Personal information about Beresford Cecil Molyneaux Carter

Below is all the information we have about Beresford Cecil Molyneaux Carter. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Death Information

   Beresford Cecil Molyneux Carter
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Death certificate for Beresford Cecil Molyneux Carter
Certificate provided by FNRC
Death certificate for
Beresford Cecil Molyneux Carter
Click image to enlarge
Maiden name:
Date of Death:
   25 July 1923
Age at death:
  50 years
Date of birth:
(From death certificate)
Place of birth:
(From death certificate)
Place of death:
   Ingleside, St John's Road, Newbury, Newbury
Usual address:
   Ingleside, St John's Road, Newbury
  Major General (retired)
Cause of death:
  Diabetes Gangrene
Death certificate information
Registration year:
Registration quarter:
Registration district:
Register volume:
Register page/folio:
Information Sources: Death Certificate
This death record requires verifying.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Beresford Cecil Molyneaux Carter
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge
Age at death:
Date of burial:
   25 July 1923
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   Ingleside, St. John's Road, Newbury
Burial register information:
Book number: 1917
Page number: 082
Record number: 10254
Official at burial:
   E.H. Stenning
Source of information:
  Burial Register

Memorial Details

  23 July 1923
  Middle stump: Sacred to the memory of General B.C.CARTER, C.B. , C.M.G. , the last British General to command the Imperial Troops in South Africa. Born Aug 12th 1872 died July 23rd 1923. Surrounding kerb: And his wife ISABEL died July 8th 1963. C.G.M.CARTER, Capt. Wiltshire Regiment, killed in France 1914. J.K.M Baines, Lieut. 8th The Kings Liverpool regiment killed in France 1914. Lovely and pleasant in thier lives, in death they were not divided.
  Very poor, inlaid letters
    Completely falling apart.
  18 August 2013
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Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Major-General Beresford Cecil Molyneux Carter C.B., C.M.G
Article source:    The Lancashire Fusiliers Annual, The Fusiliers Museum, Bury
Date of source:   
Copyright:    © The Fusiliers Museum, Bury




The death of Major-General Carter is deeply regretted by his friends, both in the Regiment and in the Service generally. Diabetes and ill-health contracted in the Great War, followed by a very serious operation, terminated fatally after a week of intense suffering, at Newbury, on July 23rd 1923

Beresford Cecil Molyneux Carter was educated at Marlborough and Sandhurst, and joined the 1st Battalion at Belfast in April 1891.  In September, 1893, he was promoted Lieutenant, and in the following year was transferred to the 2ndBattallion at Poona.  In July 1898, he was promoted Captain; and in this year he was with the Battalion in the Nile Expedition and took part in the battle of Omdurman, receiving the Queen’s Medal, the Egyptian Medal and Clasp.  He was transferred to the3rd Battalion, then at Malta.  In February, 1900, he was attached to the Egyptian Army, and was posted to the 14th Sudanese Battalion, which was then station ed at Omdurman.  After a few months had elapsed, Captain Carter was transferred to the Camel Corps. His capabilities were soon recognised and he was selected to succeed Inspector Townsend in the civil branch of the Government in Kordofan.  While there he fought the Ali Dinan’s tribe on the border where he went to collect tribute due from the tribesmen of South Kordofan.  Being essentially a soldier, he rejoined the army and took the command of the 9th Sudanese, the Battalion that had been so long commanded by that distinguished soldier, Major W F Walter.  With the 9th Major Carter went to Bahr-el-Ghazel, and while here he was promoted Major in the Regiment (24thAugust, 1904).  The chief of the Niam-Niam tribe had for some time defied the Government, and in 1905,Major Carter  given the command of a force of all arms to being this tribal chief to a sense of obedience.

In an excellent article which was published in the ANNUAL for 1905, Major Carter described this little expedition in his clear, unconventional, half-humorous style.  To those who knew him his personality will appear in every page. For his services he was mentioned in despatches and received the Order of the Osmaniah, 4thClass.  For some months he acted as Governor of the Bahr-el-~Ghazel province.  His service with the Egyptian Army fittingly closed with the Niam-Niam expedition, and he rejoined the 2nd Battalion which was stationed at Fermoy.  Thence he went to the 1stBattalion at Malta and with it to India. The Haldance disbandments caused him to be transferred to the Liverpool Regiment.  While in India he made the most of his opportunities for indulging his love of sport.  Two visits to Cashmere, for fishing and shooting, added to his very fine collection of heads which are now in the British Museum.  In the ANNUAL Nos 12 and 14 there are two short shooting narratives by him.  He left India in 1913 on a year’s leave, bringing home the Gold Medal for the best Essay on “The Defence of India”.  When war was declared he was ordered to at Aldershot, and while there he raised the 6th and 7th Battalions of the Bedford Regiment.

In November 1914, he was promoted Substantive Lieut-Colonel and was ordered to join the 1st Liverpool Regiment. He commanded this Battalion at the first battle of Ypres.  Throughout the winter of 1914-15 he was in the trenches, chiefly in the vicinity of Ypres and the Givenchy brickfields.

In the battle of Neuve Chapelle on the 10thMarch, 1915, he was badly wounded, being mentioned in despatches and awarded the C.M.G

Colonel Carter rejoined his Battalion on the 1st July 1915, and commanded it at the battle of Loos.  Soon after Loos he was appointed temporary Brigadier, to command the 85th Brigade, and the honour of Companion of the Bath was conferred upon him

With the 85th Brigade he went to Salonika.  During the two years he was at the head of the 85th Brigade he fought a number of actions in Macedonia, especially in the Struma valley.

