Personal Details of James Porteus Jackson


Buried:  01/10/1906

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on James Porteus Jackson.

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There is no information in our database regarding the death of James Porteus Jackson.

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Burial Register
Name at death James Porteus Jackson
Age at Death 89
Burial Date 01 October 1906
Abode Genesta, West Hill Road,
Official at Burial R Wickhamlegg
Burial Register Index
Book 1899
Page Number 125
Reccord Number 8195
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for James Porteus Jackson
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  East face of tomb: In Loving Memory of/ Ellen, wife of / James Porteus Jackson/ who died at Eastbourne/ July 15th. 1892/ aged 70 years. "Her end was peace." / Also of/ James Porteus Jackson/ who died at Bournemouth/ Sept 26th. 1906/aged 89 years. North face of tomb, left panel: In Memory of/ James Porteus son of James Porteus and Maria Elizabeth Jackson/ who died April 23rd. 1861/ aged 21 years. Also of John/ son of the above/ who died Oct.15th. 1868/ aged 20 years/ And of Frederick his twin brother/ who was drowned at sea Oct. 17th/ 1870 aged 22 years. North face of tomb, middle panel: Also of/ Henry son of / James Porteous and/ Ellen Jackson/ who died Nov.17th 1865/ aged 13 years./ And of Walter James/ son of the above/ who died Dec. 25th. 1870/ aged 7 years. South face of tomb, right panel: In Loving Memory of Laura Susan/ daughter of James Porteous and Ellen Jackson/ who died at Chester/ Nov.24th.1892/ aged 37 years and was buried at Eastham, Cheshire. "When thou liest down thou shall not be afraid, yea thou/ shall lie down and thy sleep/ shall be sweet.” South face of tomb, middle panel: In Loving Memory of/ Emma/ daughter of James Porteus and Maria Elizabeth Jackson/ died August 2nd. 1906/ aged 61 years.
Name on Memorial James Porteous JACKSON
Date of death 26/09/1906
Age 89
Gender Male
Memorial Type Chest tomb
Construction Material Sandstone with engraved text
Condition of memorial Poor much of script is eroded
Pattison Location Code W141
Recorder's Notes 1. Text in red was missing from tomb but script was obtained from Mrs Pattison's book. 2. There are memorials to Frederick Jackson who drowned at sea and to Ellen Jackson who died and was buried in Cheshire.
Others named on memorial
Walter James JACKSON

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

James Porteous Jackson
Source: Reading Mercury
Article date: 21/10/1848
Copyright: Reading Mercury

"On the 17th inst., deeply lamented, Maria, wife of Mr. Jas. Jackson, ironmonger, Newbury, aged 31 years."

Source: Newbury Weekly News
Article date:
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News

The funeral of the late Alderman Jackson, J.P., whose death occurred on Wednesday week, at Bournemouth, as reported in our last issue, took place on Monday afternoon, when the large attendance of representative public men testi­fied to the respect and esteem entertained for the venerable alderman, who for over sixty years had been actively identified with the public life of the borough. The body, enclosed in a coffin of polished oak was conveyed by train from Bournemouth to Newbury and taken direct to the church of St John the Evangelist, in which the deceased had during the latter days of his life been a regular worshiper. The funeral service was fixed for a quarter past three, and there was a large congregation present, the seating arrangements being superintended by Mr Churchwarden Haldane.

Prior to the service, Miss Charters, who was at the organ, played appropriate selections, including Chopin’s “Funeral March," and two preludes by the same composer. The vicar (Rev. R. Wickham Legg) conducted the service in impressive manner. The body, in the coffin covered with flowers, was placed at the chancel steps, with the mace bearers, the maces draped with crape, standing sentinel at the head and foot. As the body was borne out of church, the organist played the “Dead March in “Saul”. The procession to the Cemetery was a long one. First the body, followed by the bereaved relatives; then the mace-bearers pre­ceding the Mayor, wearing his gold chain enveloped in crape, the aldermen, councillors, borough officials, borough magistrates, and mem­bers of the Board of Guardians, personal friends and townsmen generally. The interment took place in the vault, where rest other members of the alderman’s family.

