Personal Details of Broome Pinniger


Buried:  19/09/1900

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Broome Pinniger.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Broome Pinniger, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Broome Pinniger.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Name at death Broome Pinniger
Date of death  
Age at death 72
Gender at Death Male
Cause of Death
Place of Death  
Usual Address
GRO certificate index
Year 1900
Quarter September
District Newbury
Volume 2c
Page 153
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Information Sources FreeBMD

Burial Register
Name at death Broom Pinniger
Age at Death 72
Burial Date 19 September 1900
Official at Burial J A Thomas
Comments Actual Forname is BROOME, but register shows it as BROOM
Burial Register Index
Book 1899
Page Number 018
Reccord Number 7342
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Broome Pinniger
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  IMO / RICHARD son of / BROOME & HARRIET ANN PINNIGER / who died 2 Feb. 1872 aged 4 months. / IMO / BROOME PINNIGER / who died 15th Sept. 1900 / aged 72 years. / And / HARRIET ANN his wife / who died 20th Dec. 1901 / aged 67 years. / IMO / MARY JANE / wife of JAMES COCKBURN PINNIGER / born 1st May 1834 / died 3rd May 1885. /Also o JAMES COCKBURN PINNIGER / at Rest on Christmas Day 1907 / in his 79th yr. / Here rests the body of WILLIAM PINNIGER / son of COCKBURN & MARY JANE PINNIGER / born 10th July 1871 / died 4 Dec. 1877. "The Lord is gracious and full of compassion.
Name on Memorial Broome Penniger
Date of death 15/09/1900
Age 72
Gender Male
Memorial Type
Construction Material
Condition of memorial
Pattison Location Code LN(P) 6
Others named on memorial
Harriet Ann Pinniger
Mary Jane Pinniger
James Cockburn Pinniger
William Pinniger
Richard Pinniger

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

Source: Newbury Weekly News
Article date: 20/09/1900
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News

It is with sincere regret that we record the decease of Mr. Broome Pinniger, the senior partner in the old established firm of Messrs. B. and J.C. Pinniger, solicitors, Newbury, which occurred on Saturday last, Mr. Pinniger, who was in his 73rd year, was a native of Newbury, and had been connected during his lengthened life with the borough- an attachment of which he was always proud and though he could never be induced to take any share in in the administration of civic affairs, he was ever ready to aid local institutions and philanthropic agencies.

Admitted a solicitor as long ago as 1850, he was associated with his father in his practice some years previous to the death of the latter in 1863. Since then, the practice has been carried on jointly by himself and his brother, Mr. J. Cockburn Pinniger, who survives him.

Mr. Broome Pinniger was a Trustee of Kimber's and Cowslade's Charities, a Borough Assessor, and was one of the original members of the Newbury Volunteer Company on its initiation in 1857. He was for a time Lieutenant, and in that capacity attended the review in Hyde Park before the Queen and the Prince Consort, and subsequently became Treasurer of the Company. Mr Pinniger was a Freemason but was never prominently identified with the craft.

A few years since he suffered from a severe attack of influenza, from the effects of which he never recovered. Though declining in health, he was about as usual until Wednesday last, when he took to his bed, and passed away n Saturday night.

He leaves besides the widow, a daughter and two sons, the eldest of whom being qualified as a solicitor, has been associated with his father in his practice. Mr. Pinniger was one of the oldest of our townsmen, having outlived most of those who a quarter of a century ago were leaders in the professional, the commercial, and the social life of the town. To many of the present day methods he was strongly averse. He belonged rather to a period which took life more leisurely and found enjoyment, outside his profession, in the family circle, and in the cultivation of new friendships.

His relations with others were always on the ground of strict integrity and dignified courtesy, and his removal will awaken sincere sympathy with those who have thus been bereaved.

The funeral took place yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon at the Cemetery, when Mr. J.A.Thomas officiated. The coffin was of polished oak, with brass fittings, and bore the inscription:

Died 15th September, 1900,
Aged 72.

The grave was lined with moss and flowers. The mourners were Mr. J.C .Pinniger (brother), and Messrs B. Pinniger, and W. Pinniger, (sons), Mr. R.A. Chesterman (brother-in-law), Mr. Wm Wilde (son-in-law) Messrs C.B. Pinniger, H.B. Pinniger, and T.C. Pinniger, (nephews), Dr. Watson, Dr. John Watson.

Amongst others present were Messrs S. Knight, J.P. and H. Davis, (churchwardens), W.H. Belcher, J. Mason, F. J. Coldicutt, J.P., W, J, Blacket, James Hiscock, J.W.H. Kemp, &c.

Numerous floral tributes were sent, including the following: Cross, Mrs. B. Pinniger; wreath, B. & W. Pinniger; anchor, W. and G. Wilde; wreath J.C. Pinniger; wreath, Mr. and Mrs. S.V. Pinniger; wreath. Mary, Amy and Edith; wreath, Mrs. H.W. Pinniger and family;wreath, Mrs. C.W. Lea; wreath, Sarah and Mary; cross, Mr. and Mrs. J. Browning.

The funeral arrangements were satisfactorily carried out by Mr. H.S. Hanington.

Broome Pinniger
Source: A History of Craft Masonry in Newbury: W.J. Barber
Article date: 01/05/1857
Copyright: as above

BROOME PINNIGER was initiated into The Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope on 1st May 1857 on the same date as THOMAS DELLAR who had been Mayor in 1854.

Biographical Information

There is no biographical information available for Broome Pinniger. If you have any information that could help us, please contact the History Research Group.

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