OBITUARY.—Tho bereavement which has been sustained by Mr. Alderman Wilson and his family in the removal of Mrs. Wilson on Tuesday last after a brief illness, has awakened much sincere sympathy and sorrow throughout the town, the deceased lady having resided in Newbury for a great number of years, and having been widely known and most highly esteemed amongst all classes. To many of her poorer neighbours in particular, her many acts of kindness and charity will cause her loss to be greatly felt
—In similar terms we may also refer to the late Mrs. Wareham, whose somewhat sudden removal during the week previous, caused a most painful sensation to her family and numerous friends. In her, too, the poor have lost a kind and sympathetic helper, whose benefactions were frequent though unostentatious, and at whose funeral on Friday last a large number of persons were present to testify their attachment and esteem.
The burial of Mrs. Wilson will take place, we believe, on Monday next. |