Personal information about Mary Belcher

Below is all the information we have about Mary Belcher. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Mary Belcher
28 October 1898
Unconsecrated Private Grave
Reverend G Bolderston



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Mary Belcher
Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    29 October 1898
Copyright:    © Reading Mercury


Fatal Fall.— Dr. Watson.the borough coroner, held an inquest the Police Court on Wednesday, on the body of ai. aged woman named Mary Belcher, who died on Monday at Wellington-terrace. West Fields, from injuries received two months since. The evidence showed that the old lady, who lived in Kennet-road, paid a visit to some friends in Raymond’s Almshouses. Newtown-road. at the beginning of September, and on leaving them the accident occurred. 
She was crossing a road, when a cyclist appeared, and in her endeavour to get out of his way she stumbled and fell into the gutter. A man named Westall. assisted by the Itev. R. Dunn (vicar of St. John's) and others removed her the adjacent almshouses, and from there she was taken the Newbury District Hospital. Here she remained for six weeks, but a few days prior to her death she was taken to her daughter’s home as stated. Dr. Birch, who had attended Mrs. Belcher, stated that death was due to exhaustion, caused through the breaking of the thigh bone in the fall, and senile decay. Westall's evidence showed that the cyclist did not collide with the ceased. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence. Deceased was 78 years of age.
29 October 1898 
Newspaper: Reading Mercury 
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Mary Belcher
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    27 October 1898
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News





At the beginning of September an aged woman named Mary Belcher, aged 78, of Kennet-road, went to visit some friends in Raymond's Almshouses. As she came out, and was crossing the road against Dr. Birch's surgery, a cyclist rode down the incline. The old lady was flurried and tried to get out of the way. She stumbled and fell in the gutter, which was rather deep at that point. A dealer named William Westall was coming down the road, and noticed the accident. He ran to help her up, and as he did so she cried out "Oh, don't, my hip's broken." With the help of Rev. R. Dunn, he got her across to the Almshouses on a chair, which one of the alms women had brought out. From thence she was eventually taken to the Hospital, where she was tended by Dr. Birch, who found the injuries to be serious, the thigh-bone being broken. She remained in the Hospital for six weeks, and on October the 20th she was taken to the home of her daughter at Wellington Terrace, where the sufferer died on Monday morning.

An inquest was held last (Wednesday) evening at the Police Court, before Dr. Henry Watson, J.P., coroner for the borough. Evidence was given by Westall, and the daughter, Mrs. Ball, while Dr Birch said in his opinion death was caused by exhaustion through the breaking of the thigh bone and senile decay. She was in a very weak condition when brought to the Hospital, and he had no hope of her recovery from the beginning.  Westall, in the course of his evidence, said the bicycle did not touch the old lady, although it was doubtful whether the rider rang his bell.

The jury, of whom Mr. A. Whittington was the foreman, returned a verdict of accidental death, adding that they thought no blame was attached to anybody.

Newbury Weekly News 27 October 1898

Missing years In account book — buried 28 October 1898 Not in Mrs P

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

No documents available at this time.

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