Personal Details of Stephen Rolfe


Buried:  15/03/1900

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Stephen Rolfe.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Stephen Rolfe, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Stephen Rolfe.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Stephen Rolfe.

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Burial Register
Name at death Stephen Rolfe
Age at Death 68
Burial Date 15 March 1900
Official at Burial J A Thomas
Burial Register Index
Book 1899
Page Number 011
Reccord Number 7282
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Stephen Rolfe
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

Stephen Rolfe
Source: Newbury Weekly News
Article date: 22/03/1900
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News


ROLFE – Mar 12, at Union Workhouse, Stephen Rolfe, aged 68 years.

from Newbury


  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Stephen Rolfe
Source: Reading Mercury
Article date: 16/08/1830
Copyright: Reading Mercury


MARKET PLACE, NEWBURY.  FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Capable of considerable improvement.  TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. By Wright and Nalder.

On Monday September 20, 1830 at five o’clock in the afternoon, at the Three Tuns Inn, Newbury, (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given).

All that substantial-built and well-accustomed Shop and Dwelling House, in good repair, desirably situate on the west side of the Market-place in Newbury, in which for many years a considerable business in the Grocery and Home-cured Bacon Trade has been carried on, now in the occupation of Mr.John Rolfe, Grocer and Pork Butcher, tenant at will, at the rent of £40 per ann.

The ground floor comprises a roomy shop, parlour, large kitchen, brew-house, bacon-drying-house, excellent cellarage, with convenient out-buildings, court-yard, and side entrance.  The upper apartments consist of dining-room, six sleeping-rooms, with closets and lofts.  The above is subject to Land Tax of 19s., and Quit-Rent of 5s.


  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Stephen Rolfe
Source: Reading Mercury
Article date: 27/03/1858
Copyright: Reading Mercury


On the 26th inst., at the Congregational Chapel, Newbury, by the Rev. H. March, Mr. Stephen Rolfe, Market-place, Newbury, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Chas. Wheeler, ironmonger, &c., Speenhamland.

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Stephen Rolfe
Source: Reading Mercury
Article date: 03/04/1858
Copyright: Reading Mercury


Begs to offer his sincere thanks to his friends and the public, for the liberal support bestowed on him for the last five years, and to inform them, that he has now removed his business from the Gas House Lane, to more convenient premises, next door to Mr. White’s, Bacon Factor, where he intends to carry it on as before, and has also a good supply of Kitchen Ranges, Register, Shop, and other Stoves always on hand.  Iron Gates, Palasading, &c.    Smiths Work in General.

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Stephen Rolfe
Source: Berkshire Chronicle
Article date: 22/08/1863
Copyright: Berkshire Chronicle

STEPHEN ROLFE, IRONMONGER, NEWBURY, is now selling off his useful stock of Ironmongery Goods under cost price, for cash only, consisting of Kitchen Ranges, Kitcheners, Register, and other Stoves, Fenders, Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Digging Forks, Gunpowder, Shot, Nails, &c.


  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Stephen Rolfe
Source: Berkshire Chronicle
Article date: 12/12/1863
Copyright: Berkshire Chronicle

STEPHEN ROLFE, PORK BUTCHER.  Prime Home Cured Bacon and Hams.  Fresh Sausages every day.  Sausage Meat for Turkeys, 9d. per lb.   

Market Place, Newbury.

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Stephen Rolfe
Source: Newbury Weekly News
Article date: 09/01/1868
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News



STEPHEN ROLFE - Proprietor

Where you can obtain a GOOD DINNER for 9d.  Chops and Steaks daily.

Pork Sausages and Sausage Meat for Turkeys, made every day 9d. per lb

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Stephen Rolfe
Source: Reading Mercury
Article date: 12/06/1869
Copyright: Reading Mercury


TO BLACKSMITHS – WANTED a good Workman used to the Shoeing and Jobbing.  Any sober, steady man may apply to Stephen Rolfe, Market Place, Newbury.

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Stephen Rolfe
Source: Newbury Weekly News
Article date: 22/03/1900
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News


ROLFE -  Mar. 12 at Union Workhouse, Stephen Rolfe, aged 68 years.

  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Stephen Rolfe.

