Personal information about Joseph Wright

Below is all the information we have about Joseph Wright. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Joseph Wright
30 December 1857
Consecrated Ground - Private Grave
Rev'd. J.L. Randall



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Suicide Joseph Wright
Article source:    Berkshire chronicle
Date of source:    02 January 1858
Copyright:    © 




The following newspaper report appeared in the Berkshire Chronicle dated 2nd January 1858

Suicide: - An inquest was held on Saturday last, before J Bunny Esq., borough coroner, on view of the body of Mr Joseph Wright, hair dresser, Market-place, who hung himself to the bedstead on the night previous. The particulars will be found in the following evidence:

Elizabeth Hatt said the deceased was her brother. He underwent an operation of the bladder about 30 years ago. He quite recovered from that, and enjoyed good health until last July. In consequence of a long walk and going into a damp room he had a recurrence of the disease.  He had medical advice and went to St George’s Hospital about six weeks ago, but he became worse, and was sent home as incurable. Since his return from the hospital he had been much weaker, and frequently not sensible from severe pain. Yesterday he was in great pain and insensible. At half-past nine o’clock last evening, by the desire of the deceased, his wife and witness left him. Witness returned to his room in about 20 minutes. On entering the room she found the deceased suspended by a silk handkerchief round the neck to the curtain rod of the bedstead at the foot of the bed. She thought he was standing there and asked him how he came to walk round there; but he made no answer, and she found that he was hung. She immediately ran downstairs, got a knife, and cut him down. Mr Bunny attended, and also Mr Rand, who administered galvanism. The deceased was 61 years of age. – Mr Joseph Rand, optician, Market-place, deposed that last evening, about ten o’clock, he received an urgent message that Mrs Wright wished to see him. On going in he was informed that Mr Wright had hung himself. He immediately placed a cloth dipped in hot water over his chest, and went for his galvanic apparatus. He kept up the influence of galvanism for more than half an hour without any result beyond producing contortions of the muscles of the face. The jury returned a verdict that “Deceased hung himself, being at the time in an unsound state of mind.” Mr Rand was much commended for the manner in which he acted.



This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    20 March 1858
Copyright:    © 




The following article appeared in the Reading Mercury dated 20th March 1858




MR C W DOE is instructed to Sell by Auction, on the premises, on Monday 22nd March 1858, at Elvene o’clock, without reserve, the whole of the USEFUL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, STOCK IN TRADE, STUFFED BIRDS, SHOP and HOUSE FIXTURES and EFFECTS, late the property of Mr Joseph Wright, deceased.

The Household Furniture consists of mahogany table, chairs, sofa, Turkey and other carpet, bedsteads with furnitures, feather beds and bedding chests of drawers, tables a 14-gallon copper, and a useful assortment of goods..

The Stock-in-Trade comprises combs and brushes, perfumery, razors and other cutlery, cricket bats and balls, dolls of all kinds, fishing tackle, stationery, and a large assortment of toys of all descriptions, and about thirty cases of stuffed birds.

For the convenience of purchases, the sale of stock-in trade will take place in the evening, commencing punctually at five o’clock.

Catalogues at the Place of Sale, and of the Auctioneer, Newbury



This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Inquest before Joseph Bunny
Article source:   
Date of source:    02 January 1858
Copyright:    © 



Inquest before Joseph Bunny Esq. at the public office. -  On saturday evening last, the first was held on the body of Mr Joseph Wright, hairdresser, marketplace.  It appeared that the deceased had been unwell for a long time and on Christmas Day he terminated his existence by putting a silk handkerchief around his neck and attaching it to the curtain rod of his bed; on that evening about 9:00 o'clock, the deceased desired his wife to leave the room and when Mrs Wright returned which was in about 20 minutes, she found our husband suspended as above described. After the examination of Hannah Breeze and Mr Joseph Rand, the jury returned their verdict "that the deceased, Joseph Wright, hung himself being at the time in an unsound state of mind". The deceased was 61 years of age

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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