The death tcok place on Saturday of Mr. Charles Robinson, for eight years landlord of the “Globe”, Bartholomew-street. The deceased was a native of Cockermouth, and previous to coming to Newbury was coachman to a gentleman at Wiinkfield.
The funeral took place yesterday (Wednesday) at the Cemetery. The mourners were the widow, son, brothers, sisters (Mrs. Weightman and Mrs. Seabrook) the nephew, Mr. H. Heath, Miss Lipscomb (in deceased's employ), Miss Dobson, Miss E. Fabry, ant Mr. C. L Nicholson, friends.
The Licensed Victuallers were represented by Messrs. Paulin, Roe, New, Spencer, Whyman, Fabry, Matthews , I. Dew, J. Dew, Hedger. Hemming, Woodroaf, Boys, Pocock, and W. Taylor; also present, Messrs. Cleeves, J. Randall, A. Cox; J. Wigmore, H. Wood, S. Parr. E. W. Nicholson, Duckett, Lucas, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Stilwell, Mrs. Hassell, &c..
The coffin bore the inscription,
Died April 18, 1903,
Aged 55 years.
Wreaths were received from the following:—
Widow and Son, From Mother, Brothers, Sisters, and Nephew; Licensed Victuallers—C. L Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fabry, senr.; Mr. and Mrs. Benn, two from Old Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews, Mr and Mrs Spracklen, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Tufnail, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shilling, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fabry, junr; Mr. and Miss Smith, Hannah. Alf and Willie, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Dobson and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Fabry, Mr. and Mrs. T. Chapman, and Mr. H. Fabry.
The arrangements for the funeral were carried out by Mr. E. Hart, of Northeroft- Lane.