Coun. Gould called attention to the case of illness which had occurred at the Pumping Station, which had caused an expenditure of £30.
The fever had been caused by the bad water from the well, and he should like to know if there had been any analysis made of the water, and if so, whether it had ever come before the Sanitary Committee. He thought such a case of illness ought to have come before the Sanitary Committee, and asked the chairman to give some details of it. Coun. Jackson asked if anything bad been done. to provide a better supply of water. The Town Clerk- Yes.
Ald. Ravenor said the accounts for the illness at the Pumping Station did not come before the Sanitary Committee or the sub- Committee. Ald. Long said unfortunately the son of the engineer at the Pumping station bed contracted typhoid fever, and the poor little fellow had died.
He did not know that any fault could be attributed to anyone, because before the man went to live there as analysis was taken of the water and it was pronounced to be good for domestic purposes.
Coun. Gould.- Not for drinking purposes. The Surveyor—The analyst reported it to be excellent for drinking purposes. The report was that "it was a pure chalk water, and is somewhat remarkable in being free from nitrates." Ald. Long said when they heard of the case there was another analysis taken, aid the water was then found to be very bad. This could only be accounted for by the fact that street refuse had been thrown upon the adjoining land, and the impurity had percolated through the soil.
The committee felt they ought to some extent compensate the parents for the expense to which they had been put, as well as sympathise with them in their trouble. This was the reason why the amount came before the Finance Committee. Ald. Smith said the items for nursing were the ordinary weekly wages paid to the nurses.
Coun. Elliott — I am in full agreement with the payment of the £10, but what does Councillor mean by £30? Coun. Gould— There is the £2 10s. for nursing. and also the nursing at the Hospital. Ald. Long— That has nothing to do with this case. Coun Gould— l certainly think the water should.' have been analysed before the man went there to live. Ald. Long— l have said that it was. |