Personal information about Charlotte Aldridge

Below is all the information we have about Charlotte Aldridge. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Burial Information

Name on burial register:
   Charlotte Aldridge
Burial register image
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Age at death:
Date of burial:
   12 November 1919
Abode at death:
(according to burial register)
   10 Speen View Terrace, Newbury
Burial register information:
Book number: 1917
Page number: 035
Record number: 9878
Official at burial:
   L.R. Majendie (Rector)
Source of information:
  Burial Register

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Charlotte Aldridge
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    13 November 1919
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News






An inquest was held at the Police Court on Saturday morning by the Borough Coroner (Mr. S.V. Pinniger), without a jury on the body of Charlotte Aldridge, who was found drowned in the Kennet and Avon Canal at Enbourne on Wednesday, November 5'.

Miss Susannah Fisher, charwoman, of 3 Old Newtown Road, said she was the sister of the deceased woman, whose age was 61(?). Deceased had been residing with iew Terrace, Russell Road, and had also lived with herself Mrs. Steptoe at 10, Speen View  for three years and two months previous to June last. Deceased always preferred to live alone. She was very excitable, but very kind. Before coming to Newbury, she lived at Maidenhead. Whilst there, she got very depressed, and could not get work, so went into Maidenhead Union institution. She told witness then, about five years ago, that she thought of destroying herself. She had threatened to take the life of witness three times, the last time being the day before she ceased living with her. Deceased was married at Maidenhead about 23 years ago to George Aldridge, a bricklayer, and a widower with six children. Two years after the marriage she separated from her husband. Witness had no knowledge as to where her husband was now, but understood he was not kind to his wife. There had been insanity in the family. Mrs. Rosina Steptoe, widow, of 10, Speen View Terrace, Russell Road, said the deceased came to live with her about three weeks ago. She was of an amiable disposition, very kind, and had never appeared to be excited, though at times she was moody. Her ambition was to get a cottage where she could live by herself. Witness last saw her alive just before 11 a.m. on Wednesday last, when she left the house to go and call at the registry, being desirous of getting a situation. Deceased did not return to dinner or tea, and witness became anxious, although she had been accustomed to taking long walks along the Enbourne Road, returning by the waterside. Deceased seldom spoke of her husband. Witness had, since the death of the deceased found £5 in notes and 3s in silver in a purse, which had been handed over to the police.

Edith Ellen Canning, formerly a corporal in the W.R.A.F., living at Ena Terrace, Russell Road, said that last Wednesday, about 2pm, she went with her mother along the canal side, and on reaching the first bridge, her mother said, "Look there is something in the water." As they got opposite the object, witness noticed that it was a hat and coat. They found an umbrella close to where they were standing. Witness threw a stick into the water, and the object moved, showing something white, like clothes. She secured a prop, crossed over the water higher up, but was unable to reach the object. Witness then informed the police.

 John Ferris, lock keeper, residing at lock house, said that last Wednesday about 2.30 p.m., the previous witness ran by where he was at work trimming a hedge. Asked what she was running for, she replied that she was going for a prop to try and discover what something floating in the water was. Witness followed her up the waterside, but on the side opposite the towing path. After several endeavours to reach the object, he ultimately succeeded in bringing it to the side. He then discovered that it was the body of a woman.



Summing up, the Coroner said that death undoubtedly took place from drowning. There was insufficient evidence to say whether the woman committed suicide or not, and it was not known how the body got into the water. There was a chance that she fell in by accident. However, he would certify an open verdict of found drowned.

Newbury Weekly News 13 November 1919

Not in Mrs. P.

Buried 12 November 1919

Bk 1917 p. 035 no. 9878

Aged 65

From 10 Speen View Terrace

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

No documents available at this time.

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