Personal information about John Webb

Below is all the information we have about John Webb. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   John Webb
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge
Age at death:
Date of burial:
   21 October 1903
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   Northbrook Street, Newbury
Burial register information:
Book number: 1899
Page number: 073
Record number: 7778
Official at burial:
   Frederick Halliday
Source of information:
  Burial Register
* This entry is awaiting verification.

Memorial Details

  John Webb
  19 October 1903
  STMO / Thomas Webb/ of Newbury/ who died May 5th 1855/ aged 60 years. "where I am there shall also my servant be" / Kate/ daughter of Charles and Esther Webb/ died December 26th 1856/ aged 11 months. Charles their son/ died October 21st 1857/ aged 6 months. Also of Esther wife of Charles Webb/ who died March 9th 1863 aged 26 years Also of Eliza wife of Charles Webb/ who died December 3rd 1865 aged 31 years. Also of Charles Webb who died March 25th 1910 aged 84 years. Also of Mary widow of the above died February 27th 1921 aged 84 years Alfred son of Charles and Esther Webb died April 12th 1863 aged 4 months ILMO Martha/ 7th daughter of John and Susan Webb/ who passed away in sleep June 27th 1893/ aged 21 years/ "to fall asleep is not to die/ To dwell with Christ is better life" Also of Susan, wife of John Webb/ who died December 17 1895 aged 61 years. Also of John Webb who died October 19th 1903 aged 70 years/ And of Sarah, daughter of the above/ who died March 10th 1912 aged 46 years. And of Florence Isabel who died Feb. 16th 1915 aged 44 years And Hetty Katherine Rayer Webb/ who died July 18th 1934, aged 58 years. Also of Ellen Edith Webb/ died Dec. 21st 1943. Also of Elizabeth Brooks Webb died Oct. 6th 1944.
  01 January 1980
  Mrs Patterson
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

Thomas  Webb
Kate Webb
Charles Webb
Esther Webb
Eliza Webb
Charles Webb
Mary Eliza Webb
Alfred Webb
Martha Webb
Susan Webb
Sarah Webb
Florence Isabel Webb
Ellen Edith Webb
Elizabeth Brooks  Webb
Hetty Katherine Rayer Webb



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

John Webb
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and Mrs Pattison
Date of source:    22 October 1903
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News




THE LATE MR. JOHN WEBBThe funeral of the late Mr. John Webb took place on Wednesday afternoon at Newbury Cemetery. The greatest respect was shown throughout the town, which bore all outward signs of mourning. The body was conveyed to the cemetery in an open car. The coffin, of polished oak and brass fittings, and was inscribed:-


Died October 19, 1903,

Aged 70.

The mourners were Messrs. J. B. Webb, Samuel Webb and Frank Webb (sons), Mrs. S. Walter, Mrs. Bundock (Red Hill), Miss L. Webb, Miss N. Webb, Miss H. Webb (daughters), Mr. S. Walter (son-in-law), Mr. H. Webb (nephew), Mrs. Butler (niece), Mr. Rayer. There was also a representative body of townsmen at the graveside, together with a deputation of the directors of the Building Society. The employees of the firm at both the Northbrook-street and Shaw branches were present. The officiating ministers were the Rev. F. Halliday, the Rev. H. E. Deane and the Rev. T. H. Lomas. The wish was expressed by the family that no flowers should be sent, but several beautiful wreaths were received from friends to whom this intimation had not reached. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Penford and Son.

Newbury Weekly News 22 October 1903

Mrs. P. Code S22  Page 8 and 9

John Webb died on 19th October 1903 and he was buried in the family unconsecrated brick grave on 21 October 1903 aged 71 years (according to Death Index 4Q 1903 and Burial Register).  Fourteen other family members are interred in the same plot.


