Personal Details of Charles Pike


Buried:  21/04/1934

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Charles Pike.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Charles Pike, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Charles Pike.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Charles Pike.

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Burial Register
Name at death Charles Pike
Age at Death 75
Burial Date 21 April 1934
Abode 4 Shrewsbury Terrace
Official at Burial G. Glandfield
Burial Register Index
Book 1917
Page Number 179
Reccord Number 11028
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Charles Pike
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  Headstone: In Loving Memory of / Charles Pike / who died July 18th.1900 /aged 75 years. / His end was peace. / Also of Mary, / wife of the above / who died March 14th 1915 / aged 80 years. / Peace, perfect peace. / Also of / Charles Pike / who died April 18th. 1934 / aged 75 years. // Footstone: C.P. / 1900 / M.P. / 1915 C.P. / 1934 //
Name on Memorial Charles  PIKE
Date of death 18/04/1934
Age 75
Gender Male
Memorial Type Headstone & footstone
Construction Material Sandstone. Engraved.
Condition of memorial Headstone & footstone laid flat & partially buried.
Pattison Location Code ZZ11
Recorder's Notes Head & Footstones AT RISK of being buried. Charles, a Brewer's Drayman, b. in St Mary Bourne, & Mary, b. Hurstbourne Tarrant, lived in Berkeley Rd & died at 3 Church Almshouses; Charles Jnr, a bricklayer's labourer, at 4 Shrewsbury Tce.
Others named on memorial
Charles  PIKE

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

Source: NWN
Article date: 26/04/1934



The funeral of Mr. Charles Pike, of 4, Shrewsbury-terrace, Buckingham Road, Newbury, took place on Saturday at the Old Cemetery. Mr. Pike who was 75 years of age, was for many years in the employ of Messrs. Chivers, and was well-known in the town.

The service was conducted by the Rev. G. Glandfield, minister of the Weslyan Church.

The mourners were Mrs. Pike (widow), Mr. A.J.Pike (son), Mrs. A. Benham and Mrs. C. Cooper (daughters), Mr. W. Pike and Mr. A. Pike (brothers), Mrs. W. Pike (sister-in-law), Mrs. A.J. Pike (daughter-in-law), Mr. C. Cooper (son-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Hill, Mr. And Mrs. H. J. Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hill, Mr. E.H.Hill, and Mr. K. Willis, Mrs.C. Hancock, Master E. Hill and Miss G. Hill (grandchildren), Mrs. M. Benham and Mrs. Scott and Joan.

There were a number of wreaths.

Newbury Weekly News 26 April 1934 Mrs. P. p.99 ZZ11 Book 1917 no. 11028
Buried 21 April 1934 

Also Charles Pike died 18 July 1900 aged 75

and Mary his wife died 14 March 1915 aged 80

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Charles Pike.

Charles Pike (1859 —1934)

Charles Pike (1859 —1934)
Charles was born in 1859 in Newbury, the son of Charles and Mary, nee Day, Pike. L He was recorded with his parents Charles and Mary, sister Harriet aged 4 and brother George aged 1 at 1 Stillman Yard ( ff Bartholomew Street) in Newbury in the 1861 census, Charles senior was recorded as a brewer's. Ten years later in the 1871 census Charles was still living with his parents and seven siblings in S i ans Yard. Charles senior was still a brewer's labourer.

In the 1881 census Charles was recorded with his parents, brothers Harry aged 19 and James 16, sister Ellen aged 12 plus two nephews Alfred aged 10 and Albert aged 5 living at Westfields in Newbury. Charles senior was a brewer's labourer and Charles a bricklayer's labourer.
Ten years later in the 1891 census Charles was recorded with his parents, brother William and nephews Alfred and Albert living at 11 Berkeley Terrace in Newbury. Charles senior was a brewer's drayman and Charles a bricklayer.
Charles married a widow Hannah Hill, nee Day, in 1897 in Newbury. Hannah was born 19 March 1859 in Eastbury near Lambourn, the daughter of Charles and Mary, nee Gilbert, Day. She was recorded with her parents and siblings in Eastbury in the 1861 census and in Lambourn in the 1871 census. She married Henry Hill in Hungerford district in 1880 and Henry had died 11 June 1896.
In the 1901 census Charles and Hannah were living at 4 Shrewsbury Terrace with six of Hannah's children with Henry and a daughter of their own May aged 10 months. Charles was recorded as a bricklayer's labourer.
Charles and Hannah were still living at 4 Shrewsbury Terrace in the 1911 census along with three iof Hannah's children with Henry Hill (Frederick aged 27, Henry John aged 19 & Sidney Frank aged 15) and three of their own, Edith May aged 10, Evelyn Annie aged 8 and Arthur James aged 6. Charles was recorded as a bricklayer's labourer.

Charles died April 1934 while still living at 4 Shrewsbury Terrace and was buried at Newtown Road Cemetery on 21 April 1934.
Hannah died 16 February 1941 while living at 16 Southdown Road in Newbury and was buried at Shaw Cemetery on 19 February 1941.

Charles's parents were also buried at Newtown Road Cemetery, his father Charles on 21 July 1900 and his mother Mary on 18 March 1915.

Author: B Sylvester

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