Personal information about Henry Baverstock

Below is all the information we have about Henry Baverstock. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Henry Baverstock
Burial register image
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Age at death:
Date of burial:
   25 June 1872
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
Burial register information:
Book number: 1868
Page number: 069
Record number: 2949
Official at burial:
   The Rev'd. H T Morgan, Vicar of St. Johns, Newbury.
Source of information:
  Burial Register
* This entry is awaiting verification.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Henry Baverstock
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    27 June 1872
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News




On Saturday morning, a little boy named Henry Baverstock, between four and five years of age, whose parents live in the Old Newtown road, was playing by the side of the pond at the rear of the cemetery known as Great-pond. He was reproved by an elder sister, and cautioned as to his danger, and she took from him a bottle with which he had been playing with the water. 

Shortly after 12 another brother, about eight years old, ran in doors shouting "Harry has fallen into the water." The sister called Mrs. North, a neighbour, who assisted to get the little fellow out of the pond, when he was found to be quite dead. Dr. Bunny, the Borough Coroner, and a jury investigated the affair, and the latter returned a verdict of "Accidentally drowned," and reported the pond to be in an unsafe condition, and the Coroner promised that he would submit their presentment to the Local Board of Health.

Newbury Weekly News 27th June 1872
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Henry Baverstock
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser
Date of source:    10 October 1872
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News


A presentment from Dr. Bunny, the Borough Coroner, was read as follows : "At an inquest held by me as Coroner of the Borough of Newbury, on June 22nd, 1872, on the body of Henry Baverstock, four years of age, who was found dead in the great pond in the Old Newtown-road, the Jury found a verdict of 'Accilentally drowned’. They also desired me to represent to the Board of Health the condition of the Great and Little Ponds in the Old Newtown-road - their filthy condition, their unsafe state, and the numerous accidents which have occurred there. 
"The ponds were viewed by the Jury, and it was stated in evidence before me, on oath, that several children have fallen into the great pond, but without being drowned, having been timely rescued. Also that the effluvium from the water in summer time is very bad; that the edges of the great pond are very unsafe, and are become much more dangerous since the Borough Surveyor placed a quantity of clay and sand around the pond last year. The depth of the pond in several places is from four to five feet. After pointing out to the Board of Health these evils, I feel assured that the Board will see that they are immediately remedied." 
Mr. Beckhuson remarked that the verdict was almost one of manslaughter against the Board of Health. 
The Surveyor—That statement with respect to the Surveyor is simply untrue. 
Mr. Lucas said the pond had been in the same condition for years, and casualties at this spot had been exceedingly rare. If the Board were to fence the pond round, as was suggested, the danger would be increased, as children would persist in clambering up as they had opportunity, and would fall over, and being enclosed there would be less chance of rescue. The fault, however, was not with the Board but with the parents, to whom the presentment and the censure would have been more applicable. Both parents were absent, and a family of small children were left without proper oversight. 
Mr. Blacket thought some notice should be taken of the presentment. 
The Mayor—We can survey the pond. 
The matter was eventually referred to the Estate Committee; and with this the business terminated. 

Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser - Thursday 10 October 1872

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

No documents available at this time.

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