Personal Details of Eliza Ann East


Died:  01/11/1919
Buried:  05/11/1919

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Eliza Ann East.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Eliza Ann East, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Eliza Ann East.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Eliza Ann East.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Eliza Ann East
Age at Death 55
Burial Date 05 November 1919
Abode The Bridge
Official at Burial L.R. Majendie (Rector)
Burial Register Index
Book 1917
Page Number 035
Reccord Number 9875
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Eliza Ann East
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  Headstone: In Loving Memory Of (ILMO) Elisa Ann wife of William Henry East who fell asleep Nov. 1st 1919 aged 55 years. "Never a hand so gentle Never a heart more kind. Never a sweeter memory than our mother left behind". Also of their son William Henry who fell asleep June 19th 1896 aged 4 years. "Safely safely gathered home". And of their youngest daughter Ellen May EAST 1902-1951. Footstone: EAE 1919 / WHE 1896 / EME 1951
Name on Memorial Elisa Ann EAST
Date of death 01/11/1919
Age 55
Gender Female
Memorial Type H/stone + F/stone
Construction Material Limestone
Condition of memorial Fair / Inlaid lead
Pattison Location Code LNC-7
Others named on memorial
William Henry EAST
Ellen May EAST

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

Eliza Ann East
Source: Newbury Weekly News
Article date: 01/11/1919
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News





The funeral of the late Mrs. East, whose sudden death was reported last week, took place on Wednesday. The first part of the service was held in the Parish Church, the Rector (Rev. L.R. Majendie) officiating. The body was conveyed to Newbury Cemetery and interred in the grave of her only son, who died some 23 years ago.


The mourners were Mr. W. H. East (husband), the Misses E.A., A.M., and E.M. East, Mrs. T.East, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. East, Mr. W. Cullimore (cousins), Mr. E. Scott, Mr. W. C. Williams, Mr. Piper and Mrs. R. Gerring.


There were also present in church and at the graveside Mr. and Mrs. N. Liddiard, Mrs. T. Cullum, Mrs. E. and Miss Savage, Miss A. Cox, Miss M. Freeman, Miss C. Debron, Mrs. J. and Miss Bell, Mrs.Mason and a number of Members of the Women's Own Club of which the deceased was a member.


Floral tributes were sent from the following: Dad, Bett, Ada and May, Minstrell and little Sandy, Ted and Gussie; Walter; the Shop Staff; Misses A. Cox, M. Freeman and N. Debron; the Congregational Women's Own; Mrs C. Gerring; Mr. and Mrs. N. Liddiard; Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Gibbings; Pat and Connie; Mr. and Mrs. Piper and Elsie; A.M. Staples; Emily; Fred and Emily; Annie and Lily; Ernest Scott; Mr. and Mrs. Wise; Mr. and Mrs. Ferris and family; etc.


The coffin was made of polished oak with brass fittings, and the name plate was engraved; “Eliza Ann East, died Nov. 1st 1919, aged 55 years.”


Messrs Hart and Sons were the undertakers.


Newbury Weekly News ? Nov. 1919


Son William Henry East died June 1896 aged 4



  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Eliza Ann East.

Eliza Ann East

Eliza Ann East

She was born in Brentford, Middlesex, in 1864, a daughter of Charles Lewington and Emma, nee Bartlett. Her father, born in Aston Upthorpe, near Blewbury, Berkshire, started working life as a Farm Labourer, then moved to London, where he married and settled first as a  Butcher and then later as a Porter in Parker Street near Covent Garden. She grew up at 19 Parker Street with her parents and sisters Emma, Ellen, Louisa, Rosina, and her brothers Charles and William (1871 census). She married William Henry East on 24th June 1889 at St. Mary, Reading, Berkshire. They had 4 children, Elizabeth Annie (b. 1890), William Henry (b. 1892) Ada Mary (b. 1895), and Ellen May (b. 1902). She died at The Bridge, Northbrook Street, Newbury, on 1st November 1919 aged 55 years and she was interred on 5th November 1919 in the grave of her only son, William Henry East who died in 1896.

Sources: BMD 2Q 1864 Birth; Select Marriages 1538-1973; 1871/1891 to 1911 Census; E. & W. Death Index; Newbury Weekly News 13/11/1919. Also refer to the record of William Henry East (1861-1920).

Mrs. P. Code LN (C) 7, page 113

Author: FNRC
© Newbury Weekly News

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