Personal information about Charles Dover Finch

Below is all the information we have about Charles Dover Finch. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

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Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Charles Dover Finch
08 February 1897
Consecrated Private Grave
Rev'd. E.G. Watts



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

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died 27 feb 1897,   8 Raymonds Almshouses, aged 68

son of George Finch

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Charles Dover Finch
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser
Date of source:    11 February 1897
Copyright:    © 



Sudden Death of an Almsman


—Mr. Charles Dover Finch, an inmate of Raymond's Almshouses, died suddenly on Thursday morning. He was taken ill, and a messenger was sent across to Dr. Birch's surgery for medioal aid. Dr. Adams at once attended, and returned to make up some medicine, but scarcely had it arrived ere Finch breathed his last. Death was due to bronchitis and an affection of the lungs. 


The deceased almsman was an old Newburian, being a son of the late Mr. George Finch, who will be recollected by older townsmen as the proprietor of a flourishing cabinet-making business in Bartholomew.street, and who died as far back as 1857. The son, now deceased, learnt the trade from his father, and for a short time had a small business in Northbrook-street which he sold to Messrs Hopson, for whom he worked until he obtained an almshouse. 


There was a good deal of originality about Dover Finch, and he expressed his opinions about men and things with considerable bluntness and quaintness. He was one of the oldest Oddfellows in the town, and a member of the Conservative Club, in which institution he took an active interest some years ago. 


The funeral took place on Monday at the cemetery. 


Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser: 11th February, 1897

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

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