Personal information about Edwin Midwinter

Please note that this person is not acutally buried in Newtown Road Cemetery, but is remembered here on a Family grave or memorial.

Below is all the information we have about Edwin Midwinter. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  27 May 1877
  Headstone and 3 kerbstones
  From top of headstone: In Loving Memory of/ William Allen, son of/ Charles & Sophia Mary Midwinter/ who fell asleep Sept. 1st. 1866/ aged 18 years./ "Looking unto Jesus."/ Also Edwin, brother of the above/ who passed to his Rest from the Mission Field/ Vizagapatam, South India, Sunday May 27th./ 1877 aged 24 years./ (Interred at Waltair Cemetery) "Thou didst well that it was in thine heart."
  Fair, engraved letters
  13 August 2014
  D Duff
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William Allen MIDWINTER



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Article source:    NWN
Date of source:    21 June 1877
Copyright:    © 




IT is with much regret we record the death of the Rev. E. Midwinter, who left England in March of last year, as a missionary to India. He succumbed to an attack of typhoid fever on the 27th May, at Vizagapatam, near Madras, where he was stationed, and where he was acquiring the language and taking part in the missions schools.
Mr. Midwinter was ordained in the Congregational Chapel in Newbury, shortly before his departure, and the large circle of friends who then wished him "God speed," anticipated for him a successful and honoured career in mission work. The mysterious dispensation of Providence which frustrated these hopes, has naturally been the occasion of deep sorrow to his family circle, with whom in their sudden bereavement, sincere sympathy is widely felt.
Newbury Weekly News - June 211877
The inscription on the family gravestone in Newtown Road Cemetery (37A) gives his age as 24.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
ORDINATION of Mr. Edwin Midwinter
Article source:    NWN
Date of source:    10 February 1876
Copyright:    © 



ORDINATION of Mr. Edwin Midwinter, second surviving son of Mr. C. Midwinter, of this town, is fixed for Wednesday evening next, at the Congregational Chapel, particulars of which are given in our advertising columns. Mr. Midwinter has studied at the Western College at Plymouth, and will shortly sail for India,in connection with the London Missionary Society.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Article source:    NWN
Date of source:    17 February 1876
Copyright:    © 




Last evening a very interesting and impressive service was held at the Congregational Chapel on the occasion of the ordination of Mr. Edwin Midwinter, as a missionary to India, in connection with the London Missionary Society. There was a large congregation. The service commenced with singing, and reading the 26th chapter of Acts. and prayer by the Rev. Jones, of Devizes, a fellow student of Mr. Midwinter. The Rev. E. Porter, who formerly was a missionary to Cuddapih, India, gave a sketch of the field of labour where Mr Midwinter was to be stationed. The town to which he was appointed was Vizianagram, about 20 miles from Vizingapatam, which contained about 25.000 inhabitants.  The present Rajah was an intelligent man who to some extent, encouraged English not Christian education, and who supported a caste girls school of about 200 girls, conducted by nuns, and a hospital. Mr. Porter concluded by giving some practical directions respecting the care of the missionary's health.

A series of questions was put to Mr. Midwinter by the Rev. E Jones, one of the secretaries of the London Missionary Society. The rev. gentleman began by expressing the perfect confidence entertained towards him by the directors of the Society. In reply to the first question, What reason had he to consider himsrelf a Christian ?—Mr. Midwinter, in earnest and sincere terms, traced his religious experience.  The next question enquired, why he desired to devote himself to missionary work?  In reply,  Mr. Midwinter spoke of the interest which when a boy he felt in tales of missionary enterprise which in later years deepened into an earnest desire to preach Christ to the heathen.  Mr. Jones then enquired into his belief in Christian doctrine and the concluding question referred to the manner in which he proposed to labour among the heathen. This portion of the service was deeply interesting, and was listened to with sympathizing emotion by the congregation.

The Rev. E W Shalders then offered the ordination prayer, which was couched in most appropriate, and at times pathetic terms, after which the congregation remained for some minutes in silent supplication. The charge to the newly-ordained missionary was then given by the Rev. C Wilson of Plymouth.  As the motto for his address he selected the words of St. Paul, “ By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left”  In a strain of affectionate counsel and faithful admonition he pointed out the aims he should keep in view, the Divine power which would support him, and the personal holiness which he should cultivate and cherish.—The service terminated shortly after nine.  It was announced that Mr Midwinter would . preach there next Sunday evening, and would sail in the ensuing week.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Pictures and photographs

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Rev Edwin Midwinters grave in India
Rev Edwin Midwinters grave in India


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