Elizabeth Mattingling/Mattingley c1766-1851

Author: gambles
Date published: 09/02/2025

Elizabeth Mattingling/Mattingley


According to the 1841 census Elizabeth was not born in Berkshire.

Elizabeth married (as Elizabeth Wallis) Charles Mattingly on the 17th October 1791, in Tidcombe, Wiltshire.

They had the following two children baptised in Tidcombe:

Mary Mattingley, 10th August 1793

Charles Mattngly, 6th July 1794


Elizabeth was recorded in the 1841 census aged 70, living at Newbury Wash, Newbury, Berkshire, with Charles Mattinley (70) an Agricultural Labourer.

Charles Matdingley died aged 80 in 1847. He was buried on the 3rd February at St Nicolas Newbury as Charles Matdingly.

Elizabeth Mattingley died aged 85 in 1851. She was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery as Elizabeth Mattingling on the 3rd December. (NBI records her surname as Mattingly)



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