Personal information about William Francis Flower

Below is all the information we have about William Francis Flower. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  William Francis FLOWER
  02 July 1898
  Cross on 2 tiered pedestal, 4 kerbstones
  Limestone Letters
  East face of Pedestal: Top tier: In Loving Memory of / William / Francis Flower // East face of Pedestal: Bottom tier: who died July 2nd 1898 / aged 48 years. / "Thy will be done." / Also his wife / Sarah Eliza Flower / who died March 17th. 1919 / aged 73 years. //
  Stone & letters in good condition. Cross separated from pedestal. Base of bottom tier of pedestal buried covering MI for Sarah. Kerbstones broken and mostly buried under anthills.
  08 June 2017
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

Sarah Eliza FLOWER

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

William Francis Flower
06 July 1898
Consecrated Private Grave
Reverend E Ides Mach



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

William Francis Flower
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    07 July 1898
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News






The funeral of Mr William Francis Flower, who died on Saturday, took place yesterday (Wednesday) at the Newbury Cemetery, the Rev. E. Ide Mack officiating.


The mourners were Mrs Flower (widow), Mrs Skinner and Miss Flower  (sisters), Mr Danford Skinner and Mr Fuller Smith (brothers-in-law), Miss Nora Skinner (niece) and Mr W. Beams.


Wreaths were sent by the following: “From his loving wife”, “With deep sympathy” from Miss M.E.Newell”, “With love and sympathy from two old friends E. P.and A. G.” “With Mr & Mrs Pile and family's deepest sympathy”, “With Mr and Mrs Osbert G. Smith's sincere regret” “With deepest sympathy from Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Smith,” “With sincere sympathy from Mrs. Frederick Roe and  Miss H.E.J. Smith,””With loving sympathy and condolences from Mrs. Gregory and family,” “Mr. and Mrs. Danford Skinner and family, to our dear brother,” “Mrs. W. Hall, Speenhamland,” “Miss Neate with deep sympathy.”


The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. H.S. Hanington, Northbrook-street.


Newbury Weekly News 7 July 1898


BMD  William Francis Flower died aged 48 Sept Quarter 1898


Sources:Newbury Weekly News 7 July 1898

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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