This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
John Webb
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    22 October 1903
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News




A startling and distressingly painful sensation was caused in Newbury early on Monday morning when the news became known that Mr. John Webb had had been found drowned in a water-butt on his own premises, in Northbrook-street. It was impossible to credit the story at first, as Mr. Webb was one the oldest and most highly-respected residents in the borough, having all through life been regarded as a man of the strictest integrity and commercial substantiality. Unfortunately, it was only too true. 
A succession of illnesses which had befallen his daughters, appeared to have preyed upon his mind, and having himself suffered from a slight apoplectic stroke, besides being apparently harassed by worries of business, he became low-spirited and depressed, which was farther aggravated by insomnia. Strange fits of abstraction and absent-mindedness had alarmed the relatives, and they had taken steps to obtain medical advice, but Mr. Webb, believing himself to be suffering from no physical ailment, declined to allow the doctor to prescribe for his mental troubles. As recently as Wednesday, Dr. Wylie made a friendly call in the hope of eliciting some information as to his patient's condition, and thus be able to find a remedy. But Mr. Webb would neither describe his symptoms nor accept any medicines, his only physic being a harmless homeopathic sedative to combat the attacks of sleeplessness. Mr. Webb's condition, however, gave no cause for real anxiety, for excepting these times of despondency, be appeared in his usual bodily health. 
On Sunday he attended divine service at the Wesleyan Chapel, as usual, and at night bade his sons "Good-night" in a cheery tone that gave no intimation of the melancholy event of the morrow. He was, by habit, an early riser, and when his son. Mr. Samuel Webb, saw his bedroom door shut at half-put six, he concluded that his father was taking an extra half-hour in bed. As, however, did not come down within a short time, he called his father, and getting no response, entered the room, only to find it unoccupied. He then concluded that his father had gone into the garden, and on his way thither to ascertain his whereabouts, was horrified to discover him head downwards in a water-butt. Not a moment was lost in releasing him and summonsing medical help, but death had taken place some time before. 
The departed was a son of the late Mr. Thomas Webb, grocer and provision merchant of Northbrook-street, and in 1855 the business was transferred to his sons, Messrs. Charles and John, who continued in partnership for 28 years. Mr. Charles then retired, leaving the business in the hands of Mr. John Webb and his sons, by whom it has been continued until the present time. Mr. John Webb was a man of reserved temperament, and although he took no prominent part in public life, he was intimately identified with several town institutions, notably the Building Society, of which be was a trustee. He was a member the Wesleyan body, to whose interest he devoted himself, being one of the trustees and a leading promoter of the scheme for building the Wesley Hall. Deceased enjoyed the universal esteem of his fellow townsmen both with regard to personal character and business capacity. It is therefore inexpressibly sad that a long life so well and honourably spent should after passing its three-score years and ten, end in the distressing manner described below. 
The inquest was held on Monday evening in the Park-street Hall, before the borough coroner (Dr. Watson, J.P.) and a jury, of whom Mr. George Paulin was foreman.
The Coroner said they were met to enquire into the death of their fellow townsman, Mr. John Webb, a member of a well-known and highly respected family, whose sad death was a source of great sorrow to all of them. 
Mr. Samuel Webb, son of the deceased, identified the body as that of his father. For the last three weeks his father had been much depressed, and frequently said that he felt his brain was giving way.
The Coroner - Has he ever had any ides of doing away with his life? 
Mr.Webb - None whatever. 
Had you or the family fear of the kind? —No. 
Is there any special cause for depression more this the ordinary things of life’s? —Nothing except family troubles, illness and affliction. Dr. Wyllie had been attending my father.
