Personal information about Elizabeth Burningham

Below is all the information we have about Elizabeth Burningham. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Elizabeth Burningham
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge
Age at death:
Date of burial:
   20 February 1929
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   60 Queen's Road, Newbury
Burial register information:
Book number: 1917
Page number: 132
Record number: 10654
Official at burial:
   L.R. Majendie (Rector)
Source of information:
  Burial Register

Memorial Details

  Elizabeth Burningham
  17 February 1929
  ILMO / JAMES BURNINGHAM who died 29th May 1900 aged 67 years. Also of ELIZABETH his wife who passed away 17th Feb. 1929 in her 90th year. / C.W. BURNINGHAM born Aug 24th 1863 died March 29th 1950 /" Jesus said . . . . . ))
  01 January 1980
  Mrs Pattison
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Other people list on this memorial

James Burningham
Charles William Burningham



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Elizabeth Burningham
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and Mrs Pattison
Date of source:    21 February 1929
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News










A much respected Newburian, well-known to a large number of townspeople for considerably more than half-a-century, has been removed in the death of Nurse Elizabeth Burningham, who passed peacefully away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Winterbourne, in Queen’s-road, on Sunday morning.  She was taken ill on April 30th last when living at Kimber’s Almshouses, a house she had occupied for 24 years, and had since been bedridden.  In November last she attained her 89th birthday, and it was with considerable reluctance that, but a month or two ago, she surrendered occupancy of the house, in which she had loved to talk with old friends.  Nurse Burningham was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chitty, and was born at Halstead, near Godalming.  Her husband was Mr. James Burningham, who predeased her 29 years ago.  They had eleven children, two boys and nine girls.  One son and four daughters survive.


Sixty-five years have passed since Nurse Burningham came to Newbury, and for forty of these she lived an active life, devoting herself assiduously to her nursing duties and gaining the affection, esteem and gratitude of all classes of the community.  She had a kindly heart, a skilful and, an indefatigable spirit, and a ministering cheerfulness, and on her retirement in 1904 no less than 1,500 people subscribed to present her with tokens of the regard and recognition of faithful service well and truly rendered.  Besides her innumerable midwifery calls, in the earlier years before there was a District Hospital.  Nurse Burningham had to attend operations and post-mortem examinations.


The presentation in 1904 were made at a largely supported meeting held in the Town Hall under the presidency of the then Mayer (Councillor W.E. Lewendon and they consisted of a marble clock, suitably inscribed accompanied by a cheque for ^69 2s. 7d., and a list of the subscribers, handsomely bound in blue morocco, with the inscription reading: “Presented to Nurse Burningham by 1,500 inhabitants to Nurse Burningham by1,500 inhabitants of the town and district of Newbury as a mark of appreciation felt by them for a life of self-sacrifice devoted to the relief of the sick and suffering – October, 1904”.  The mayor also gave Nurse Burningham a full size portrait of himself in his civic robes.  The grateful recipient of the gifts made a characteristic reply and produced from her familiar black bag a baby – an inanimate one- which she handed to the Mayor amid great cheering, and on leaving the building she drove home in a miniature brougham, which had been presented to her by a grateful patient whose life she had been largely instrumental in saving, a proud and happy woman.




Undoubtedly, the funeral of Nurse Burningham produced one of the most spontaneous expressions of esteem and gratitude every seen in the ancient parish church of Newbury.  It was not a civic gathering, nor an assemblage of the light and leading of Newbury.  No societies nor associations were presented by deputations of members.  It was merely a gathering of townspeople, most middle-aged women, who came out of the fullness of their hearts to pay their last token of respect to one who had helped them in the time of trouble, and had been more than a friend to them.  Those present numbered over two hundred, and there was no doubt in the solemnity of the occasion of the great respect in which the deceased lady had been held by all.  The occasion was not one for demonstrative grief, but evidently memory of former kindnesses caused many eyes to dim as the solemn words of the burial service brought to the minds of all the loss of a friend.