In January, 1918, he was promoted Substantive Colonel.  The climate and hardships had told upon his naturally strong constitution, and he was invalided to England, suffering from malaria.  As soon as he was able he resumed active work and took the command of the 226th Brigade at Clacton-on-Sea.  He once more succeeded in getting to France but too late to get into active operations, but in time to witness the final battle and pursuit of the Germans.

Colonel Carter was ordered to Cologne where he was employed in civil administration under the Military Governor-General, Sir Charles Fergusson.  He handed over the affairs of his district to the French, returning to England in 1919, when he was placed on half pay.

The command of the Liverpool Territorial Brigade was conferred upon him, but after two months he resigned the appointment.  Colonel Carter was almost at once offered and accepted the command (with the local rank of Major-General) of the Imperial Forces in South Africa, and these he transferred in December 1921, to the local authorities, and was thus the last British General to have command of the Imperial troops in South Africa

Looking back over the chequered history of the British Army throughout the nineteenth century in South Africa, this was a very notable event.  At Pretoria Genera and Mrs Carter were the guests of H.R.H Prince Arthur of Conn aught and at the farewell dinner H.R.H made the most flattering allusions to General Carter.  On his return to England in June 1922, he was offered the command of the troops in Jamaica, but the state of his health prevented his accepting it.  Major-General Carter was invalided from the Army suffering from diabetes and ill-health due to active service.  The necessity for a very serious operation supervened, and this gallant soldier died on July 23rd 1923, suffering bravely and uncomplainingly.  In a too brief summary of his service, he concluded it with the quotation: Sic transit Gloria mundi.  It may be the end of earthly glory for him, but for a life of only51 years, crowded with good service and adventures of all kinds, of capable, practical soldiership, a true and trusted leader of men. That is a heritage that his sons and daughters will ever be proud of, and in the Regiment Roll of Honour his name will have a very high place.

Major-General Freeth was present at his funeral, and the 1st Battalion were represented by a party of officers, N.C.officers and men.



This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Major-General Beresford Cecil Molyneux Carter C.B., C.M.G
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    06 July 1923
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News




Death of Maj-Gen. Carter, C.B., C.M.G.

A distinguished soldier, who made Newbury his adopted home, passed away on Monday as a result of an operation necessitated by a disease contracted during the Great War.  Major-General B Cecil Carter, C.B., C.M.G., who resided at Ganderbal, Newtown Road, came of a Kent family.  The son of a soldier, he made the Army his career, and rose to the rank of Major-General.  He saw service all over the world, and was the last British General commanding Imperial troops in South Africa, returning to England in 1921 when that appointment was abolished.

The eldest son of the late Colonel H M Carter. C.B. of Paulton, Somerset, the deceased gentleman was born in 1872.  He married in 1905 Isobel, eldest daughter of the late Colonel J E Baines, of the Sherwood Foresters.  He leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters, the eldest of whom is 15.

Major-General B C M Carter joined the Lancashire Fusiliers in 1891.  He later on served in the Egyptian Army.  He served with the Nile Expedition 1898, Sudan 1905 (4th class Osmanieh).  He was Governor of Bahr=el-Ghazal 1903-5.  In the Great War he commanded 2nd Battalion the King’s Regiment in Flanders and France, 1914-15.  Later he was promoted Brigadier-General for distinguished service in the Field, and commanded Brigades, first in France and then in Salonica 1915-17, whence he was invalided to England.  Recovering sufficiently to serve at home, he was given a Brigade on the East Coast.  Later he was in command of a District in the Army of Occupation in Germany.

Upon returning from South Africa he was then offered a command of Troops in Jamaica, but owing to the disease contracted in the War, he was unable to take up this appointment.  For all his was service he was eight times mentioned in despatches.  He was a Gold Medallist of the United Service Institution of India.  Major-General Carter was a keen sportsman, a fine shot, and clever fisherman.  The results of his big game shooting in the Sudan and in Kashmir are to be seen in the many fine trophies in his house at Newbury, where he came to reside because he was charmed with the vicinity and because of the fishing.

The funeral took place at the Old Cemetery, Newtown road, yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon, and in addition to the family mourners, officers and non-commissioned officers of the deceased’s regiment attended.  Two sergeants and two sergeants-major walked on either side of the coffin, and General Freeth, Colonel de Putran and Lieut. Ames of the 20thLancashire Fusiliers, andMr D Hooke, Royal Flying Corps, followed.  Th emourners were the Widow,(Mrs Carter), Miss Carter (daughter), General F C Carter, C.B., Mr Philip Carter and Mrs Baines.  As the body was conveyed from theChapel to the grave, Scouts of the 25th Newbury (Grammar School) Troop, under Scoutmaster H Liggins,lined the route.  The Rev.E H Stenning, Vicar of St John’s officiated.  The coffin plate was inscribed as follows:

“Beresford Cecil Molyneux Carter, died July 23rd, aged 50 years”

Wreaths were sent by the family, Uncle Philip and Aunt Alice, Aunt Ally, Aunt Kate, Violet, Amelia, Palmer, Arthur and Olive, Aunt Mollie, Mildred, Roderick and Douglas, Dr and Mrs Kennedy, Mr and Mrs H Barton, Alan Brocklehurst, Mr and Mrs Taylor and family, Mr and Mrs R Preston, G.W.D.,and from the Officers of the 1st Battalion 20th Lancashire Fusiliers.

The funeral arrangements were carried ouit by Messrs Camp Hopson and Co. Ltd., under the personal supervision of Mr G Wintle.

Note: C.B. - Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (founded in 1725)

         C.M.G - Companion of theMost Distinguished Order of St.Michael and St.George                       (founded in 1818)

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Pictures and photographs

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Major General Beresford Cecil Molyneux Carter C.B., C.M.G

©The Fusilier Museum, Bury
Major General Beresford Cecil Molyneux Carter C.B., C.M.G


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