Personal information about Sander Wilson

Below is all the information we have about Sander Wilson. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  Sander Wilson
  25 December 1855
  Headstone and footstone
  Headstone: STMO/ Sander WILSON / who died Dec . 25th. 1855 / aged 38 years. /“In life respected, in death lamented.” Footstone: S W 1855
  Reasonable. Footstone in front of headstone
  18 August 2015
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Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Sander Wilson
29 December 1855
Consecrated Ground - Private Grave
Rev'd. H.T. White



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Sander Wilson
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    29 December 1855
Copyright:    © Reading Mercury


 In our obituary, this week, will be seen the announcement of the death of Mr. Sander Wilson, governor of the Newbury Union. He had, for a period of nearly seven years, most efficiently discharged the onerous duties of his office, not only with credit to himself, but to the entire satisfaction of the guardians and rate payers of the union. The aged inmates also express their regret at the loss of one whose urbanity and kindness towards them tended much to alleviate their misfortunes. 
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Sander Wilson
Article source:    Berkshire Chronicle
Date of source:    29 December 1855
Copyright:    © Berkshire Chronicle


Dec. 25, Mr. Sander Wilson, aged 89 (sic*), upwards of 7 years Governor of Newbury Union, much respected and sincerely regretted.

*He was 38/9
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Sander Wilson
Article source:    Berkshire Chronicle
Date of source:    05 January 1856
Copyright:    © Berkshire Chronicle


NEWBURY UNION. Sir, —Public men being public property their acts are at all times open to censure or praise ; and, though it too frequently happens that personal feelings lead to sad disappointment, sometimes the result is of the most praiseworthy kind; and the occasion of this letter is to call your attention to acts lately performed which reflects much honour on the gentlemen who, constituting the Board of Guardians, have been actuated by the most kindly feelings the arrangement consequent upon the death of the late much lamented Mr. Sander Wilson, the master of the Newbury Union-house, and I think it becomes the office of public journalist to record so charitable act. The business of the house and the duties of master and matron having been performed by the late Mr. Wilson and his now widow so much to the satisfaction of the board, and in consideration of the family she has to support, the board have most kindly consented to permit Mrs. Wilson to continue her office for the next three months ; and from the duties of master having been performed by the schoolmaster (Mr. Bury), they have requested him to undertake that office until a new master and matron be elected. From the high estimation in which Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were held by the board, it is to be hoped that she will have further claim upon their sympathies, and that they will be able to make arrangements to continue her in the office she now holds, thereby enabling her still to support large family with respectability. I am, Sir, yours, &c., Constant Reader. Newbury, Jan. 3d, 1856. 
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Sander Wilson
Article source:    Mrs Pattison CH18 (G)
Date of source:    23 April 2019
Copyright:    © FNRC


SANDER WILSON - Grave Inscription

Sacred to the memory of 
who died Dec. 25th. 1855
aged 38 years
In life respected, in death lamented
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Pictures and photographs

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Death Cert Sander Wilson
Death Cert Sander Wilson


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