Personal Details of Mary Benwell


Buried:  04/06/1888

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Mary Benwell.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Mary Benwell, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Mary Benwell.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Mary Benwell.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register

There is no burial register information available for Mary Benwell.
Only three of the five burial register books still exist as far as we know and these are held at the Berkshire Record Office.
Stillborn children were not recorded in the burial register, only in the cemetery accounts.

Cemetery accounts

This information is taken from the accounts ledgers of the Newbury Cemetery Company that originally ran and maintained the cemetery.
The Ledgers are held at the Berkshire Records Office.

Name at death Mary Benwell
Date of burial 04/06/1888
Whence brought Newbury
Where & how buried Unconsecrated Common Internment
By whom buried Reverend George Beale
Account Entry Book 02 - Page 038
Transcription comments On FBMD

Accounts Entry for Mary Benwell
© Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Mary Benwell.

Mary Benwell


Mary Benwell, formerly Kent, nee Pagler

He was born on 26 November 1803 and baptised on 3 January 1804 at the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel,  Northbrook Street.  His parents were Charles and Ann Kent.

On 28 October 1824 he married Sarah Twitchin at St. Nicolas Church.  She was the daughter of John and Jane (Salter)Twitchin. Her father was a grocer and tallow chandler in Newbury. 

Jesse Kent is listed in the 1839 Robson’s Directory as a china, glass and earthenware dealer in Hungerford and the 1841 census confirms he is trading in the High Street, West Side, Hungerford.   His wife Sarah is living with him together with Jane Ward, aged 9.  In July 1842,  the house occupied by Jesse Kent, and the neighbouring property occupied by a butcher, were up for auction. The houses are described as having “good gardens, stable, cart-house, slaughter-house, brew-houses and all conveniences”.

Sarah died in 1844 (3Q) and on 5 October 1846 he married again this time to Mary Pagler(sic), daughter of William Pagler (sic), in Thatcham.   The 1851 census states that she was born in Wiltshire.  Research has been unable to locate the surname Pagler in Wiltshire, but the surname Pegler proved fruitful.  A Mary Pegler was baptised in Christian Malford, Wiltshire on 20 January 1815, her parents were William and Ester Pegler.  In 1841 she was a dressmaker, aged 24, living on her own at Christian Malford. In addition when she became a widow after Jesse died, she married Peter Benwell, a shepherd, and the 1861 census states that she was born in Foxham, Wiltshire, a village very near to Christian Malford.

In the 1851 census, now aged 47, Jesse is still trading in Mills Yard , Newbury, as a china dealer.   Mary’s occupation is laundress and Mary Ann Taylor, aged 11,  born in Newbury, described as a daughter-in-law, is living with them.  Research  to date has not been able to establish the family relationship. At this period the term “in-law” was routinely used to signify a child who was the biological child of one partner only.

The next few years were a struggle.  His trade was not doing well: there were newspaper reports of drinking and illness.  From the inquest report following his death, Jesse and Mary had been living at the “Steamer” beer-house for a couple of years and then they moved to lodge at the New Inn in the Cattle Market.

On 20 December 1857 he went missing and tragically he was found drowned in the river Kennet the following day.  An inquest followed and  the jury immediately returned a verdict “That the deceased destroyed himself while labouring under a fit of temporary insanity.”

He was buried on 23 December 1857.

His widow Mary married Peter Benwell, a shepherd from Greenham, in 1858 (3Q).  She died aged 71 years on 31 May 1888 and she was buried in the Cemetery on 4 June 1888.  Refer to record under the name of Mary Benwell.


No Mrs. P. Code


Sources: Births and Christenings in England 1538-1975; Berkshire Marriages Index 28/10/1824 - 1st wife Sarah Twitchin;  Berkshire Marriage Index – John and Jane (Salter) Twitchin;  1839 Robson’s Directory; Death Index of Sarah Kent 3Q 1844; England Marriages Index  5/10/1846 - 2nd wife Mary Pegler; 1841/1851 census;  Death Index 1Q 1858.

Author: D Duff

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The Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery is a not-for-profit organisation that works in association with Newbury Town Council to look after and maintain Newtown Road Cemetery for the benefit of the people of Newbury.

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