Personal information about James Godfrey

Below is all the information we have about James Godfrey. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  23 December 1891
  Kerbstones with small headstone
  "On headstone: Mary Godfrey. / Called to rest / Oct. 28th 1888 aged 67. / James Godfrey April 8 1904 aged 82.// On inner S kerbstone: Ellen M. Godfrey at rest June 22nd 1932 aged 82. James Godfrey at rest Dec. 23 1891 aged 39.// On inner N kerbstone: Mary Ann Harper at rest Sep 14 1903, aged 55.// On inner E kerbstone: William Godfrey at rest January 31 1929.//"
  Small headstone with scroll decoration on W kerbstone. Kerbstones also on the 3 other sides. Double plot. Grass in the centre. Engraved/raised lettering.
  01 March 2012
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Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

James Godfrey
29 December 1891
Unconsecrated Private Grave
Reverend John H Green



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

James Godfrey
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and Mrs Pattison
Date of source:    31 December 1891
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News



The death of Mr. James Godfrey removes another of our comparatively young tradesmen, among whom the mortality of 1891 has been exceptionally serious. Till within the last four years the deceased was the picture of robust health; and although he rallied after a severe attack of rheumatic fever he then had, he has since been less physically strong. About five months he desisted from business and has never since returned, the illness from which he suffered being a tumour in the region of the lungs and heart, and has been distressingly painful. Death came as a relief to his sufferings on the evening of Wednesday December 23rd.
Deceased was in partnership with his father as Godfrey & Son, bacon curers and grocers, and he had shown good business ability. He was formerly secretary of the Newbury Temperance Society, and also of the Newbury Band of Hope. Latterly his labours in the cause of temperance had been chiefly confined to Wash Common, and of the Primitive Methodist Sunday School there he was successively teacher and superintendent for 26 years, devoting a portion of his Sundays and one night a week to its interests.
The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, the body being brought to the Primitive Methodist Church, of which he was one of the trustees. The service was read by the Revrs. J.H. Green and W.J.T. Scruby, and an address given by the Rev. D. Harding, who recounted some of the more salient features in the character of the deceased as a Christian worker, more especially his zeal in the Sabbath School and the temperance cause, and the satisfaction of knowing that though death had broken in abruptly on a life of usefulness, and one they would have wished protracted on account of his family and the church, yet they had unfaltering confidence on God's gracious purpose, and the unerring wisdom which directed all His dealings with the sons of men. Two hymns were sung, commencing with “Hark, a voice divides the sky,” and “Say, why should friendship grieve.” The children of Wash Common School, who were in attendance, also sang the hymn “They are waiting for the coming.” As the body was removed a funeral dirge was played, and a number of the congregation joined the cortège, the procession also including the scholars of Wash Common Sunday School and about 30 rechabites wearing scarves, the deceased having been an honorary member from the opening of the tent in Newbury.
At the cemetery the service was concluded and around the open grave was sung the hymn “Give me the wings of faith to rise,” to the tune “Welcome Home.” The ceremony was deeply impressive, and a large number of persons were present. The coffin, which was covered with wreaths, was borne by Messrs. Willis, G. Attewell, Church, and J. Coventry, of Wash Common, and the mourners included the widow and two sons, Stanley and Egbert, Mr. Godfrey (the father), Mr. William Godfrey and Miss Godfrey (brother and sister), Rev. C. and Mrs. Spooner (London), Mr. Sendall (Horsham), Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs. Sydney Heath, Mrs. Harding, Mrs. Green, Mrs Scruby, &.
It is understood that some reference to the deceased will be made on Sunday evening next at Wash Common Chapel.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Lucas & Son.


Biographies & History

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