Personal information about Charles Edward Griffin
Below is all the information we have about Charles Edward Griffin. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.
Burial Information
Name on burial register: |
Charles Edward Griffin |
Burial register image
Click image to enlarge |
Age at death: |
70 |
Date of burial: |
31 January 1919 |
Abode at death:
(according to burial register) |
78 Highmoor Road, Caversham |
Burial register information: |
Book number: |
1917 |
Page number: |
026 |
Record number: |
9806 |
Official at burial: |
Thomas Martin |
Comments: |
Cremated at Woking |
Source of information: |
Burial Register |
Memorial Details
Charles Edward Griffin |
24 January 1919 |
64 |
Vault with side panels, single front panel. |
Sandstone with carved text |
North facing top of slab:
In Loving Memory of
Sarah, beloved wife of Thomas Fidler of Porchester Villas
who died march 7th. 1882 aged 72 years
South facing top of slab:
And of Thomas Fidler, who died August 5th. 1912
aged 96 years
South facing panel:
Also their daughter, Sarah Ann, born 27th. May 1843, died 2nd Jan. 1927.
West facing top of slab:
Also their daughter Elizabeth Capel
wife of Chas. E. Griffin, Wesleyan Minister, born Dec. 11th. 1847, died Nov. 24th. 1913
West facing panel:
Also Chas. Edward Griffin, Wesleyan Minister, born April 4th. 1848, died Jan. 24th. 1919. |
Fair |
77 |
Some text missing, completed from Mrs Pattison's record
02 February 2012 |
DL |
Click here for more information on this memorial. |
Other people list on this memorial
Sarah Fidler
Thomas Fidler
Sarah Ann Fidler
Elizabeth Capel Griffin
Obituaries and Newspaper announcements
Charles Edward Griffin |
Article source: |
Reading Observer |
Date of source: |
01 February 1919 |
Copyright: |
© |
After a comparatively brief illness—he was preaching at Oxford-road a fortnight previously—the Rev. C. E. Griffin passed away at his residence in Highmoor road on Friday in last week. Upon his retirement some years since, Mr. Griffin came to Caversham from Newbury, and, always of an energetic nature, he was despite advancing years, in great demand in the circuit .
At the service on The Heights on Sunday morning the Rev. H. A. Swansborough paid a tribute to his memory and the organist (Mr. Baker) played "O rest in the Lord" and the Dead ]March. The remains were cremated at Woking and interred at Newbury yesterday (Friday). A. preliminary funeral service was, however, held at The Heights on Wednesday, when a large number of friends connected with the chapel and representatives from Lower Caversham and Oxford road, in addition to near relatives were present. |
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Wash Common |
Article source: |
Date of source: |
15 October 1868 |
Copyright: |
© |
Wash Common
The Primitive Methodists, for nearly fifty years, have carried on evangelistic work in this neighbourhood. In the year 1844, a small chapel was built at the cost of £50, and for many years accommodated the people who assembled to worship. About the year 1866, Mr and Mrs Michael Osmond, together with Mr Charles Griffin" (?died 24 Jan 1919, Mrs. P. page 5, grave code 77, burial record 9806) "and Miss Thatcher, devoted their energies to the interests of this small society, and by constantly toiling among the people and visiting Their homes, were successful in adding many to the church. It was therefore deemed necessary to pull down the old chapel and erect a nore convenient and suitable building in which to carry on the work. The chapel was rebuilt in 1871 by Mr Church of Newbury in a substantial and creditable manner, at a cost of £141 ....... |
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
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