Personal Details of Joseph Havelock Spackman


Buried:  24/12/1934

Listed below are all the details we have been able to find so far on Joseph Havelock Spackman.

As far as we are aware, all the information is correct. However, sometimes transcriptions can lead to errors being made. If you find any errors or omissions, please let us know and we will endeavour to get them corrected as soon as possible.

If you have any further information on Joseph Havelock Spackman, we would be delighted to hear from you.


There is no information in our database regarding the birth of Joseph Havelock Spackman.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.


There is no information in our database regarding the death of Joseph Havelock Spackman.

Can you help us? If so, please contact our History Research Group.

Burial Register
Name at death Joseph Havelock Spackman
Age at Death 77
Burial Date 24 December 1934
Abode Avebury, Tydehams
Official at Burial W.L. Cooper, Rector
Burial Register Index
Book 1917
Page Number 184
Reccord Number 11069
Sources Burial Register

Burial Register entry for Joseph Havelock Spackman
©Newbury Town Council
Reproduced with kind permission

Memorial Details
  From top of base: Joseph Havelock/ Spackman/ born Sept 8th 1857/ died Dec 22nd 1934.
Name on Memorial Joseph Havelock Spackman
Date of death 08/09/1857
Age 77
Gender Male
Memorial Type Celtic cross and 4 kerbstones
Construction Material Rough grey granite with inlaid letters on base
Condition of memorial Good
Pattison Location Code C63

Newspaper Cuttings

The articles below have been transcribed from newspapers and magezines.

Joseph Havelock Spackman
Source: Newbury Weekly News and Mrs Pattison
Article date: 25/04/1935
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News





We regret to record the death of Mr. Joseph Havelock Spackman, which occurred on Saturday at his residence, “Avebury,” Tydehams, Newbury.


Mr. Spackman was 77 years of age. He was born in 1857, the year of the Indian Mutiny, and was named after Sir Henry Havelock, a popular hero of the day. About twelve months ago Mr. Spackman developed heart trouble, after which he was quite an invalid.


Joseph Havelock Spackman came of a well-known family of agriculturalists. He was the son of the late Mr. Clare Flower Spackman of East bury, and started farming at Pigeon-House-farm, Eastbury. He sent from there to the Manor farm, East Garson, where he remained until he retired from farming in 1817. He then came to live in Newbury, first in Andover-road, afterwards building himself a residence in the Tydeham estate.


Mr. Spackmam had the reputation of being a first-rate farmer. But he not only interested himself in his own affairs but gave a great deal of time to the public life of the district. He was for many years a member of the Hungerford Board of Guardians and District Council and was honoured by his fellow members by being elected chairman of both these bodies. It was as long ago as 1912 that he retired from these offices. He was a Justice of the Peace for Berkshire and sat at Lambourn.


Mr. Spackman was a very athletic man. In his youth he was a prominent member of the old Newbury Bicycle Club and rode more than one race on a “penny farthing” machine. He kept up his interest in cycling to the last being a member of the Fellowship of Old Time Cyclists. He was also a very keen lawn tennis player and even in his veteran years was a hard man to beat. He showed uncanny skill with a putter, and if there was a clock golf or putting competition at any fête in the district he was almost certain to be the winner with a score which made golfers green with envy.


He was an authority in meteorological matters and nature phenomena. He was one of the earliest men in the district to record rainfall for the Meteorological Society and his records dated back for close on forty years. He was a clever chess player and in recent years was very keen upon Contract Bridge. He also too an interest in his garden.


Mr. Spackman married the second daughter of the late Mr. Richard Osmond of Weston, who with a son and daughter mourns his loss.



The funeral took place at Newbury Parish Church on Monday afternoon, the service being taken by the Rector, Canon W.L. Cooper.


The mourners were Mrs. Spackman (widow), Mr. J.S. Spackman (son), Miss E. Spackman and Mrs. W. Miller (sisters), Mr. C.F.s. Millar and Mr. A.H. Millar (nephews), Miss Gertrude Osmond (sister-in-law) and Mr. W. L. Spackman (cousin).


There is a list of others present and a note that Major E.R. Portal regrets that he was unable to be present.


The interment was in the Newtown-road Cemetery.


A list of wreaths sent is also given.

Newbury Weekly News 27 December 1934 (needs verification)


  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.
Joseph Havelock Spackman
Source: Newbury Weekly News
Article date: 25/04/1935
Copyright: Newbury Weekly News

Mr. J.H. Spackman's Will


Mr. Joseph Havelock Spackman, J.P. of Tydehams, Newbury died on December 22nd leaving £22,208, with net personalty £20,566. He left £50 to the Newbury Dispensary.


Newbury Weekly News 25 April 1935


Mrs P. p.189 c 63

Born 8 September 1857. Died 22 December 1934 aged 77

Buried 24 December 1934

Bk 1917 p. 184 No. 11069


  This obituary entry is awaiting verification.

Biographical Information

The articles below contain information about Joseph Havelock Spackman.


 A short note from Monica Neville

Some years ago, my husband and I came from Aberdeen to do some Family History research in Berks and were disappointed not to be able to go into the cemetery. Maybe one day...
I have information to add to Anna Maria Osmond and Richard Osmond, and to Joseph H Spackman, which may be of interest.

Anna Maria Osmond (nee Humphries) born 23rd January 1849 at Ballards Ash in the parish of Wootton Bassett. Father Jacob Humphries, mother Ann Humphries (nee White). Married 25th May 1871 at the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Wootton Bassett to Richard Osmond

Richard Osmond born 3rd May 1847 in Linkenholt, Hants. Father Richard Osmond, mother Jane Gundry Osmond (nee Clarke). Marriage details as above At Richard's funeral, I believe the official to have been Rev R G Fairbairn

Joseph Havelock Spackman born 9th Sep 1857 at Dilton, Westbury, Wilts
Father Clare Flower Spackman, mother Elizabeth Spackman nee (Hulbert). Married 12th Sep 1905 at St Gregory, Welford, Berks to Louise Humphries Osmond

Kind regards
Monica Neville

Author: M Neville

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