Mr. Webb further said— At 6.30 a m. this morning I came downstairs, and passing my father's door I found it shut, and naturally concluded that he was resting. At ten minutes to seven I knocked at his door, and getting no response, opened it. He was not in his room, and I searched several rooms in the house. Not finding him there, I concluded that he was in the garden. and on passing the shed on the way to the garden, I found him in the water-butt, head downwards, his legs protruding from the top. My man, Walter Wentworth. was coming to his work at the time, and we immediately lowered the butt. We withdrew the body, and found that he was quite dead. I sent for medical help, and Dr. Clarke and Dr. Wyllie came. There was a box by the side of the butt, and he had placed his hat upon that. Being a tall man he would have no difficulty in getting into the butt. 
The Coroner— It must have been a premeditated thing, he could not have fallen in accidentally of course? 
Mr. Webb—No. 
Witness said that when his father retired the previous night be said “Good-night, boys" in a most cheerful voice. His father had been very vacant for some time, and been absent-minded.  He had no business troubles, but the illness of his two daughters had worried him. 
In reply a to a juryman, Mr. Webb said the servant heard his father get up at a quarter-to-five. He had been accustomed all his life to rise early. He had suffered from sleeplessness for a long time. 
The Coroner— Had he taken anything to remedy It, say narcotic? 
Mr. Webb - Not narcotic, but something homeopathic.
Dr. Wyllie said—l am the medical attendant of the diseased, and I last saw him on Wednesday at the request of his brother's wife, Mrs. Charles Webb. He refused to regard me as a medical man, and seemed upset at my visit, declaring himself perfectly well in body, but worried about business and his family's illness. I did not prescribe for him because he said he did not want anything. I tried every way to find out what was worrying him, but he said I could do him no good. He asked me if small doses of sulphonal* would benefit him. 
The Coroner said sulphonal was a sedative, and he did not know that any harm would accrue from its use.
M. Dr. Wyllie—l did not give him any. I was called this morning by his son, Mr. Sam Webb and corroborate what he has said.
The Coroner—There was nothing on Wednesday to suggest that ho would take his life? 
Dr. Wyllie—Nothing whatever. I attended him six months ago for a slight apoplectic seizure, and he has never been right since. He told me he was afraid that his business was going wrong, which was altogether erroneous. He thought everything was going wrong, and took on himself the fault of his children's illness. He had had a great deal of worry.
The Foreman -  Is it your opinion, doctor, that his brain was affected, and that he was not responsible for his actions?
Dr. Wyllie— Yes, clearly so. 
The Coroner said it was very conclusive that deceased's mind was unhinged by troubles. many of which were probably hypothetical. He was evidently not responsible for actions, and acting on a sudden resolve had taken hie life. 
The Foreman—Our verdict must be that he committed suicide whilst in an unsound state of mind. 
Mr. G. Mathews—Was it possible for him to have fallen into the butt?
Mr. Woodger—We have not heard the height al the butt. 
P.C. Mansbridge — lt was about 3ft. 6in. 
Mr. Ashdown— If he had had another seizure whilst examining the water-butt, he might have fallen in. 
The Coroner—That is possible, but it is a question which no one can clear up. There is the fact of the hat being placed on the box; had he fallen his hat would have been on his head. I fear that there is no question that in his troubles, fancied or otherwise, that he deliberately got into the water butt. 
Mr. S. Webb - It was absolutely impossible for him to fallen in. 
The Jury then returned a verdict of “Suicide whilst in an unsound state of mind.” 
The Coroner said he was sure the Jury would share with the with the bereaved family.  The deceased was widely known and highly respected in Newbury. During the 25 years he had held inquests he had never one which caused him great sorrow for although he had no personal acquaintance with the deceased, he had known him as a townsman for some 40 years. 
The Foreman - We all share in the sympathy which you have expressed with the family.
Mr. F. C. Hopson—The deceased was a man of the highest probity, and some of us have known him intimately for many years. 
*Sulphonal is a substance employed as a hypnotic, produced by the union of mercaptan and acetone
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Article source:    National probate calendar
Date of source:   
Copyright:    © 




WEBB John of 50 Northbrook street Newbury Berkshire died 19 October 1903. Probate London 31 December to John Brooke Webb and Samuel Webb grocer's. Effects £9218 11s 10d

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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J Webb 50 Northbrook Street

©Gemma Digweed
J Webb 50 Northbrook Street


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