The mourners were Mr. Arthur Jackson (son), Mrs. Dick. Mr Bruce Jackson, Mrs Wells Jackson, Mr Porteus Jackson, Mr Bruce Jackson, grandchildren; Mrs. Charles Jackson, Mrs Wells Jackson, Mr C. Strong, Miss Wilson, Miss F Wilson, Miss Hodgetts, Miss Plenty, Miss Eliza Bevis and Mr. Sydney Bevis, the two latter having been faithful servants for fourteen years. The Corporation was represented by the Mayor (Mr. Richard Hickman), Aldermen R. Ravenor and R. Long, J. P., Councillors S. Knight J.P., A. Jackson, J.P., E. Harris, J. Rankin J.P., W. E. Lewendon, J.P., F. C. Hopson, J. Stradling, T.H. Pratt, E. Gould, T. W. Turner, S.Knight, jun., and C. A. Hawker; Mr. F. Q. Louth (town clerk), Mr. John Mason (borough auditor). Mr. F. Comyns (Museum curator), Mr. S. J. Lee Vincent (borough surveyor), Mr. H. Pratt (Corn Exchange manager), Mr. Thomas Stillman (attendance officer).

The Borough Magistrates, In addition to those who are members of the Corporation, included Dr. Watson (Borough Coroner), Mr. Stephen Hemsted, Mr. F. J. Coldicutt, and Mr. W.Skinner.
Newbury Board of Guardians was represented by Mr. Richard Beynon (chairman), Miss Talbot, Mr. Hannibal Hill, Mr. C. Darrell, Mr. Stanley V. Pinninger (clerk), Mr. W. Church (Sanitary Inspector), Mr. A. J. Rawlins (relieving officer. Mr. Joseph Adey attended on behalf of the Newbury Steam Laundry Company. There was also present the Rector of Newbury (Rev. Lionel Majendie), the Mayoress of Newbury (Mrs Hickman), Rev. Oliver Slocock, Rev. C. B. Johnson, Rev. F. E. Overton, Rev. A. N. Acheson, Messrs. D. R. Jones, Edward Somerset, W. H. Pitman, E. L. Staples, W. Edwards, John Parker, J. F. Haldane. W. J. Brothers, J. W. H. Kemp, F. H. Stillman, J. S. Herbert, Edgar Stillman, A Floyd, F. Pocock, W. J. Dike, Miss Simmons, Mrs. Walter Penford, Miss Hodgetts, Miss F. Harrold, etc.

The Berkshire Constabulary sent a deputation of seven constables and two officers (Sergts. llott and Langman).

The floral tributes included those from the following: Mr. Arthur Jackson, Mr. P. Wells Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Jackson (New York), Mr. and Mrs. P. Wells Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Jackson (Armour, S. Dakota), Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson Dick, Mr. J. Porteus Jackson and Miss Louie Kington, Mrs. Charles Jackson and Mr. A. B. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson (Cairo), Mary Ethel; the Misses A. and F. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Gurney, Miss Hodgetts. Miss Florence Cox, Mr. and Mrs. G. Green, Elizabeth and Sydney, etc.

The coffin plate was inscribed: —

Died 26th September, 1906,
Aged 89.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Penford and Son, Newbury.

At the Parish Church on Sunday evening, the rector referred to the death of Alderman Jackson, "who for 27 years was faithful warden of the church during the most critical period if its history.” Mr. Liddle played the “Dead March,” the congregation standing. Subse­quently, Mr. Liddle gave a very fine rendering of Guilmant’s impressive “Funeral March.'’

Before the commencement of the usual busi­ness at the Newbury Board of Guardians on Tuesday, the chairman (Mr. R. Beynon) alluded to the death of the late Alderman Jackson, and suggested that they should instruct the clerk to convey a message of sympathy with the family. The Chairman went on to say that although Mr. Jackson was not a member of the Board when he died, he had been a Guardian for about twelve years. He thought so much of his duties as Guardian that he never missed a meeting except through ill-health, or absence from home. He (the chairman) was sure that it would be the unanimous wish of the Board that a message of sympathy in their bereave­ment be sent to the family. The motion was carried sub. silentio.

