Personal information about Henry Newbury

Below is all the information we have about Henry Newbury. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Henry Newbery
03 August 1864
Consecrated - Common Interment
Rev'd. J.L. Randall
FreeBMD Lists Surname as Newbury



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Henry Newbury
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    06 August 1864
Copyright:    © Reading Mercury




SUDDEN DEATH.-On Monday last, an inquest was held in the Magistrates’ Room, before Joseph Bunny Esq., the Borough Coroner, on view of the body of Henry Newbury, aged 33, who died suddenly on Sunday morning. It appeared that the deceased had been discharged, about 18 months since, from the 76th Regiment, as unfit for service, and since he had been home his health had generally been indifferent. He was at work on Saturday, and went to bed that night in about his usual health. At a quarter before three o’clock on Sunday morning his wife found him taken suddenly ill. She got up and called Mr Wm. Walter Kimber, a near neighbour, and when they got upstairs they found him quite dead. P C Fulbrook, hearing Mrs Newbury’s call, went upstairs and saw that the deceased was a corpse. Several of the jury thought that as no medical gentleman had seen the deceased they were rather in the dark as to the cause of death. The Coroner observed that he thought the jury would have little difficulty in the case, but if they were not satisfied with the evidence he would adjourn the inquest, for the purpose of having a post mortem examination of the body. After some further consideration, the jury expressed themselves satisfied, and returned a verdict that death was caused by disease of the heart and lungs.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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