of memorial Reasonable condition, slight lean, readable. Foostone unreable most of the lettering has gone, it is positioned far into the ground.
Pattison Location Code NCH(H)12
Others named on memorial
Annie  Walker
Lucy Meadows
Edgar Percy Walker
Hannah Elizabeth Walker
Ernest Walker

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

Tom Harry Walker
Source: NWN
Article date: 18/10/1900

The sad intelligence appeared in the casualty list of yesterday's papers stating that he died on Sunday at Middleburg of enteric. Tom Walker will be remembered by his schoolfellows of this town as  a popular and cheery chum. After leaving school he went to the Newbury Post Office. whence he was removed to Wokiogham. Whilst there be joined the Volunteers, and when the war broke out and volunteers were wanted, he offered to serve in the Company which was formed to join the 2nd Berks. already out at the front. He had been through some fighting. but at last succumbed to enteric. The case is rendered all the more sad by the fact that the bereaved father was looking forward to the return of his two sons—for there is another son In the same Company —near Christmas time, and knew nothing of the illness till picking up the newspaper yesterday.


Tom had written 2 letters home which were published in the NWN  -  see below

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Pictures and photographs

The pictures below are all linked with Tom Harry Walker.
Click an image to show an enlarged version of it.

Tom Walkers letter in NWN 17 May 1900

Tom Walker's letter to the NWN 24 May 1900

Biographical Information

There is no biographical information available for Tom Harry Walker. If you have any information that could help us, please contact the History Research Group.

*The FNRC believe that the certificates published on this page have been added in compliance with the rules laid down by the General Register Office (GRO). Click here for more information.
If you believe that we may have inadvertently breached the privacy of a living person by publishing any document, please contact us so we can immediately remove the certificate and investigate further.
Thank you.

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Web site designed by Paul Thompson

The Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery is a not-for-profit organisation that works in association with Newbury Town Council to look after and maintain Newtown Road Cemetery for the benefit of the people of Newbury.

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