Lucy Sarah (Sally) Griffiths 1819-1875

Author: gambles
Date published: 24/05/2024

Lucy Sarah (Sally) Griffiths



Lucy Sally was born on the 28th July 1819, in Bloomsbury, she was baptised on the 19th March 1820 at St George, Bloomsbury, Middlesex, the daughter of George (a Butcher) and Lucy Layton of Brewer Street.

In 1841 Lucy (20) was recorded as a Seamstress, living in Noble Street, Clerkenwell, Middlesex with her mother Lucy (50) a Laundress, John Stapleton (50), Jane Stapleton (3) and William Griffiths (21)

She married William Henry Griffiths in 1846

Marriage details:

Place: St Mary Islington Middlesex

Date: 31st may 1846

Groom: William Henry Griffiths, full age, bachelor, occupation, Engineer, abode, 32 Clerkenwell Close

Bride: Lucy Sally Layton, full age, spinster, abode, 32 Clerkenwell Close

Fathers: John Griffiths, an Engineer and George Layton, a Butcher.

Witnesses: John Stapleton and Caroline Griffiths

William Henry and Lucy Sally had a daughter, Lucy born on the 19th April 1847, she was baptised Lucy Stapleton Griffiths, on the 6th June 1847, at St Andrew’s Holborn. William was recorded on the baptism record as an Engine Driver, the family were living at Little Saffron Hill. Lucy died aged 1 in 1848, she was buried on the 30th April at St Andrew’s Holborn.

The 1851 census records Lucy (33) as a Dressmaker, visiting her mother Lucy (63), a Servant, at the Hole in the Wall, Baldwins Gardens, Holborn, the publican, was James Paice (30) (both women’s surnames were recorded as Lagton on ancestry)

In 1861 Lucy (41) was recorded as a Guardian, living at 27, Brooksby Street, Islington.

The 1871 census records Lucy (51) as the Innkeeper at the Coopers Arms, Bartholomew Street, Newbury. Also recorded with her, were her cousin, Walter Street (15), William Speller (27), an Ostler and 3 lodgers.

Lucy Sarah died aged 55 on the 2nd August 1875, she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 4th August.



Probate: 7th October 1875      GRIFFITHS Lucy Sally             Effects: under £300            The Will (as contained in writings A and B) of Lucy Sally Griffiths late of Newbury in the County of Berks Widow who died 2nd August 1875 at Newbury was proved at Oxford by Francis Flower Somerset Brewer and Thomas Andrew Newton Confectioner both of Newbury the Executors 



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