Personal information about Job Hanson

Please note that this person is not acutally buried in Newtown Road Cemetery, but is remembered here on a Family grave or memorial.

Below is all the information we have about Job Hanson. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Job Hanson
Article source:    NWN
Date of source:    09 January 1874
Copyright:    © 



Obituary NWN 9/1/1874
THE LATE MR. JOB HANSON.- In our obituary of to-day will be found the name of Mr. Job Hanson, who died at his residence, Speenhamland, on Friday morning last, at the advanced age of 85. Though not a native of this neighbourhood, Mr. Hanson removed here when young, he having been in Speenhamland considerably over 60 years, and was widely known and universally respected for consistency of character and strict integrity in all his business transaction.
Deceased held the appointment of Borough Surveyor for many years, and during his term of office th4 drainage scheme was carried out, together with other important works. On his retiring four or five years since he was offered a superannuation or a capitalised sum as an acknowledgement of his usefu services. He preferred the latter.
Mr. Hanson was, we believe, the oldest local preacher in connection with the Newbury Wesleyan Circuit, and years ago when in vigour he regarded no distance too great to travel to his Sunday appointments. His intelligence rendered him an acceptable preacher in the villages, but for the past few years he has ceased to exercise in this way.
In addition to other attainments he possessed an acquaintance with the Hebrew and Greek, sufficient to enable him to read the Scriptures in their original languages, and in this respect he was an illustrious example of a self-taught man.
His burial took place on Tuesday, and on Sunday evening the funeral sermon will be preached by the Rev. J. Ingham.


NB  Job is buried in Speen.   J Ingham was Sarson Inghams father   Related to Jabez

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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