The Rector, the Rev. L.R. Majendie, before the reading of the Epistle, spoke a few words to those present.  He said they had all assembled that afternoon to do honour to the memory of a kind friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Burningham.  She one who was greatly respected and well thought of by all with whom she came in contact, principally for her devotion to her work and duty, and her great kindness to all.  Many people in that church had received many kindnesses from her in her work.  She had never received any special training, but she was a skilful and capable nurse.  He had seen much of her during the last few years in her almshouse and she was most grateful to God for all her mercies to her and was indeed truly grateful for any kindness extended.  She was one who had served her God and her neighbour fatefully and well during her long life of 90 years, and she had died full of days and greatly resected, and they had all come to honour her.  It would be well if all of them were able to look back on a life of usefulness such as Nurse Burningham’s had been.


The interment was in the Newtown-road Cemetery in the grave in which her husband was buried 29 years ago.


The mourners were: Mr. C. Burningham (son), Mrs. T Few (daughter), Mr. and Mrs. G. Winterbourne (daughter and son-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Hucker (daughter and son-in-law0, Mrs. F. Purton, Miss Edith Burningham, Mr. Tom Burningham, Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wilson (grandchildren), Mrs. Cummins and Mrs. Stevens.


This article concludes with a list of those who sent floral tributes.




Such was the familiar title with which Nurse Burningham, whose death is announced this week, was known to hundreds of mothers in Newbury and the district.  She had “assisted” at the birth of most of the present generation of Newburians, and had an intimate acquaintance with families, large and small, and always displayed a maternal interest in their upbringing.  Mrs. Burningham was a type of the old-time midwife, who carried on her duties long before it became a qualification to pass examinations and possess certificates.  Her special characteristics were those of a mother who had had children of her own, and herself a kindly soul, full of sympathy and encouragement for her sex in the hour of trial.  By no means a “Mrs. Gamp” or a “Betsy Prig”, she had graduated in the hard school of human experience, and her knowledge was gained by actual contact with the difficulties and dangers which beset women at critical times.  Never was a call ignored, come when it may, or whatever the weather.




Often has she turned out in the snow, wind or rain and trudged along dark roads with her little black bag, her arrival being hailed by the anxious husband with real relief.  As a matter of fact, Nurse Burningham was as much a friend of the young husband as of the wife.  She would give him something to do and keep him busy out of the way, while she ministered to the needs of her patient.  She worked with a succession of doctors, Montague Palmer, John Watson, Jenner Clarke, Robert Gill Wyllie, and others of the medical profession, who trusted her implicitly, know that her womanly services were often quite as essential and helpful as their surgical skill.




In the evening of her days, she had enjoyed rest and retirement in Kimber’s Almshouses, but was not entirely on the inactive list.  Many consultations had taken place in her little sitting-room, and her long experience was always readily at disposal to old friends.  She delighted to put in an appearance at the annual Kimber’s service in the parish church, and it was a great grief last Easter to be confined to her bed on that occasion.  She has gone to her final rest, and leaves behind memories of one who devoted a long life of hard work, helpful attention and cheery encouragement to hundreds, possibly thousands, of women, who do not regret her passing because she had long exceeded the allotted span, but will always recollect her with affection and gratitude.


Also –    She was born Elizabeth Chitty in Elstead, Surrey and she married James Burningham (d. 29/05/1900) on 24/12/1860.  They had 10 children including Charles William (b. 24/08/1863 d. 29/03/1950), Mary Ann (b. 1970), Caroline (b. 1879), Alice (b. 1880).  Charles William was buried on 04/04/1950 from 8 Kimbers Almshouses, Kennet Road, (Bk 1917 p. 277 No. 11811 “Ashes”.


NWN 21/02/1929

Mrs P p. 117 LN(E)7


Buried 20/02/1929 from 60 queen’s Road

BK 19117 p. 132 No. 10654




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