Date published: 27 October 2010
Author: Paul Thompson
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The Vodafone volunteers with some of the Friends
©Hilary Konya
The Vodafone volunteers with some of the Friends
Vodafone come to help out
Vodafone staff visit the cemetery on a volunteer day
A number of staff from local mobile phone firm Vodafone came to the cemetery on a company volunteer day. The volunteer days allow staff take a day out of the office to participate in local events and work with groups on local projects.
On this day, they came to the cemetery to assist with the launch of the monument recording group and start recording the details of the inscriptions on the memorials.
The weather was a little damp, but that did not afftect the determination of all who attended. |
The Vodafone volunteers getting down to work
©Hilary Konya
The Vodafone volunteers getting down to work
The Vodafone volunteers getting down to work
©Hilary Konya
The Vodafone volunteers getting down to work
Brian Sylvester prepares to open the event.
©Hilary Konya
Brian Sylvester prepares to open the event.
Brian Sylvester leads the volunteers to the chapel
©Hilary Konya
Brian Sylvester leads the volunteers to the chapel
Uncovering a buried memorial
©Hilary Konya
Uncovering a buried memorial
This buried memorial was uncovered by the Vodafone volunteers
©Hilary Konya
This buried memorial was uncovered by the Vodafone volunteers
The Vodafone volunteers getting down to work
©Hilary Konya
The Vodafone volunteers getting down to work
The Vodafone volunteers with some of the Friends
©Hilary Konya
The Vodafone volunteers with some of the Friends
The Vodafone volunteers with some of the Friends
©Hilary Konya
The Vodafone volunteers with some of the Friends
Brian Sylvester Cries out the start of the Vodafone Volunteer day
©Hilary Konya
Brian Sylvester Cries out the start of the Vodafone Volunteer day
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