At the Borough Police Court on Friday Morning, Mr. F. J. Coldicutt, presiding, said he felt sure he was voicing not only his own feelings, but those of his brother justices and the townspeople generally, when he expressed their regret at the death of Alderman Jackson, who had sat on that bench for a lengthened period, and had filled other im­portant offices in the borough. Deceased had attained a great age, and throughout his life had proved himself a worthy citizen, straightforward, and honourable in all his dealings.

Mr. Jackson would be very much missed, and the magistrates desired to express their sincere sympathy with the surviving members of their late colleague’s family.

DEATH of Alderman Jackson
Source: NWN
Article date: 04/10/1906

The death of Alderman Jackson removes one more of the few links which connect us with the Newbury of the past. He was one of the old school that has played so prominent a part in the history of the borough during the last half-century. Time was when there was a trio of townsmen neighbours in the whose influence in local matters was all-powerful—John Hawe Mason, Joseph Frederick Hickman and James Porteus Jackson. What they thought, said and did was the important consideration, and their support was sought whenever schemes and projects were on hand. Of the three the first-named alone now remains, and he has retired from the public arena, although the other Sunday morning he surprised the congregation at the Wesleyan Church by walking to his accustomed seat as of yore. There are two or three other venerable townsmen still in a condition of activity, in spite of their great age, namely, Thomas Fidler, who is nimble although he is ninety; David Rogers Jones, who has probably attended more funerals than any other man in Newbury: and Charles Webb, who is as cheerful as ever and a veritable storehouse of reminiscences.


It is customary when a vacancy occurs in the aldermanic ranks to elect the senior councillor, and if this course is followed, as there is not a shadow of doubt it will, the honour will be conferred upon Councillor Stephen Knight. Certainly none is more deserving of aldermanic rank, which will come as the reward of zealous devotion to the public service, not only in the Council Chamber. but in numerous other departments of civil and ecclesiastical circles.

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Pictures and photographs

The pictures below are all linked with James Porteus Jackson.
Click an image to show an enlarged version of it.

James Porteous Jackson

Jackson Grave

Jackson shop

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about James Porteus Jackson.

James Porteus Jackson

Notes from Mike Jackson, who lives in Jersey (Gt. Gt. Gd. son of James Porteus Jackson (mayor of Newbury in 1857))

He explains that he has some family graves in the Newtown road cemetery.

There is a Jackson vault on the west side numbered W141. When he last visited 10 years ago it was starting to 'spall' but he made a note of the inscriptions.  His  great, great grandfather James Porteous Jackson (mayor of Newbury in 1857) and several of his children are the principal occupants.

Ch 8(a) holds his great grandfather Charles Jackson died 1883 aged 36 and his wife Mary,

P(1) holds Alice Jackson wife of his grandfather’s brother Herbert

and Ch 4 (e) holds Maria Darling, his great grandmother's mother.

There are other Jacksons reposing in the St.Nicholas churchyard and they're the previous generations.

Mike has a suspicion that the ironmongery business was sold after my great grandfather Charles Jackson died at an early age of 36 in 1883. He appeared to be running the business and in his will he decreed that his affairs be administered by trustees. He presumes it wasn't considered appropriate for his widow to be running an ironmongery! (

It became an ironmongers run by Edwards and Godding -  see photo  (it is now Cancer Research)

Mike  recalls his late grandmother recounting that Charles died of consumption after being put in a damp bed in Germany presumably on business. 

NB  There were 2 Jacksons in Newbury the other being Alfred Jackson. For a while they lived next door to each other in houses in St John's Road.

Both were Mayors.  

Alfred's shop was about 2/3 doors away from the town hall on the market side in what was  about 30 years ago was Daniels shop. It then became La Stada Restaurant. Strangely, these 2 shops are almost next to each other with just one shop separating them  Mike has never found a connection with his Jackson side and Alfred Jackson to date but it almost seems as though there should be!

Author: Mike Jackson

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