Personal Details of Edith Willis


Buried:  22/04/1943

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Edith Willis.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Edith Willis, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Edith Willis.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Edith Willis.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Edith Willis
Age at Death 70
Burial Date 22 April 1943
Abode 14 Battle Road
Official at Burial A Russell Potts
Burial Register Index
Book 1917
Page Number 246
Reccord Number 11562
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Edith Willis
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  From sides of kerbstones/ In Loving Memory of Edith Willis/ called to the homeland. 18th. April 1943./ Also of Elizabeth Willis, 12th. October 1951 aged 70 years./ At Rest. /And of Emma Willis died 13th. March 1953 aged 87 years.
Name on Memorial Edith Willis
Date of death 18/04/1943
Age 70
Gender Female
Memorial Type 4 kerbstones
Construction Material Limestone
Condition of memorial Poor, engraved letters
Pattison Location Code LS(K)12
Recorder's Notes Edith Willis's age obtained from burial records
Others named on memorial
Elizabeth Willis

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Edith Willis.

Edith Willis (1873 — 1943)

Edith Willis (1873 — 1943)
Edith Willis was born on 9 January 1873 in Farnham in Surrey, the daughter of James and Fanny, nee Pearce, Willis.
She was recorded with her parents James and Fanny and sisters Mary Ann aged 13, Elizabeth Kate aged 9 and Beatrice aged 3 in The Wash in Newbury in the 1881 census. James was recorded an agricultural labourer.

Edith was recorded at 63 Granville Road in Lewisham in the 1891 census, her occupation was a domestic servant.

Ten years later in the 1901 census Edith had returned to Newbury and was living as a servant at 7 Southampton Terrace in Newbury, her occupation was a general domestic servant. She was recorded at 2 Mount Villas, Newtown Road in Newbury in the 1911 census, her occupation was now a cook.

In the 1920 and 1921 electoral registers Edith was recorded at 6 Roseberry Cottages in Enborne, which was the old address of her parents. There was also an Emily Willis in the house.

A few years later in the 1929 to 1931 registers Edith was recorded at 135 Andover Road in Newbury along with an Alexander Mitchell.
When the national register was taken in September 1939 census Edith was living at Ravensbourne, Andover Road in Newbury and working as a cook. The head of the house was Alexander Mitchell, a retired bank manager, and his wife Edith was also living there along with a house maid. Alexander's father, also Alexander, was living at Dunnottar, Andover Road in Newbury when he died on 30 April 1932 so Edith was probably residing as a servant for his father from 1929 to 1931, his mother had died in 1920.

Edith died 18 April 1943 at 14 Battle Road in Newbury, the residence of her sister Elizabeth Caroline Willis.

She was buried at Newtown Road Cemetery on 22 April 1943.

Edith did not leave a will but administration of her estate was granted on 10 July 1943 at Oxford to Bessie Purton, wife of William George Purton. The value of the estate was £326 lls ld.

Edith's parents were both buried at Newtown Road Cemetery, her father James on 10 September 1913 and her mother Fanny on 12 January 1918. Her sister Elizabeth Caroline Willis was also buried at Newtown Road on 16 October 1951.

Author: soper

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