Personal information about Joseph Bolton Doe

Below is all the information we have about Joseph Bolton Doe. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Joseph Bolton Doe
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge
Age at death:
Date of burial:
   05 January 1907
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   Royal Berks. Hospital, Reading
Burial register information:
Book number: 1899
Page number: 130
Record number: 8234
Official at burial:
   R Wickhamlegg
Source of information:
  Burial Register
* This entry is awaiting verification.

Memorial Details

  Joseph Bolton DOE
  03 January 1907
  Four kerbstones with corner posts
  Limestone with engraved text
  South kerbstone: In Loving memory of Joseph Bolton Doe who entered into rest Jan. 3rd. 1907 aged 42 years. North kerbstone: Also of his beloved son Leonard Clive Doe who fell asleep Feb. 10th 1903 aged 8 months./ East kerbstone: "Underneath are the Everlasting Arms."
  21 May 2013
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

Leonard Clive DOE



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Joseph Bolton Doe
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    10 January 1907
Copyright:    © 




The Funeral took place at Newbury Cemetery on Saturday afternoon of Mr. Joseph Bolton Doe, the second son of the late Mr. Cornelius Weaver Doe. Deceased had latterly been living at Chieveley and had been in ill health for some time, but had gone to Reading for medical treatment, where he died on Thursday morning from heart disease and dropsy, at the age of 42, leaving a widow and one son. The body was brought by train to Newbury, and remained in St John's Church during Friday night.

The first part of the service was conducted in church by the Rev. R. Wickham Legg, and the interment was in a grave adjoining the family vault.
The mourners were the widow, her two brothers and sister, Misses Alice and Mary Doe, Mrs. Swanton (sister1), Miss Simons and Dr Swanton.

The coffin was of polished oak covered with a number of beautiful floral tributes of affection and sympathy.

Newbury Weekly News 10 January 1907

Mrs P. p.25 W156 Died 3 January 1907 aged 42 Buried 5 January 1907 Bk 1899 p.130 no.8234

Also son Leonard Clive Doe died 01 February 1903 aged 8 months.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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*The FNRC believe that the certificates published on this page have been added in compliance with the rules laid down by the General Register Office (GRO).Click here for more information.
If you believe that we may have inadvertently breached the privacy of a living person by publishing any document, pleasecontact usso we can immediately remove the certificate and investigate further.
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