Personal information about Edward Neale

Below is all the information we have about Edward Neale. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  Edward Neale
  04 August 1893
  Four kerbstones
  West facing kerbstone: In Loving Memory of / North facing kerbstone: Edward Neale who departed this life August 4th 1893 aged 67 years. East facing kerbstone: Eliza Neale his wife who died December 14th 1904 aged 85 years.
  Poor, deeply subsided, most of the inscription buried. Engraved letters.
  17 March 2014
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Eliza Neale

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Edward Neale
08 August 1893
Hampstead Marshall
Unconsecrated Private Grave
Reverend John Millard



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Edward Neale
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser
Date of source:    10 August 1893
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News





It is with regret that may will learn the death of Mr. Edward Neale, of Holt Wood, in the parish of Hamstead Marshall, which took place on Friday, after a few days illness. On Sunday evening deceased complained of feeling unwell, and on Monday morning the advice was obtained of Dr. Ryott, who found his patient suffering from a severe attack of congestion of the lungs. Though be rallied somewhat, hnever recovered and passed away early on Friday morning.

Deceased had been in the service of the Hon. J. K. and Lady Louisa Howard nearly fifty years. But in March last the stock was sold and the land let, so that his services as steward were no longer required, and he retired from active pursuits.

In politics he was a Liberal, he refused to record his vote at the last election being of opinion that neither party sufficiently championed the cause of Protestantism to the interests of which he was extremely sensitive. Outside his business relationshipshe will be known for the tenacity in which be held the Calvinist faith. He belonged to the small but interesting section of Strict Baptists, which represent religious truths conveyed in such words as "Election,” sovereignty,” ‘distinguishing grace.” He was in the habit of conducting the service in the little chapel in Back-lane, in the absence of the minister, and for many years had rarely been absent on a Sunday morning, the last time being the Sunday proceeding his death, walking both to and from Newbury.

To those who judged him only by his religious views, he would be regarded as somewhat austere and unbending, but the goodness of his heart triumphed over the seeming severity of his creed, and his neighbours found in him a kind friend and trusty councillor, one ready to exhibit his sympathy, and to whom they might at all times bring their difficulties. To the little cause in Newbury his removal will be a great loss, for since the death of the late Mr. Job WellsMr. Neale has been the principle support; in his home ministers of the Strict Baptist community were heartily welcomed and hospitably entertained.

He leaves a widow, an only daughter (Mrs. Caine, whose husband died a year or two since), and two grandchildren.

Deceased lived in a charming cottage at the top of Holt Hill, formerly belonging to the Toomer family, of Newburyand is still known as Toomer’s Cottage.

The funeral look place on Tuesday afternoon. at Newbury Cemetery. The burial service was conducted by Mr. Millard, of Marlborough, an old and intimate friend. A portion of scripture was read, prayer was offered, an address was givenand Watts' hymn. “Keep silence all created things," was sung to the tune of St. Stephen's; then the body was borne to its last resting place, a short prayer being offered after the body had been lowered into the grave.

The mourners wereMrs. Neale (widow), Mrs. Caine (daughter), Mrs. Grover (sister), Mr. A. Neale (brother), and Mrs. Neale, Mr. A. Thorne (nephew), etc., etc.

Several beautiful wreaths. sent by relatives and friends, were placeupon the coffin which was of polished oak, with brass furnitureand brass plate inscribed “Edward Neale, died August 4th, aged 67."

Lady Louisa Howard sent her carriage. Mr. Millard will preach on Sunday morning the little chapel at Back Lane, with special reference to the deceased.

Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser - Thursday 10 August 1893

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

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