Personal Details of Kate Edwell


Buried:  30/10/1929

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Kate Edwell.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Kate Edwell, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Kate Edwell.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Kate Edwell.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Kate Edwell
Age at Death 84
Burial Date 30 October 1929
Abode 3 Gloucester Road
Official at Burial A.H. Fowler
Burial Register Index
Book 1917
Page Number 140
Reccord Number 10714
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Kate Edwell
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  Kerbstone North side: ILMO HENRY EDWIN EDWELL who died Nov. 2nd 1911 aged 89 yrs. South side: Also of / ELIZABETH his beloved wife, who died April 8th 1900 aged 80 years. / Scroll: Also KATE / eldest daughter of H.E. EDWELL / who died Oct. 26th 1929 / aged 84. / At Rest.
Name on Memorial Kate Edwell
Date of death 26/10/1929
Age 84
Gender Female
Memorial Type Kerbstones and scroll
Construction Material Sandstone
Condition of memorial Good
Pattison Location Code Mb 12
Others named on memorial
Henry Edwin Edwell
Elizabeth Edwell

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Kate Edwell.

Henry Edwin Edwell


Henry Edwin Edwell


Henry Edwin Edwell was a metal worker in Newbury following his father Thomas's profession. He traded from Stillman's Yard and then 20 Bartholomew Street as an Ironmonger from at least 1861. His son Walter Kessuth came into the business and continued it on after Henry retired. The business was then carried on by his son Walter James. I have not yet discovered when he finished trading in Newbury but he died in Harrow, Mdx in 1959. If you do have access to trade directories covering Newbury I would be interested to know?

In Newtown Road Cemetery are buried three of Walter Kessuth's sisters and also his third wife. Walter died in Hendon, Mdx in 1936.

Kate Edwell 30 Oct 1929 Rec: 10714

Elizabeth Edwell 31 Aug 1932 Rec: 10913

Rosa Butler 3 May 1944 Rec:11619


Annie Harriet Edwell 6 May 1929 Rec: 10684

Kate was her fathers assistant in Newbury in the business. Elizabeth trained as a drapers assistant as did her sisters Rosa and Emilie. In later life she was to be found running the household for bereaved family members. Rosa married a schoolmaster in later life and lived in Bath. They also had two brothers who emigrated to Australia and records show that Walter and his wife Annie went out to stay with them in 1912 not returning until 1916. Brother Henry became a JP in Sydney and brother Edwin was in the family trade. These two brothers had male descendants who are the only remaining Edwells from this branch of the family descended from Thomas born in 1790 in Sutton Courtney. The brothers were educated at St Bartholomew's School from the age of 8. An article appeared in the last issue of BFH magazine with a school picture of 1865 showing Henry.

Walter's first wife Emily Jane died in childbirth in 1879 on the birth of her third child. Henry remarried in 1886 and his second wife died in 1904. He married Annie Harding in 1909 when she was aged 49 and he was aged 60. She died aged 69 and Walter died in Hendon, Middlesex in 1936 aged 87.

Author: Janet Carpenter
© Janet Carpenter

Kate Edwell


Kate Edwell

Henry Edwin Edwell was a metal worker in Newbury following his father Thomas's profession. He traded from Stillman's Yard and then 20 Bartholomew Street as an Ironmonger from at least 1861. His son Walter Kessuth came into the business and continued it on after Henry retired. The business was then carried on by his son Walter James. I have not yet discovered when he finished trading in Newbury but he died in Harrow, Mdx in 1959. If you do have access to trade directories covering Newbury I would be interested to know?

In Newtown Road Cemetery are buried three of Walter Kessuth's sisters and also his third wife. Walter died in Hendon, Mdx in 1936.

Kate Edwell 30 Oct 1929 Rec: 10714

Elizabeth Edwell 31 Aug 1932 Rec: 10913

Rosa Butler 3 May 1944 Rec:11619


Annie Harriet Edwell 6 May 1929 Rec: 10684

Kate was her fathers assistant in Newbury in the business. Elizabeth trained as a drapers assistant as did her sisters Rosa and Emilie. In later life she was to be found running the household for bereaved family members. Rosa married a schoolmaster in later life and lived in Bath. They also had two brothers who emigrated to Australia and records show that Walter and his wife Annie went out to stay with them in 1912 not returning until 1916. Brother Henry became a JP in Sydney and brother Edwin was in the family trade. These two brothers had male descendants who are the only remaining Edwells from this branch of the family descended from Thomas born in 1790 in Sutton Courtney. The brothers were educated at St Bartholomew's School from the age of 8. An article appeared in the last issue of BFH magazine with a school picture of 1865 showing Henry.

Walter's first wife Emily Jane died in childbirth in 1879 on the birth of her third child. Henry remarried in 1886 and his second wife died in 1904. He married Annie Harding in 1909 when she was aged 49 and he was aged 60. She died aged 69 and Walter died in Hendon, Middlesex in 1936 aged 87.

Author: Janet Carpenter
© Janet Carpenter

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