Personal information about Mary Blacket

Below is all the information we have about Mary Blacket. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  Mary Blackett
  01 September 1894
  Vault with side panels, single front panel.
  Sandstone with engraved text.
  North facing top of slab: In Loving Memory of James Blackett of Donnington and Newbury who died May 19th. 1877 aged 68 years. "Always abounding in the work of the Lord." Cor. 58. At Rest. West facing top of slab: Walter James Blackett of Porchester Road at Rest July 5th. 1916, aged 75 years. South facing stop of slab Also of Mary Blackett (lettering sheared off) West facing panel: Also of Louisa. wife of the above, who passed away April 10th. 1925 aged 82 years. "Reunited" called to the higher service"
  Fair, lettering sheared off on West and South sides
    Some Text missing, completed from Mrs Pattison's record
  02 February 2012
Click here for more information on this memorial.

Other people list on this memorial

James Blackett
Walter James Blackett
Louisa Blackett

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Mary Blacket
01 September 1894
Unconsecrated Brick Grave
Reverend E M Shalder



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Mary Blacket
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser
Date of source:    06 September 1894
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News




The funeral of this deceased lady, widow of the late Mr. James Blacket, of Donnington Villas, who died 1 September 1894 aged 87, took place on Saturday at the Cemetery, and was conducted by the Rev. E. W. Shalders, formerly pastor of the Congregational Church, Newbury, who had engaged to preach in Newbury the following day.

In referring to the deceased, the rev. gentleman made sympathetic allusion to her work in connection with the Congregational Girls' Sunday School, of which she had for about 25 years been superintendent, remarking that her teaching and example would remain in the hearts of the thousands who during that time had been brought under her influence.

A beautiful wreath was contributed by the teachers of the Sunday School, and wreaths were also sent by Mr. and Mrs. Hopson (Belvedere), Mrs J. E Eddison (Leeds), Mr. Adnams and Mrs Glover (Speenhamland), and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Turner ; also by the three sons, who, with Mr. Robert Pashley, of Rotherham (nephew), Miss Pashley and S. L. Pashley (sisters), Mrs. E. R. Blacket, and Miss Blacket, were present at the funeral.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Penford & Son.

There is a factual error in this document as it says she died on September 1st, and the funeral took place last Saturday, which was also September 1st, so it is likely she actually died a few days earlier than stated.


Pictures and photographs

Click to enlarge
Mary Blacket
Sunday school teacher
©100 years of Newbury ind or Congregational Sunday School by H J Midwinter
Mary Blacket
Click to enlarge
Mary Blacket
Sunday school teacher
©100 years of Newbury ind or Congregational Sunday School by H J Midwinter
Mary Blacket


Biographies & History

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*The FNRC believe that the certificates published on this page have been added in compliance with the rules laid down by the General Register Office (GRO).Click here for more information.
If you believe that we may have inadvertently breached the privacy of a living person by publishing any document, pleasecontact usso we can immediately remove the certificate and investigate further.
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Website designed and maintained by Paul Thompson on behalf of the Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery.

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