Stephen Rolfe

Stephen Rolfe

His parents John Rolfe and Hannah (née Cox) were married on 13 June 1824 at St. Nicolas Church.  Stephen was their fifth child born c.1832/3.  There followed a further 5 children. The family grew up above the premises in Market Place where their father ran a substantial grocery and home-cured bacon trade employing 2 men and one servant.  See below under Newspaper Announcements for a detailed description of the property when it was sold by auction in 1830.  John Rolfe was the tenant and he is recorded in Pigot’s Directory 1830 under the heading of Shopkeepers & Dealers in Groceries & Sundries.

John Rolfe  died in 1843 at the age of 48 and he was buried on 27 January 1843 in the graveyard by St. Nicolas Church. 

Stephen’s mother Hannah was the daughter of Joseph Cox and Amy (née Merrit). In 1815 Joseph Cox and his family lived in West Mills where he worked as a Brewer’s Man.   In the same year his son James, aged 9, is recorded as a “Blue Boy” (Kendrick Bluecoat School).

Stephen Rolfe apprenticed as a Locksmith and in 1851 he was living with his widowed mother who had taken over the grocery business. His younger siblings Frederick (aged 11) and Louisa (aged 9) were Scholars.  By 1853 he had established his ironmongery business in Gas House Lane. 

On the 26 March 1858, at the Lower Meeting  Independent Chapel, Newbury, Stephen married Elizabeth Wheeler, eldest daughter of Charles Wheeler, Ironmonger of Speenhamland.  A month later he removed his business from Gas House Lane to more convenient premises in Market Place, next door to Mr. White’s, Bacon Factor. 

Their first and only child Hannah Maria was born in 1859 but sadly died a year later.  




By 1861 he was a successful Master Ironmonger and Whitesmith employing 2 men and 1 boy, and a house servant.  However his circumstances appear to have changed and in August 1863 he was disposing of the business.  Later on in the year he was advertising as a Pork Butcher in the Market Place.    He was also the Proprietor of Old Established Dining Rooms and this arrangement continued for the next 5 years.  His mother was still running the greengrocer’s  next door to the Catherine Wheel.

Later in 1869 and 1870 he was advertising for a workman in the shoeing and jobbing trade.

In the 1871 census Stephen and his wife Elizabeth are living with his widowed mother Hannah, now an Almswoman, at 7 Kimbers Almshouses, Cheap Street. His occupation has returned to Ironmonger.   A few years later he is listed in the 1877 Post Office Directory trading as a Fishmonger in Cheap Street.

By 1881 he is living alone at 2 Lennox Place, Market Place, his occupation given as Retired Baker.   His wife Elizabeth is recorded living with her parents, Charles and Maria Wheeler, in London Road, Speen.

His wife Elizabeth died on 18 July 1886.  He was not blessed with good fortune as the 1891 census records him a widower, occupation Locksmith, and an inmate at the Union Workhouse in 1891 where he died on 12 March 1900 aged 68 years.

He was buried on 15 March 1900.


No Mrs. P. Code









His wife Elizabeth Rolfe – Mrs. P. Code W72  Page 16.  Buried 21 July 1886.

His daughter Hannah Maria Rolfe  -  Mrs. P. Code W(A) 46  Page 44.  Buried 13 April 1860.

His mother Hannah Rolfe and his brother Joseph Rolfe -  Mrs. P. Code P(F)9  Page 173.  Hannah  buried on 15 January 1890 and Joseph on 3 August 1892.

His sister-in-law Priscilla Rolfe, wife of Joseph  -  No Mrs. P. Code. Buried on 12 January 1907.

His sister Amy Ann Rolfe – No Mrs. P. Code.   Buried on 30 January 1907.


Sources: 1815 Joseph Toomer’s Census (page 103); Berkshire Marriage Index 13/6/1824 (his parents); BBI (Father’s burial on 27/1/1843);   1841 to 1891 census; Marriage Index 1Q 1858;  Marriages 1839–1860 Newbury Lower Meeting Independent Church; Post Office Directory 1864 (dining rooms, Market Place);  Kelly’s Directory 1869 (dining rooms, Market Place); 1896 Harrod’s Directory; Post Office Directory 1877 (fishmonger, Cheap Street); Death Index 1Q 1900;  Berkshire Burial Index.









Author: Deirdre Duff

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