Personal information about Joseph Dibley

Below is all the information we have about Joseph Dibley. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

Joseph Dibley
20 August 1889
Consecrated Private Grave
Reverend H H Skuie
On FBMD Not sure about Rev's name



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Joseph Dibley
Article source:    Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser
Date of source:    22 August 1889
Copyright:    © Newbury Weekly News





Another link with the past has been removed by the death of Mr. Joseph Dibley, which took place on Friday last, at the residence of his niece, Miss Wigmore of the Craven-road. Mr. Dibley belonged to a very old Newbury family, which for over a century conducted butcher's business in Bartholomew-street, and his ancestors are known to have been identified with the town as long ago as the fifteenth century.

Mr. Dibley retired from active life in 1884, when he disposed of his business to Mr. Freebody, and went to live at the " Old Green Man " in West-fields. He was extremely conscientious and straightforward in all his business transactions. He had an intimate local knowledge, and has occasionally written to our columns on matters relating to the past. On one comparatively recent occasion, when the public rights in Northcroft were called in question, he was consulted and gave testimony in a clear and undoubted manner. Mr. Dibley was so attached to Newbury that he had never slept out of it a fortnight in his life, and had never travelled further than London on the one hand, and the Isle of Wight on the other hand,

His last illness was less than three weeks in duration, passing away in his 81st year of decay of nature. He was buried on Tuesday at the Cemetery in the family vault, where his father was buried in 1865, he being 93 years of age.

The last of a long-lived family is his sister, Miss Dibley, who occupies one of Raymond's Almshouses.


Newbury Weekly News and General Advertiser - Thursday 22nd August, 1889

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographies & History

No documents available at this time.

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