Personal Details of Elizabeth Joynson


Buried:  29/11/1926

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Elizabeth Joynson.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Elizabeth Joynson, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Elizabeth Joynson.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Elizabeth Joynson.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Elizabeth Joynson
Age at Death 86
Burial Date 29 November 1926
Abode 35 Filey Road
Official at Burial L.R. Majendie (Rector)
Burial Register Index
Book 1917
Page Number 111
Reccord Number 10485
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Elizabeth Joynson
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  "On W kerb slope: In Loving Memory of / On S kerb slope: Elizabeth Joynson, died Nov 24th 1926 aged 86. Also of Mary King, died June 14th 1928 aged 74.// On E kerb slope: Rest in Peace// On N kerb slope: Also of George S. King died July 14th 1951 aged 86.//"
Date of death 24/11/1926
Age 86
Gender Female
Memorial Type Kerbstones
Construction Material Limestone
Condition of memorial Kerbstones with grass centre
Pattison Location Code Ch11
Others named on memorial

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

Elizabeth Joynson
Source: Newbury Weekly News
Article date: 09/12/1926
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News


              A Well-known Personage

The death has occurred of rs Elizabeth Joynson in her 86th year. She lived in Kennet road for a period of 70 years, and during a large portion of that time was well known to the younger generation as the maker and seller of a variety of sweetstuff which was wholesome, cheap and abundant.   They were generally known as “Forty a penny” and had been the speciality of her father before her. any processions of children on their way from Sunday School to church were tempted to stray in search of sweets to eat during the sermon, and it isto be feared some succumbed. 

The late Mrs Joynson was a cheery soul and kept her cottage in spotless comfort.  She had a welcome word for passers-by and ready to give a helping hand to her neighbours.  She spent her closing days with her daughter in Reading, where she died.


  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Elizabeth Joynson.

Elizabeth Joynson c1840-1926

Elizabeth Joynson


Elizabeth was born in Thatcham Berkshire, the daughter of John and Hannah Whiting (nee Alderidge/Aldridge) who were married on the 23rd April 1837 at St Mary’s Church Thatcham.

Her father John was baptised on the 18th September 1808 in Thatcham, Berkshire, the son of Joseph and Sarah Whiting (nee Rowlan) who were married on the 20th December 1808 at St Nicolas Church Newbury (surname recorded as Whiteing). John died aged 73 in 1880, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 23rd January.

Her mother Hannah was baptised in 1813 in Inkpen Berkshire, the daughter of William and Susan Alderidge (nee Curr) who were married in Inkpen in 1811 (Susan was recorded as Susanna). Hannah died aged 78 in 1896, she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 8th April.

John and Hannah also had the following children:
Joseph born 1837 in Thatcham

Henry John born c1839 in Newbury

Sarah born 1842 in Thatcham

Susan born 1844 (died aged 1 in 1845, name at death recorded as Sussanna, buried at St Mary Thatcham on the 31st July as Susannah aged 11 months)

Rebecca 1846 in Newbury

Thomas c1848 in Newbury

Mary Ann born 1853 in Newbury

In 1851 Elizabeth (10) was living in Shaw Lane, Newbury with her parents and siblings, her father was recorded as a Sugar Boiler.

Elizabeth gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth, who was baptised on the 24th January 1858 at St Nicolas Church Newbury.

In 1861 Elizabeth (21) was working as a Shoe Binder, she was still living at home (now in West Mills, Newbury) with her parents John (53) a Sugar Boiler and Hannah (47), her siblings Henry (22) a Baker, Rebecca (15), Thomas (13), Mary (7) and her daughter Betsey (4) (Elizabeth).

Elizabeth also had an illegitimate son, James, he was baptised on the 20th November 1861 at St Nicolas Church Newbury. James died aged 3+, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 21st September 1865 (surname recorded as Whiteing in NRC Accounts Book).

Elizabeth married Charles Thomas Cox in 1863 (marriage registered in Newbury)

(Charles was born c1833 in Kintbury the son of Charles Thomas and Sarah Cox (nee Seymour/Seymore) who were married on the 4th May 1833 at St Mary Kintbury).

Elizabeth and Charles had a daughter Sarah Ann, born 5th February 1868, she was baptised on the 3rd May 1868 at St Nicolas Church Newbury. Charles was recorded as a Labourer on the baptism record.

Elizabeth was widowed in 1870 Charles Thomas Cox died aged 35 (death registered in Camberwell)

Both of Elizabeth’s daughters Elizabeth Whiting (14) and Sarah Ann Cox (3) were recorded as Inmates in the Newbury Workhouse in the 1871 census (no record of Elizabeth found).

Elizabeth remarried in 1872, her 2nd husband was Frederick Joynson (marriage registered in Wycombe)

Frederick was born c1829 in Downley Buckinghamshire.

In 1881 Elizabeth and Frederick, a Chair Maker, were living in West Mills, Newbury. Her daughter Sarah Cox (13) was recorded (on the same census page) as a scholar, living with her widowed grandmother Hannah Whiting (65) and her uncle, Henry Whiting (42), a Baker.

The 1891 census records Elizabeth (50) as a Sugar Boiler, living in Kennet Road, Newbury with Frederick (62) a Hawker, her widowed mother Hannah Whiting (72) and her brother Henry (52) a Baker.

Elizabeth, Frederick and her brother Henry were still living in Kennet Road, Newbury in 1901. Frederick was a self-employed Umbrella Repairer and Henry was working as a General Labourer.

The 1911 census again records all three living in Kennet Road, Newbury. Frederick and Henry were both recorded as Retired.

Elizabeth was widowed in 1912, Frederick died aged 83, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 1st January 1913.

Elizabeth died aged 86 on the 24th November 1926 at 35 Filey Road Reading (the home of her married daughter Sarah Ann O’Callaghan), her body was brought back to Newbury and she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 29th November.

 (Mary King (1854-1928) and her husband George Samuel King (1865-1951) are also mentioned on Elizabeth’s headstone. George was Elizabeth’s nephew, the son of her sister Sarah who married David King in 1864)


Author: C Gambles

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