Personal information about George Adler Biddis

Below is all the information we have about George Adler Biddis. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  George Adler  BIDDIS
  04 May 1891
  4 x kerbstones plus cross laid flat on grave
  As per Mrs. P (Inscription not found ): In Loving Memory of / George Adler BIDDIS born October 3rd 1850, died May 4th 1891. / Also of Clara Harriet BIDDIS / beloved wife of George Adler Biddis, passed away at Nottingham November 15th 1943 aged 88. / R.I.P
    Inscription not found. Copied from Mrs P recording. Possibly on other side of cross too heavy to lift.
  18 August 2015
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Clara Harriet BIDDIS

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

George Adler Biddis
08 May 1891
Consecrated Private Grave
Reverend E J Gardner



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

George Biddis
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser
Date of source:    14 May 1891
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News


The late Mr. Biddis well deserved the cognomen of "Genial George," his kindly disposition making him a favourite among all with whom he was associated. His last song in public, a favourite one which he sung many years ago at the Christy Minstrels, was " Where are the Boys of the Old Brigade?" and, as one listened to the familiar words, it was impossible not to recall many of the old faces and forms who have gone over to the great majority since George first sang that song. 
Little, alas, did we think that evening when he was one of the jolliest of the party, that within a few short days he, too, would have gone to his rest.
Among George's characteristics may be recalled his admiration of Eliza Cook's poems, which he generally quoted whenever called upon to make a speech, and also his love for animals. He seldom took his walks abroad without the company of his favourite dog, and was greatly indignant at the Order compelling dogs to be muzzled, being one of those who organised the demonstration of unmuzzled dogs, which paraded the streets in the early hours of the memorable Jubilee Day. 
This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
George Adler Biddis
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser
Date of source:    14 May 1891
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News





The late Mr. George Adler Biddis, whose death we recorded last week, having been one of the prominent members of the Newbury Volunteer Fire Brigade, and held the post of sergeant for some years, it was but natural that Comrades should desire to accord him all the honours of a fireman's funeral.

The funeral took place on Friday morning, the procession leaving the house of the deceased in Northbrook-street shortly before twelve o'clock. The Volunteer Fire Brigade paraded under the command of Capt. Albert Church and Sergt. H. S. Hanington, and the manual engine was converted into a funeral car, being drawn by four grey horses, the riders in uniform, having bows of crape attached to their whips.

The coffin, which was hidden under a mass of lovely flowers, was borne from the house on the shoulders of six firemen, and deposited on the engine. The helmet and accoutrements of the deceased were placed upon the coffin. The procession was headed by a large number of the “Princess of Hesse” Court of Foresters, of whom deceased was a member, each of them wearing the green scarf and a sprig of yew in their buttonhole. Then came the Fire Brigade, the funeral car, and the mourning coaches.

The progress of the cortége was watched by large crowds, who thronged the line of route. There was also a large congregation at the Parish Church, where the first part of the Burial Service was conducted. The corpse, borne on the shoulders of the firemen, was met at the west door by the Rector (Rev. E. I. Gardiner), Rev. W. Pheasant and Rev. E. P. Spurway. The coffin was deposited in the aisle. the service being read by the Rector, and the lesson by Mr. Pheasant.

The beautiful hymn “Now the labourer's task is o'er," was sung, and while the corpse was being taken from the church, the organist (Mr. Hubert G. Knight), played the “Dead March" in Saul.

The procession to the Cemetery was followed by a large crowd of persons. The interment was conducted by the Rector, Mr. Pheasant and Mr. Spurwaalso being present. The coffin was lowered into the grave by the firemen, who included Branchmen Harrison and Freebody, Firemen Cooke, Pearce. Haselland Adey. The firemen performed their mournful task in a reverend and solemn manner.

The chief mourners, were Mrs. G. A. Biddis (the widow) Mr. H. Biddis (brother), Miss Biddis, Mrs. Baker (sisters), Mrs. H. Biddis, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wren. and Mr. E. Wren.

There then follows a long list of those present and of those who sent floral tributes.


The coffin was of polished oak with brass furniture, the inscription being


Died May 4th 1891,

Aged 40 years.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. H. S. Hanington of Northbrook-street.


Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser - Thursday 14 May 1891

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
George Adler Biddis
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    07 May 1898
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News







Death has carried off another of our townsmen. Mr. George Adler Biddis, of Northbrook-street, succumbing on Monday night to a sharp attack of pleurisy and inflammation, after a few days illness. Mr. Biddis' decease at the comparatively early age of 40, has elicited widespread regret and sympathy with his widow.

Mr. Biddis succeeded to the business of his late father, as a painter and decorator, in 1877, and always takes a prominent part in connection with several town institutions. He was for some time one of the directors of the Literary and Scientific Institution, and also a member of the committee of the Horticultural Society. He was an ardent volunteer, and held the rank of Sergeant for some years in the Newbury Company. It was only at his last appearance in public, at the dinner of the Football Club, that he referred with pride to his long connection with the Volunteers. He was one of the original members of the Newbury Volunteer Fire Brigade, in which he held the post of sergeant, and was ever ready to respond to the call of duty.

Mr. Biddis was of genial and kindly disposition, with a cherry word and pleasant manner with everyone. Being possessed of a good baritone voice, he was in request at social gatherings, and in the days when the Amateur Minstrels were in their prime he was one of their most successful vocalists.

In politics Mr. Biddis was a Conservative, and took a great interest in Parliamentary and Municipal elections.

The funeral will take place to-morrow (Friday), the first part of the service being held at the parish Church at 12 o'clock. The Fire Brigade will attend.


Newbury Weekly News 7 May 1891

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

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