Personal information about George Frederick Furley

Below is all the information we have about George Frederick Furley. As far as we know, the information is correct. However, if you find any errors or have additional information, certificates or pictures, please contact us so that we can update this page. Thank you.

Memorial Details

No memorial information available at this time.

Cemetery Accounts Record

The information below is derived from the Newbury Cemetery company Accounts ledgers.

George Frederick Furley
04 November 1885
Consecrated Common Internment
Reverend R Williams



Obituaries and Newspaper announcements

Article source:    Reading Mercury
Date of source:    07 November 1885
Copyright:    © 




Reading Mercury

Dated 7th November 1885

DEATH OF AN OLD SOLDIER. – On Saturday, a pensioner named George Furley died somewhat unexpectedly at his home in Mayor’s-lane, after suffering for some time from consumption. The deceased joined the 2nd Dragoon Guards in 1856, and afterwards became Corporal. He went to India in 1857, at the time of the mutiny, and was present at the action of Nusserapore, the siege of Lucknow, and other actions. He served twelve and a half years abroad, and was discharged as unfit for service in 1873. Of late years, the deceased had been employed at the Newbury Gas Works, where he gained great respect. His funeral on Wednesday was attended by the Manager, the Clerk and those employed at the works. The deceased leaves a wife and three children unprovided for, and a fund is being raised for their assistance.

This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

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