Personal information about Mary Rand

Below is all the information we have about Mary Rand. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  Mary Rand
  18 February 1891
  J R 1865 M R 1891
  01 January 1980
  Mrs Patterson
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Joseph Rand

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Mary Rand
18 February 1891
Consecrated Private Grave
Reverend E J Gardner



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Mary and Joseph Rand
Article source:    NWN
Date of source:    26 February 1891
Copyright:    © 



Mary and Joseph Rand

Mary and Joseph Rand

The death of Mrs. Rand removes another of our oldest inhabitants, and one who for many years has carried on the business in the little old-fashioned shop in the Market-place, now the almost remaining reminder of the old condition of things. Mrs. Rand was a kindly old lady, who would always be ready to have a little gossip over old times and the degeneracy of the present. She was a regular and earnest attendant at the Parish Church, and a firm believer in Horniman'a tea, for the sale of which she was the agent for many years. Although of late years there has been great advance made in the character and make of surgical appliances, Mrs. Rand continued her business as heretofore without much recognition of the fact that the world had moved on ; indeed I am inclined to think she profited far more by presiding over a registry office, where mistresses knew they could always be sure of good servants, and servants of kind mistresses.

Talking of Mrs. Rand carries one back to Mr. Joseph Rand. who was the founder of the business. He was a Quaker of whom there were then several families in the town, their meeting place being down a passage near Craven-street, the old sanctuary having new been disused for many years, and used for some time as a candle warehouse. Mr. Rand was moreover a devoted disciple of Isaac Walton, many a fine fish having fallen a prey to his rod in the good old days. He lived a peaceful life and died in Kimbers Almshouses. His son succeeded him. and in those days was considered quite an authority on matters scientific. Electricity was then in its infancy, but Mr. Rand was a diligent and practical student. He was troubled by a man who persistently rung his door bell, so he switched on an electric current, and next time the man wished he hadn't rung the bell. The business of Mr. Rand jun., was to supply people with glasses—for their eyes, and he was very proud of his skill as an optician, a pride that was shared by his widow to the last. It is said that in order to test the power of his glasses, he would require his customers to stand at his shop door, and endeavour  to discover the small dial that was then visible in a chimney stack at the other end of the Market-place.

NWN  26 Feb. 1891

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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