George Henry Gibbs 1850-1851

Author: gambles
Date published: 24/05/2024

George Henry Gibbs


George was born in Newbury, Berkshire, (birth was registered in the September quarter) the son of George Henry and Sarah Gibbs (nee Shefford) who were married on the 21st July 1850, at St Nicolas Church, Newbury.

George died in 1851 (death registered in the March quarter), he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 8th January.

George’s family:

His father George Henry was baptised on the 17th April 1825 at St Nicolas Church, Newbury, the son of George (a Bricklayer) and Jane Gibbs (nee Bailey) who were married on the 24th October 1824 at St Mary, Greenham, Berkshire.

His mother Sarah was born c1831 in Marlborough, Wiltshire, the daughter of William (a Sawyer) and Sarah Shefford.

His siblings were:

Eliza 1851

Charles c1854

Thomas 1856

George 1858 (died soon after birth, buried in the NRC on the 12th November 1858)

Alfred John 1861

Martha 1867

The family were recorded living in Old Newtown Road, Newbury, in 1851 and 1881, and Old Road, Newbury, in 1861 and 1871 as follows:

1851: George (29), a Bricklayer, Sarah (21)

1861: George (39), a Journeyman Bricklayer, Sarah (21), Charles (8) and Thomas (4),

1871: George (46), a Bricklayer, Sarah (39), Charles (17), a Bricklayer, Thomas (16) and Alfred (9)

1881: George (55) a Bricklayer, Sarah (51), Thomas (25), a Bricklayer, Alfred (19), a Bricklayer and James (26) a Bricklayer

George Henry died aged 64 in 1888, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 20th October.

The 1891 and 1901 census records record Sarah as a Laundress, living in Old Road, Newbury. In 1891 she was living alone and in 1901 she was living with 2 boarders.

The 1911 census records Sarah aged 83, living alone at 12/14 Bartholomew Almshouses, Argyle Road, Newbury.

Sarah died aged 84 in 1915, she was laid to  rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 20th January.


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