Personal information about George Stillman

Below is all the information we have about George Stillman. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

George Stillman
02 March 1864
Consecrated - Private Grave
Rev'd. J.L. Randall



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

George Stillman
Article source:    Berkshire Chronicle
Date of source:    05 March 1864
Copyright:    © Berkshire Chronicle




Our obituary contains the death of Mr. George Stillman, who was parish clerk of St. Nicholas church, Newbury for years. The deceased was well known, and much respected. fulfilled the office with much satisfaction, and will be much missed.

His remains were consigned to their last resting place, on Wednesday last, when the bells rang muffled peal out of respect his memory.

05 March 1864: Berkshire Chronicle

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
George Stillman
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    05 March 1864
Copyright:    © Reading Mercury




The funeral of the late Mr. George Stillman, clerk at Newbury Church, took place on Wednesday last at the Cemetery. The hearse was followed by two mourning coaches, containing his seven sons; one other son, who had resided in India for some time, was returning home, but died at Calcutta about two months ago.

As the mournful cortege passed through the town, muffled peals were rung from St. Nicholas Tower. The deceased held the office of Apparitor under three succeeding bishops.

Reading Mercury - Saturday 05 March 1864

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
George Stillman
Article source:    NWN - Our thanks to local historian, David Peacock, for drawing this to our attention.
Date of source:    03 March 1927
Copyright:    © NWN



From the Local Chit-Chat column of the Newbury Weekly News, 3rd March, 1927

This month and year marks the centenary of the Stillman family's official association with theParishChurch. Four generations have successively held the position of parish clerk, which in later years appears to have lapsed in actual appointment, and is now designated as vestry clerk and verger. In former times it was an important office, carrying a freehold vote, and involving responsible duties. The occupants of the office have been:-

1827-1864: George Stillman
1864-1881: John Redford Stillman
1881-1910: John Edgar Stillman
1911- ..... : William George Stillman

George Stillman, who was a typical old parish clerk of the venerable order, was born in 1795, being the grandson of Shute Stillman, who was married inNewburyParishChurchin 1762. George was apparitor to Dr. Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford, and travelled the diocese with him, the wand which he carried being still in the possession of the family. George was factotum to Dr. Binney during his Rectorate, and his sonorous responses were quite impressive.

John Stillman, who succeeded in 1864, was well-known in local life, and particularly in connection with Christ's Hospital in the days when the scholars were elected by the Vestry. John was well informed as to the pedigree of West Kindred, and supplied them with particulars necessary to qualify for election to the school or for pensions.
John was a Freemason and Hearts of Oak member.
One of his recreations was to fatten crayfish in the mill-tail, and despatch to Sweeting'sLondonrestaurant, where they were regarded as great delicacies.
At his death in 1881 he was succeeded bu his son Edgar, and on his retirement, the appointment went to William George, a grandson of George and an oldChristHospitalboy. He is still in possession, carrying on the traditions of the family which for a hundred years has been so closely linked with the parish church.

George Stillman's brother Thomas emigrated to theUnited States, and there founded an American family, which has made much money and some amount of fame. The Newbury representatives have never yet been successful in establishing the connection sufficiently to share in the millions, and have had to earn their own livings.
Newbury has always been the home of the family, although the name is to be seen here and there in various parts of the country, where the family have carried it in search of fortune.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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