Personal information about Hannah Vines

Below is all the information we have about Hannah Vines. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  Hannah Vines
  09 November 1889
  STMO /Joseph VINES/ died May ?13 1874. ( motto eroded.) Also of Hannah, his wife/ died Nov. 9th. 1889.
  01 January 1980
  Mrs Patterson
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Joseph Vines

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Hannah Vines
14 November 1889
Unconsecrated Vault
Reverend J Pate
On FBMD, Mrs P page 8 S20



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Hannah Vines
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    14 November 1889
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News



THE LATE MRS VINES – The death of Mrs. Hannah Vines took place on Friday last at her residence in Mansion-House-street. The deceased lady was widow of the late Mr. Joseph Vines, solicitor of this town, and for many years County Court Registrar, and Clerk of the Peace for the Borough, who died in May 1874.

Article source:    Newbury Weekly News
Date of source:    19 December 1889
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News



The household effects of the late Mrs. Vines were disposed of on Tuesday by Mr. T. Dreweatt, and as some of the furniture was of the good old-fashioned sort, the prices made were very satisfactory. I took the opportunity of looking over the house on the previous day, and found it one of those substantial, roomy, well-built residences, which our forefathers loved to build. Right away at the top of the house I came across some relics of the late Mr. Vines who name I noticed was still retained on the inner entrance door. In the corner of the room was a wig and gown, and with the aid of an excellent portrait of the deceased gentleman downstairs it was not difficult to recall him as, in the capacity of Clerk of the Peace, he opened the Quarter sessions and read that awe-inspiring proclamation against vice and immorality. In an adjoining room were the legal “remains” of the deceased layer, documents, red-taped and pigeon-holed, parchment covered books, and all thickly covered with the accumulated dust of years.
What a lot of moralising might such a sight induce? What profound secrets might still be contained in those pigeon holes, what tales of successful suits and disappointed debtors? Prompted by idle curiosity I opened on the books lying about, and the first entry that met my eye as something after this style, “Seeing you and advising you respecting a cow which you had sold in the fair and which purchases wished to return on the pretence that she was unsound, 6s. 8d”. What a careful statement of facts?
Another lot which attracted my attention, was a number of silk banners which had done duty on some election occasion many years ago. Inscribed in gilt letters on the silk were such mottoes, “Freedom to the slave”, “The choice of the people”, “Civil and religious liberty”, “Throckmorton and Agriculture”, the latter bearing designs of a plough and a what-sheaf. Such party emblems carry the mind back a great many years, when the points of issue were different from those which agitate the public mind, and when elections were the scene of such turmoil and party strife, even in our good old borough.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

No documents available at this time.

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