Personal information about Frederick Tombs

Below is all the information we have about Frederick Tombs. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

  Fred TOMBS
  13 October 1889
  Left kerb: ILMO CHARLOTTE TOMBS died 4th Dec 1931 aged 35 years. FRED TOMBS who suddenly fell asleep in Jesus Oct 13th 1889 aged 16 years. Right kerb: EDWIN TOMBS who entered into rest Oct 7th 1898 aged 58 years JOHN EDWIN GEORGE TOMBS died Nov 9th 1903 aged 35 years. Front: This is the Lords day and it is marvellous in our eyes Back: It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good.
  Average, inlaid letters
  26 August 2013
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Charlotte TOMBS

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Frederick Tombs
18 October 1889
Unconsecrated Family Vault
Reverand R Harding



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Article source:    NWN
Date of source:    19 October 1889
Copyright:    © 




On Sunday morning last Frederick Tombs, son of Mr. E. Tombs, grocer, Speenhamland, was found dead his bed. The deceased was sixteen years of age, and assisted his father in the shop. He complained slightly of a cold and its consequences on the previous night, and went to bed. His father visited him before going to bed himself, and the deceased said that be had slept and felt no worse. No fatal results were anticipated. A post mortem examination was ordered.

The only evidence of importance adduced the inquest was that of Mr. M. H. C. Palmer surgeon, who helped to make the examination. Mr. Palmer said that the previous Friday evening the deceased came to his house to consult him for a rash the face. Deceased was tall and stout. He examined him carefully.  He found the heart slightly enlarged; the pulse was feeble but not quick. There were a few spots on the face and the gland of the ear was enlarged. He prescribed for the deceased, advised him to stay at homo the next day and keep warm. On Sunday he was called to see the deceased, who was supposed dying. He went immediately and found him dead. Tho body was still warm, and he thought that death had taken place about an hour and a half previously. By order be made a post mortem examination in the presence of Drs. Douglas and Wylie. The heart weighed sixteen onnees (the normal size was from nine to ten ounces). A clot of blood was found in one of the arteries near the heart. The clot had probably been formed from two to twelve hoars before death. The liver was healthy; the kidneys were enlarged and congested, and weighed nearly double the normal weight. The cause of death was doubtless from the clot of blood on the right side tne heart. A verdict was returned in accordance with the above medical testimony.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

No documents available at this time.

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